Source code for aspired.image_reduction

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
import datetime
import logging
import os

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from import fits
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
from astroscrappy import detect_cosmics
from ccdproc import Combiner
from plotly import graph_objects as go
from plotly import io as pio

from .util import bfixpix, create_bad_pixel_mask, create_cutoff_mask

__all__ = ["ImageReduction"]

[docs]class ImageReduction: """ This class is not intented for quality data reduction, it exists for completeness such that users can produce a minimal pipeline with a single pacakge. Users should preprocess calibration frames, for example, we cannot properly combine arc frames taken with long and short exposures for wavelength calibration with both bright and faint lines; fringing correction with flat frames; light frames with various exposure times. """ def __init__( self, verbose=True, logger_name="ImageReduction", log_level="INFO", log_file_folder="default", log_file_name=None, ): """ The initialisation only sets up the logger. Parameters ---------- verbose: boolean (Default: True) Set to False to suppress all verbose warnings, except for critical failure. logger_name: str (Default: ImageReduction) This will set the name of the logger, if the name is used already, it will reference to the existing logger. This will be the first part of the default log file name unless log_file_name is provided. log_level: str (Default: 'INFO') Four levels of logging are available, in decreasing order of information and increasing order of severity: (1) DEBUG, (2) INFO, (3) WARNING, (4) ERROR and (5) CRITICAL. WARNING means that there is suboptimal operations in some parts of that step. ERROR means that the requested operation cannot be performed, but the software can handle it by either using the default setting or skipping the operation. CRITICAL means that the requested operation cannot be resolved without human interaction, this is most usually coming from missing data. log_file_folder: None or str (Default: "default") Folder in which the file is save, set to default to save to the current path. log_file_name: None or str (Default: None) File name of the log, set to None to print to screen only. """ # Set-up logger self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) if (log_level == "CRITICAL") or (not verbose): self.logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) elif log_level == "ERROR": self.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif log_level == "WARNING": self.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif log_level == "INFO": self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif log_level == "DEBUG": self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: raise ValueError("Unknonw logging level.") formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] " "%(message)s", datefmt="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", ) if log_file_name is None: # Only print log to screen self.handler = logging.StreamHandler() else: if log_file_name == "default": log_file_name = "{}_{}.log".format( logger_name,"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"), ) # Save log to file if log_file_folder == "default": log_file_folder = "" self.handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_file_folder, log_file_name), "a+" ) self.handler.setFormatter(formatter) if self.logger.hasHandlers(): self.logger.handlers.clear() self.logger.addHandler(self.handler) self.saxis_default = 1 self.combinetype_light_default = "median" self.sigma_clipping_light_default = True self.clip_low_light_default = 5.0 self.clip_high_light_default = 5.0 self.exptime_light_default = 1.0 self.exptime_light_keyword_default = None self.combinetype_dark_default = "median" self.sigma_clipping_dark_default = True self.clip_low_dark_default = 5.0 self.clip_high_dark_default = 5.0 self.exptime_dark_default = 1.0 self.exptime_dark_keyword_default = None self.combinetype_flat_default = "median" self.sigma_clipping_flat_default = True self.clip_low_flat_default = 5.0 self.clip_high_flat_default = 5.0 self.exptime_flat_default = 1.0 self.exptime_flat_keyword_default = None self.combinetype_bias_default = "median" self.sigma_clipping_bias_default = False self.clip_low_bias_default = 5.0 self.clip_high_bias_default = 5.0 self.combinetype_arc_default = "median" self.sigma_clipping_arc_default = False self.clip_low_arc_default = 5.0 self.clip_high_arc_default = 5.0 self.cosmicray_default = False self.gain_default = 1.0 self.readnoise_default = 0.0 self.fsmode_default = "convolve" self.psfmodel_default = "gaussy" self.cr_kwargs_default = None self.heal_pixels_default = False self.cutoff_default = 60000.0 self.grow_default = False self.iterations_default = 1 self.diagonal_default = False # FITS keyword standard recommends XPOSURE, but most observatories # use EXPTIME for supporting iraf. Also included a few other keywords # which are the proxy-exposure times at best. ASPIRED will use the # first keyword found on the list, if all failed, an exposure time of # 1 second will be applied. A warning will be promted. self.exptime_keyword_list = [ "XPOSURE", "EXPOSURE", "EXPTIME", "EXPOSED", "TELAPSED", "ELAPSED", ] self.saxis = self.saxis_default self.combinetype_light = self.combinetype_light_default self.sigma_clipping_light = self.sigma_clipping_light_default self.clip_low_light = self.clip_low_light_default self.clip_high_light = self.clip_high_light_default self.exptime_light = self.exptime_light_default self.exptime_light_keyword = self.exptime_light_keyword_default self.combinetype_dark = self.combinetype_dark_default self.sigma_clipping_dark = self.sigma_clipping_dark_default self.clip_low_dark = self.clip_low_dark_default self.clip_high_dark = self.clip_high_dark_default self.exptime_dark = self.exptime_dark_default self.exptime_dark_keyword = self.exptime_dark_keyword_default self.combinetype_flat = self.combinetype_flat_default self.sigma_clipping_flat = self.sigma_clipping_flat_default self.clip_low_flat = self.clip_low_flat_default self.clip_high_flat = self.clip_high_flat_default self.exptime_flat = self.exptime_flat_default self.exptime_flat_keyword = self.exptime_flat_keyword_default self.combinetype_bias = self.combinetype_bias_default self.sigma_clipping_bias = self.sigma_clipping_bias_default self.clip_low_bias = self.clip_low_bias_default self.clip_high_bias = self.clip_high_bias_default self.combinetype_arc = self.combinetype_arc_default self.sigma_clipping_arc = self.sigma_clipping_arc_default self.clip_low_arc = self.clip_low_arc_default self.clip_high_arc = self.clip_high_arc_default self.cosmicray = self.cosmicray_default self.gain = self.gain_default self.readnoise = self.readnoise_default self.fsmode = self.fsmode_default self.psfmodel = self.psfmodel_default self.cr_kwargs = self.cr_kwargs_default self.heal_pixels = self.heal_pixels_default self.cutoff = self.cutoff_default self.grow = self.grow_default self.iterations = self.iterations_default self.diagonal = self.diagonal_default self.bias_list = [] self.dark_list = [] self.flat_list = [] self.arc_list = [] self.light = [] self.bias_main = None self.dark_main = None self.flat_main = None self.arc_main = None self.light_main = None self.flat_reduced = None self.light_reduced = None self.image_fits = None self.bad_pixel_mask = None self.bad_pixels = False self.saturation_mask = None self.saturated = False self.bad_mask = None self.pixel_healed = False self.light_filename = [] self.arc_filename = [] self.dark_filename = [] self.flat_filename = [] self.bias_filename = [] self.light_CCDData = [] self.arc_CCDData = [] self.dark_CCDData = [] self.flat_CCDData = [] self.bias_CCDData = [] self.light_header = [] self.arc_header = [] self.dark_header = [] self.flat_header = [] self.bias_header = [] self.light_time = [] self.arc_time = [] self.dark_time = [] self.flat_time = []
[docs] def add_filelist(self, filelist, ftype="csv", delimiter=None): """ If a field-flattened 2D spectrum is already avaialble, it can be the only listed item. Set it as a 'light' frame. Parameters ---------- filelist: str File location, does not support URL ftype: str (Default: "csv") One of csv, tsv and ascii. Default is csv. delimiter: str (Default: None) Set the delimiter. This overrides ftype. """ if delimiter is not None: self.delimiter = delimiter self.ftype = None else: self.ftype = ftype if ftype == "csv": self.delimiter = "," elif ftype == "tsv": self.delimiter = "\t" elif ftype == "ascii": self.delimiter = " " # import file with first column as image type and second column as # file path if isinstance(filelist, str): if os.path.isabs(filelist): self.filelist = filelist else: self.filelist = os.path.abspath(filelist) self.logger.debug("The filelist is: {}".format(self.filelist)) # Check if running on Windows if == "nt": self.filelist_abspath = self.filelist.rsplit("\\", 1)[0] else: self.filelist_abspath = self.filelist.rsplit("/", 1)[0] self.logger.debug( "The absolute path of the filelist is: {}".format( self.filelist_abspath ) )"Loading filelist from {}.".format(self.filelist)) self.filelist = np.loadtxt( self.filelist, delimiter=self.delimiter, dtype="U", ndmin=2 ) if np.shape(self.filelist)[1] == 3: self.logger.debug("filelist contains 3 columns.") elif np.shape(self.filelist)[1] == 2: self.logger.debug("filelist contains 2 column.") else: error_msg = ( "Please provide a text file with 2 or 3 " + "columns: where the first column is the image type " + "and the second column is the file path, and optional " + "third column being the #HDU." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise RuntimeError(error_msg) elif isinstance(filelist, np.ndarray): self.filelist = filelist self.filelist_abspath = """Loading filelist from an numpy.ndarray.") if np.shape(self.filelist)[1] == 3: self.logger.debug("filelist contains 3 columns.") elif np.shape(self.filelist)[1] == 2: self.logger.debug("filelist contains 2 columns.") else: error_msg = ( "Please provide a numpy.ndarray with at " + "least 2 columns: where the first column is the " + "image type and the second column is the file " + "path, and optional third column being the #HDU." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise RuntimeError(error_msg) else: error_msg = "Please provide a file path to the file list." self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise TypeError(error_msg) if np.shape(self.filelist)[1] == 3: self.logger.debug("filelist contains 3 columns.") self.imtype = self.filelist[:, 0].astype("object") self.impath = self.filelist[:, 1].astype("object") self.hdunum = self.filelist[:, 2].astype("int") else: self.logger.debug("filelist contains 2 columns.") self.imtype = self.filelist[:, 0].astype("object") self.impath = self.filelist[:, 1].astype("object") self.hdunum = np.zeros(len(self.imtype)).astype("int") for i, im in enumerate(self.impath): if not os.path.isabs(im): self.impath[i] = os.path.join( self.filelist_abspath, im.strip() ) self.logger.debug(self.impath[i]) # If there are multiple rows, which is in most of the cases self.bias_list = self.impath[self.imtype == "bias"] self.dark_list = self.impath[self.imtype == "dark"] self.flat_list = self.impath[self.imtype == "flat"] self.arc_list = self.impath[self.imtype == "arc"] self.light_list = self.impath[self.imtype == "light"] self.bias_hdunum = self.hdunum[self.imtype == "bias"] self.dark_hdunum = self.hdunum[self.imtype == "dark"] self.flat_hdunum = self.hdunum[self.imtype == "flat"] self.arc_hdunum = self.hdunum[self.imtype == "arc"] self.light_hdunum = self.hdunum[self.imtype == "light"]
[docs] def set_saxis(self, saxis=None): """ Set the orientation of the image. Parameters ---------- saxis: 0, 1 or None 0 for a spectrum going horizontally, 1 for vertically. """ if saxis is None: if "SAXIS" in self.light_CCDData[0].header: self.saxis = int(self.light_CCDData[0].header["SAXIS"]) else: self.saxis = 1 elif np.in1d(saxis, [0, 1]).any(): self.saxis = saxis else: self.saxis = 1"Saxis is found/set to be {}.".format(self.saxis))
[docs] def set_properties( self, saxis=-1, combinetype_light=-1, sigma_clipping_light=-1, clip_low_light=-1, clip_high_light=-1, exptime_light=-1, exptime_light_keyword=-1, combinetype_arc=-1, sigma_clipping_arc=-1, clip_low_arc=-1, clip_high_arc=-1, combinetype_dark=-1, sigma_clipping_dark=-1, clip_low_dark=-1, clip_high_dark=-1, exptime_dark=-1, exptime_dark_keyword=-1, combinetype_bias=-1, sigma_clipping_bias=-1, clip_low_bias=-1, clip_high_bias=-1, combinetype_flat=-1, sigma_clipping_flat=-1, clip_low_flat=-1, clip_high_flat=-1, exptime_flat=-1, exptime_flat_keyword=-1, cosmicray=-1, gain=-1, readnoise=-1, fsmode=-1, psfmodel=-1, heal_pixels=-1, cutoff=-1, grow=-1, iterations=-1, diagonal=-1, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- sxais: int, 0 or 1 (Default: None) OVERRIDE the SAXIS value in the FITS header, or to provide the SAXIS if it does not exist combinetype_light: str (Default: 'median') 'average' or 'median' for CCDproc.Combiner.average_combine() and CCDproc.Combiner.median_combine(). All the frame types follow the same combinetype. sigma_clipping_light: bool (Default: True) Perform sigma clipping if set to True. sigma is computed with the method clip_low_light: float (Default: 5) Set the lower threshold of the sigma clipping clip_high_light: float (Default: 5) Set the upper threshold of the sigma clipping exptime_light: float (Default: None) OVERRIDE the exposure time value in the FITS header, or to provide one if the keyword does not exist exptime_light_keyword: str (Default: None) HDU keyword for the exposure time of the light frame combinetype_dark: str (Default: 'median') 'average' or 'median' for CCDproc.Combiner.average_combine() and CCDproc.Combiner.median_combine(). All the frame types follow the same combinetype. sigma_clipping_dark: bool (Default: True) Perform sigma clipping if set to True. sigma is computed with the method clip_low_dark: float (Default: 5) Set the lower threshold of the sigma clipping clip_high_dark: float (Default: 5) Set the upper threshold of the sigma clipping exptime_dark: float (Default: None) OVERRIDE the exposure time value in the FITS header, or to provide one if the keyword does not exist exptime_dark_keyword: str (Default: None) HDU keyword for the exposure time of the dark frame combinetype_bias: str (Default: 'median') 'average' or 'median' for CCDproc.Combiner.average_combine() and CCDproc.Combiner.median_combine(). All the frame types follow the same combinetype. sigma_clipping_bias: bool (Default: False) Perform sigma clipping if set to True. sigma is computed with the method clip_low_bias: float (Default: 5) Set the lower threshold of the sigma clipping clip_high_bias: float (Default: 5) Set the upper threshold of the sigma clipping combinetype_flat: str (Default: 'median') 'average' or 'median' for CCDproc.Combiner.average_combine() and CCDproc.Combiner.median_combine(). All the frame types follow the same combinetype. sigma_clipping_flat: bool (Default: True) Perform sigma clipping if set to True. sigma is computed with the method clip_low_flat: float (Default: 5) Set the lower threshold of the sigma clipping clip_high_flat: float (Default: 5) Set the upper threshold of the sigma clipping exptime_flat: float (Default: None) OVERRIDE the exposure time value in the FITS header, or to provide one if the keyword does not exist exptime_flat_keyword: str (Default: None) HDU keyword for the exposure time of the flat frame cosmicray: bool (Default: False) Set to True to remove cosmic rays, this directly alter the reduced image data. We only explicitly include the 4 most important parameters in this function: `gain`, `readnoise`, `fsmode`, and `psfmodel`, the rest can be configured with kwargs. gain: float (Default: 1.0) Gain of the image (electrons / ADU). We always need to work in electrons for cosmic ray detection. readnoise: float (Default: 0.0) Read noise of the image (electrons). Used to generate the noise model of the image. fsmode: str (Default: 'convolve') Method to build the fine structure image: `median`: Use the median filter in the standard LA Cosmic algorithm. `convolve`: Convolve the image with the psf kernel to calculate the fine structure image. psfmodel: str (Default: 'gaussy') Model to use to generate the psf kernel if fsmode is `convolve` and psfk is None. The current choices are Gaussian and Moffat profiles. `gauss` and 'moffat' produce circular PSF kernels. The `gaussx` and `gaussy` produce Gaussian kernels in the x and y directions respectively. `gaussxy` and `gaussyx` apply the Gaussian kernels in the x then the y direction, and first y then x direction, respectively. heal_pixels: bool (Deafult: False) Set to True to attempt to heal bad pixels by taking the median value of neighbouring pixels. cutoff: float (Default: 60000.) This sets the (lower and) upper limit of electron count. grow: bool (Default: False) Set to True to grow the mask, see `grow_mask()` iterations: int (Default: 1) The number of pixel growth along the Cartesian axes directions. diagonal: bool (Default: False) Set to True to grow in the diagonal directions. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for the astroscrappy.detect_cosmics: astroscrappy.detect_cosmics.html The default setting is:: astroscrappy.detect_cosmics(indat, inmask=None, bkg=None, var=None, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=1.0, readnoise=6.5, satlevel=65536.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False) """ self.saxis = saxis self.set_light_properties( combinetype_light=combinetype_light, sigma_clipping_light=sigma_clipping_light, clip_low_light=clip_low_light, clip_high_light=clip_high_light, exptime_light=exptime_light, exptime_light_keyword=exptime_light_keyword, ) self.set_dark_properties( combinetype_dark=combinetype_dark, sigma_clipping_dark=sigma_clipping_dark, clip_low_dark=clip_low_dark, clip_high_dark=clip_high_dark, exptime_dark=exptime_dark, exptime_dark_keyword=exptime_dark_keyword, ) self.set_flat_properties( combinetype_flat=combinetype_flat, sigma_clipping_flat=sigma_clipping_flat, clip_low_flat=clip_low_flat, clip_high_flat=clip_high_flat, exptime_flat=exptime_flat, exptime_flat_keyword=exptime_flat_keyword, ) self.set_bias_properties( combinetype_bias=combinetype_bias, sigma_clipping_bias=sigma_clipping_bias, clip_low_bias=clip_low_bias, clip_high_bias=clip_high_bias, ) self.set_arc_properties( combinetype_arc=combinetype_arc, sigma_clipping_arc=sigma_clipping_arc, clip_low_arc=clip_low_arc, clip_high_arc=clip_high_arc, ) self.set_cosmic_properties( cosmicray=cosmicray, fsmode=fsmode, psfmodel=psfmodel, kwargs=kwargs, ) self.set_detector_properties( gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise, heal_pixels=heal_pixels, cutoff=cutoff, grow=grow, iterations=iterations, diagonal=diagonal, )
[docs] def set_light_properties( self, combinetype_light=-1, sigma_clipping_light=-1, clip_low_light=-1, clip_high_light=-1, exptime_light=-1, exptime_light_keyword=-1, ): """ Set the properties of the light frame. -1 means stay the same, None means use the default value, and any other valid input for the respective argument. See set_properties() for the argument description. """ # combinetype_light if combinetype_light is None: self.combinetype_light = self.combinetype_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_light, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_light ) ) elif isinstance(combinetype_light, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(combinetype_light, str): if combinetype_light in ["average", "median"]: # use the given readnoise value self.combinetype_light = combinetype_light "combinetype_light is set to {}.".format( self.combinetype_light ) ) else: self.combinetype_light = self.combinetype_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_light, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_light ) ) else: self.combinetype_light = self.combinetype_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_light, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_light ) ) # sigma_clipping_light if sigma_clipping_light is None: self.sigma_clipping_light = self.sigma_clipping_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_light, it is set to {}.".format( self.sigma_clipping_light ) ) elif isinstance(sigma_clipping_light, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(sigma_clipping_light, bool): self.sigma_clipping_light = sigma_clipping_light else: self.sigma_clipping_light = self.sigma_clipping_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_light, it is set to {}.".format( self.sigma_clipping_light ) ) # clip_low_light if clip_low_light is None: self.clip_low_light = self.clip_low_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_light, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_low_light ) ) elif isinstance(clip_low_light, (float, int)): if clip_low_light > 0: self.clip_low_light = clip_low_light else: pass else: self.clip_low_light = self.clip_low_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown clip_low_light, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_low_light ) ) # clip_high_light if clip_high_light is None: self.clip_high_light = self.clip_high_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_light, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_light ) ) elif isinstance(clip_high_light, (float, int)): if clip_high_light > 0: self.clip_high_light = clip_high_light else: pass else: self.clip_high_light = self.clip_high_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown clip_high_light, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_light ) ) # exptime_light if exptime_light is None: self.exptime_light = self.exptime_light_default self.logger.warning("exptime_light is None, it is set to 1.") elif isinstance(exptime_light, (float, int)): if exptime_light > 0: self.exptime_light = exptime_light else: pass else: self.exptime_light = self.exptime_light_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown exptime_light, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_light ) ) # exptime_light_keyword if exptime_light_keyword is None: self.exptime_light_keyword = self.exptime_light_keyword_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown exptime_light_keyword, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_light_keyword ) ) elif isinstance(exptime_light_keyword, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(exptime_light_keyword, str): self.exptime_light_keyword = exptime_light_keyword else: self.exptime_light_keyword = self.exptime_light_keyword_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown exptime_light_keyword, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_light_keyword ) )
[docs] def set_dark_properties( self, combinetype_dark=-1, sigma_clipping_dark=-1, clip_low_dark=-1, clip_high_dark=-1, exptime_dark=-1, exptime_dark_keyword=-1, ): """ Set the properties of the dark frame. -1 means stay the same, None means use the default value, and any other valid input for the respective argument. See set_properties() for the argument description. """ if combinetype_dark is None: self.combinetype_dark = self.combinetype_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_dark, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_dark ) ) else: if isinstance(combinetype_dark, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(combinetype_dark, str): if combinetype_dark in ["average", "median"]: # use the given readnoise value self.combinetype_dark = combinetype_dark "combinetype_dark is set to {}.".format( self.combinetype_dark ) ) else: self.combinetype_dark = self.combinetype_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_dark, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_dark ) ) else: self.combinetype_dark = self.combinetype_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_dark, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_dark ) ) if sigma_clipping_dark is None: self.sigma_clipping_dark = self.sigma_clipping_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_dark, it is set to {}.".format( self.sigma_clipping_dark ) ) elif isinstance(sigma_clipping_dark, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(sigma_clipping_dark, bool): self.sigma_clipping_dark = sigma_clipping_dark else: self.sigma_clipping_dark = self.sigma_clipping_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_dark, it is set to {}.".format( self.sigma_clipping_dark ) ) # clip_low_dark if clip_low_dark is None: self.clip_low_dark = self.clip_low_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_dark, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_low_dark ) ) elif isinstance(clip_low_dark, (float, int)): if clip_low_dark > 0: self.clip_low_dark = clip_low_dark else: pass else: self.clip_low_dark = self.clip_low_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown clip_low_dark, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_low_dark ) ) # clip_high_dark if clip_high_dark is None: self.clip_high_dark = self.clip_high_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_dark, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_dark ) ) elif isinstance(clip_high_dark, (float, int)): if clip_high_dark > 0: self.clip_high_dark = clip_high_dark else: pass else: self.clip_high_dark = self.clip_high_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown clip_high_dark, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_dark ) ) # exptime_dark if exptime_dark is None: self.exptime_dark = self.exptime_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_dark, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_dark ) ) else: if isinstance(exptime_dark, (float, int)): if exptime_dark > 0: self.exptime_dark = exptime_dark else: pass else: self.exptime_dark = self.exptime_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown exptime_dark, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_dark ) ) # exptime_dark_keyword if exptime_dark_keyword is None: self.exptime_dark_keyword = self.exptime_dark_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown exptime_dark_keyword, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_dark_keyword ) ) else: if isinstance(exptime_dark_keyword, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(exptime_dark_keyword, str): self.exptime_dark_keyword = exptime_dark_keyword else: self.exptime_dark_keyword = self.exptime_dark_keyword_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown exptime_dark_keyword, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_dark_keyword ) )
[docs] def set_flat_properties( self, combinetype_flat=-1, sigma_clipping_flat=-1, clip_low_flat=-1, clip_high_flat=-1, exptime_flat=-1, exptime_flat_keyword=-1, ): """ Set the properties of the flat frame. -1 means stay the same, None means use the default value, and any other valid input for the respective argument. See set_properties() for the argument description. """ # combinetype_flat if combinetype_flat is None: self.combinetype_flat = self.combinetype_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_flat, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_flat ) ) elif isinstance(combinetype_flat, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(combinetype_flat, str): if combinetype_flat in ["average", "median"]: # use the given readnoise value self.combinetype_flat = combinetype_flat "combinetype_flat is set to {}.".format( self.combinetype_flat ) ) else: self.combinetype_flat = self.combinetype_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_flat, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_flat ) ) else: self.combinetype_flat = self.combinetype_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_flat, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_flat ) ) # sigma_clipping_flat if sigma_clipping_flat is None: self.sigma_clipping_flat = self.sigma_clipping_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_flat, it is set to {}.".format( self.sigma_clipping_flat ) ) elif isinstance(sigma_clipping_flat, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(sigma_clipping_flat, bool): self.sigma_clipping_flat = sigma_clipping_flat else: self.sigma_clipping_flat = self.sigma_clipping_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_flat, it is set to {}.".format( self.sigma_clipping_flat ) ) # clip_low_flat if clip_low_flat is None: self.clip_low_flat = self.clip_low_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_flat, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_low_flat ) ) elif isinstance(clip_low_flat, (float, int)): if clip_low_flat > 0: self.clip_low_flat = clip_low_flat else: pass else: self.clip_low_flat = self.clip_low_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown clip_low_flat, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_low_flat ) ) # clip_high_flat if clip_high_flat is None: self.clip_high_flat = self.clip_high_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_flat, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_flat ) ) elif isinstance(clip_high_flat, (float, int)): if clip_high_flat > 0: self.clip_high_flat = clip_high_flat else: pass else: self.clip_high_flat = self.clip_high_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown clip_high_flat, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_flat ) ) # exptime_flat if exptime_flat is None: self.exptime_flat = self.exptime_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_flat, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_flat ) ) elif isinstance(exptime_flat, (float, int)): if exptime_flat > 0: self.exptime_flat = exptime_flat else: pass else: self.exptime_flat = self.exptime_flat_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown exptime_flat, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_flat ) ) # exptime_flat_keyword if exptime_flat_keyword is None: self.exptime_flat_keyword = self.exptime_flat_keyword_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown exptime_flat_keyword, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_flat_keyword ) ) elif isinstance(exptime_flat_keyword, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(exptime_flat_keyword, str): self.exptime_flat_keyword = exptime_flat_keyword else: self.exptime_flat_keyword = self.exptime_flat_keyword_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown exptime_flat_keyword, it is set to {}.".format( self.exptime_flat_keyword ) )
[docs] def set_bias_properties( self, combinetype_bias=-1, sigma_clipping_bias=-1, clip_low_bias=-1, clip_high_bias=-1, ): """ Set the properties of the bias frame. -1 means stay the same, None means use the default value, and any other valid input for the respective argument. See set_properties() for the argument description. """ if combinetype_bias is None: self.combinetype_bias = self.combinetype_bias_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_bias, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_bias ) ) elif isinstance(combinetype_bias, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(combinetype_bias, str): if combinetype_bias in ["average", "median"]: # use the given readnoise value self.combinetype_bias = combinetype_bias "combinetype_bias is set to {}.".format( self.combinetype_bias ) ) else: self.combinetype_bias = self.combinetype_bias_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_bias, it is set as median." ) else: self.combinetype_bias = self.combinetype_bias_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_bias, it is set as median." ) if sigma_clipping_bias is None: self.sigma_clipping_bias = self.sigma_clipping_bias_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_bias, it is set to {}.".format( self.combinetype_bias ) ) elif isinstance(sigma_clipping_bias, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(sigma_clipping_bias, bool): self.sigma_clipping_bias = sigma_clipping_bias else: self.sigma_clipping_bias = self.sigma_clipping_bias_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_bias, it is set to {}.".format( self.sigma_clipping_bias_default ) ) if clip_low_bias is None: self.clip_low_bias = self.clip_high_bias_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_bias, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_bias ) ) elif isinstance(clip_low_bias, (float, int)): if clip_low_bias > 0: self.clip_low_bias = clip_low_bias else: pass else: self.clip_low_bias = self.clip_high_bias_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown clip_low_bias, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_bias ) ) if clip_high_bias is None: self.clip_high_bias = self.clip_high_bias_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_bias, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_bias ) ) elif isinstance(clip_high_bias, (float, int)): if clip_high_bias > 0: self.clip_high_bias = clip_high_bias else: pass else: self.clip_high_bias = self.clip_high_bias_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown clip_high_bias, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_bias ) )
[docs] def set_arc_properties( self, combinetype_arc=-1, sigma_clipping_arc=-1, clip_low_arc=-1, clip_high_arc=-1, ): """ Set the properties of the arc frame. -1 means stay the same, None means use the default value, and any other valid input for the respective argument. See set_properties() for the argument description. """ # combinetype_arc if combinetype_arc is None: self.combinetype_arc = self.combinetype_arc_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_arc, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_arc_default ) ) elif isinstance(combinetype_arc, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(combinetype_arc, str): if combinetype_arc in ["average", "median"]: # use the given readnoise value self.combinetype_arc = combinetype_arc "combinetype_arc is set to {}.".format( self.combinetype_arc ) ) else: self.combinetype_arc = self.combinetype_arc_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_arc, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_arc ) ) else: self.combinetype_arc = self.combinetype_arc_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown combinetype_arc, it is set as {}.".format( self.combinetype_arc ) ) # sigma_clipping_arc if sigma_clipping_arc is None: self.sigma_clipping_arc = self.sigma_clipping_arc_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_arc, it is set to {}.".format( self.sigma_clipping_arc ) ) else: if isinstance(sigma_clipping_arc, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(sigma_clipping_arc, bool): self.sigma_clipping_arc = sigma_clipping_arc else: self.sigma_clipping_arc = self.sigma_clipping_arc_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_arc, it is set to {}.".format( self.sigma_clipping_arc ) ) # clip_low_arc if clip_low_arc is None: self.clip_low_arc = self.clip_low_arc_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_arc, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_low_arc ) ) elif isinstance(clip_low_arc, (float, int)): if clip_low_arc > 0: self.clip_low_arc = clip_low_arc else: pass else: self.clip_low_arc = self.clip_low_arc_default self.logger.warning("Unknown clip_low_arc, it is set to 5.") # clip_high_arc if clip_high_arc is None: self.clip_high_arc = self.clip_high_arc_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown sigma_clipping_arc, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_arc ) ) elif isinstance(clip_high_arc, (float, int)): if clip_high_arc > 0: self.clip_high_arc = clip_high_arc else: pass else: self.clip_high_arc = self.clip_high_arc_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown clip_high_arc, it is set to {}.".format( self.clip_high_arc ) )
[docs] def set_cosmic_properties( self, cosmicray=-1, fsmode=-1, psfmodel=-1, kwargs=-1 ): """ Set the properties for the cosmic ray rejection with AstroScrappy. See set_properties() for the argument description. """ # cosmicray if isinstance(cosmicray, (float, int)): if cosmicray == 1: self.cosmicray = True elif cosmicray == 0: self.cosmicray = False else: pass elif isinstance(cosmicray, bool): self.cosmicray = cosmicray else: self.cosmicray = self.cosmicray_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown cosmicray, it is set to {}.".format(self.cosmicray) ) # fsmode in detect_cosmics() if fsmode is None: self.fsmode = self.fsmode_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown fsmode, it is set as {}.".format(self.fsmode_default) ) elif isinstance(fsmode, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(fsmode, str): if fsmode in ["convolve", "median"]: # use the given fsmode value self.fsmode = fsmode"fsmode is set to {}.".format(self.fsmode)) else: self.fsmode = self.fsmode_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown fsmode, it is set as {}.".format(self.fsmode) ) else: self.fsmode = self.fsmode_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown fsmode, it is set as {}.".format(self.fsmode) ) # psfmodel in detect_cosmics() (and the two added modes) if psfmodel is None: self.psfmodel = self.psfmodel_default self.logger.warning( "psfmodel is given as None, it is set as {}.".format( self.psfmodel_default ) ) elif isinstance(psfmodel, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(psfmodel, str): if psfmodel in [ "gauss", "gaussx", "gaussy", "gaussxy", "gaussyx", "moffat", ]: # use the given psfmodel value self.psfmodel = psfmodel "psfmodel is set to {}.".format(self.psfmodel) ) else: self.psfmodel = self.psfmodel_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown psfmodel, it is set as {}.".format(self.psfmodel) ) else: self.psfmodel = self.psfmodel_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown psfmodel, it is set as {}.".format(self.psfmodel) ) # extra keyword arguments for detect_cosmics() if kwargs is None: self.cr_kwargs = self.cr_kwargs_default if isinstance(kwargs, (float, int)): pass elif isinstance(kwargs, dict): self.cr_kwargs = kwargs else: self.cr_kwargs = self.cr_kwargs_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown cr_kwargs, it is set as {}.".format(self.cr_kwargs) )
[docs] def set_detector_properties( self, gain=-1, readnoise=-1, heal_pixels=-1, cutoff=-1, grow=-1, iterations=-1, diagonal=-1, ): """ Set the properties for the detector. See set_properties() for the argument description. """ # gain if isinstance(gain, (float, int)): if gain > 0: self.gain = gain else: pass else: self.gain = self.gain_default # readnoise if isinstance(readnoise, (float, int)): if readnoise >= 0: self.readnoise = readnoise else: pass else: self.readnoise = self.readnoise_default # heal_pixels if isinstance(heal_pixels, (float, int)): if heal_pixels == 1: self.heal_pixels = True elif heal_pixels == 0: self.heal_pixels = False else: pass elif isinstance(heal_pixels, bool): self.heal_pixels = heal_pixels else: self.heal_pixels = self.heal_pixels_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown heal_pixels, it is set to {}.".format( self.heal_pixels_default ) ) # cutoff if isinstance(cutoff, (float, int)): if cutoff > 0: self.cutoff = cutoff else: pass else: self.cutoff = self.cutoff_default # grow if isinstance(grow, (float, int)): if grow == 1: self.grow = True elif grow == 0: self.grow = False else: pass elif isinstance(grow, bool): self.grow = grow else: self.grow = self.grow_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown grow, it is set to {}.".format(self.grow_default) ) # iterations if isinstance(iterations, (float, int)): if iterations >= 0: self.iterations = iterations else: pass else: self.iterations = self.iterations_default # diagonal if isinstance(diagonal, (float, int)): if diagonal == 1: self.diagonal = True elif diagonal == 0: self.diagonal = False else: pass elif isinstance(diagonal, bool): self.diagonal = diagonal else: self.diagonal = self.diagonal_default self.logger.warning( "Unknown diagonal, it is set to {}.".format( self.diagonal_default ) )
[docs] def load_data(self): """ Load the data listed in the filelist and apply the property setting as provided by the various set properties commands. """ # If there is no science frames, nothing to process. assert self.light_list.size > 0, "There is no light frame." # Only load the science data, other types of image data are loaded by # separate methods. for i in range(self.light_list.size): # Open all the light frames self.logger.debug( "Loading light frame: {}.".format(self.light_list[i]) ) light =[i])[self.light_hdunum[i]] data, header, exposure_time = self._get_data_and_header( light, self.exptime_light_keyword ) self.add_light(data, header, exposure_time) # Cosmic ray cleaning if self.cosmicray: "Removing cosmic rays in mode: {}.".format(self.psfmodel) ) if self.fsmode == "convolve": if self.psfmodel == "gaussyx": self.light_CCDData[i].data = detect_cosmics( self.light_CCDData[i].data / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel="gaussy", **self.cr_kwargs )[1] self.light_CCDData[i].data = detect_cosmics( self.light_CCDData[i].data / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel="gaussx", **self.cr_kwargs )[1] elif self.psfmodel == "gaussxy": self.light_CCDData[i].data = detect_cosmics( self.light_CCDData[i].data / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel="gaussx", **self.cr_kwargs )[1] self.light_CCDData[i].data = detect_cosmics( self.light_CCDData[i].data / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel="gaussy", **self.cr_kwargs )[1] else: self.light_CCDData[i].data = detect_cosmics( self.light_CCDData[i].data / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel=self.psfmodel, **self.cr_kwargs )[1] elif self.fsmode == "median": self.light_CCDData[i].data = detect_cosmics( self.light_CCDData[i].data / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode=self.fsmode, psfmodel=self.psfmodel, **self.cr_kwargs )[1] else: self.logger.error("Unknown fsmode: {}".format(self.fsmode)) self.logger.debug( "Light frame header: {}.".format(self.light_header[i]) ) self.logger.debug( "Appending light filename: {}.".format( self.light_list[i].split("/")[-1] ) ) self.light_filename.append(self.light_list[i].split("/")[-1]) saturation_mask, saturated = create_cutoff_mask( self.light_CCDData[i].data, self.cutoff, self.grow, self.iterations, self.diagonal, ) if self.saturation_mask is None: self.saturation_mask = saturation_mask self.saturated = saturated else: self.saturation_mask *= saturation_mask self.saturated *= saturated self.light_main = self.combine_light() # FITS keyword standard for the spectral direction, if FITS header # does not contain SAXIS, the image in assumed to have the spectra # going across (left to right corresponds to blue to red). All frames # get rotated in the anti-clockwise direction if the first light frame # has a verticle spectrum (top to bottom corresponds to blue to red). self.set_saxis(self.saxis) # Get the arcs if available if len(self.arc_list) > 0: # Combine the arcs for i in range(self.arc_list.size): # Open all the light frames arc =[i])[self.arc_hdunum[i]] data, header, _ = self._get_data_and_header(arc) self.add_arc(data, header) self.logger.debug( "Arc frame header: {}.".format(self.arc_header[i]) ) self.logger.debug( "Appending arc filename: {}.".format( self.arc_list[i].split("/")[-1] ) ) self.arc_filename.append(self.arc_list[i].split("/")[-1]) # combine the arc frames self.arc_main = self.combine_arc() # Get the darks if available if len(self.dark_list) > 0: for i in range(self.dark_list.size): # Open all the dark frames dark =[i])[self.dark_hdunum[i]] data, header, exposure_time = self._get_data_and_header( dark, self.exptime_dark_keyword ) self.add_dark(data, header, exposure_time) self.logger.debug( "Dark frame header: {}.".format(self.dark_header[i]) ) self.logger.debug( "Appending dark filename: {}.".format( self.dark_list[i].split("/")[-1] ) ) self.dark_filename.append(self.dark_list[i].split("/")[-1]) # combine the dark frames self.dark_main = self.combine_dark() # Get the flats if available if len(self.flat_list) > 0: for i in range(self.flat_list.size): # Open all the flatfield frames flat =[i])[self.flat_hdunum[i]] data, header, exposure_time = self._get_data_and_header( flat, self.exptime_flat_keyword ) self.add_flat(data, header, exposure_time) self.logger.debug( "Flat frame header: {}.".format(self.flat_header[i]) ) self.logger.debug( "Appending flat filename: {}.".format( self.flat_list[i].split("/")[-1] ) ) self.flat_filename.append(self.flat_list[i].split("/")[-1]) # combine the flat frames self.flat_main = self.combine_flat() # Get the biases if available if len(self.bias_list) > 0: for i in range(self.bias_list.size): # Open all the flatfield frames bias =[i])[self.bias_hdunum[i]] data, header, _ = self._get_data_and_header(bias) self.add_bias(data, header) self.logger.debug( "Flat frame header: {}.".format(self.bias_header[i]) ) self.logger.debug( "Appending flat filename: {}.".format( self.bias_list[i].split("/")[-1] ) ) self.bias_filename.append(self.bias_list[i].split("/")[-1]) # combine the bias frames self.bias_main = self.combine_bias()
[docs] def add_light(self, light, header, exposure_time): """ Add the light frame. Parameters ---------- light: 2-d array or CCDData object The light image (i.e. science/target frame) header: astropy header object The FITS header exposure_time: float The exposure time of the frame. """ if type(light) == np.ndarray: light = CCDData(light.astype("float"), unit=u.ct) self.light_CCDData.append(light) self.light_header.append(header) self.light_time.append(exposure_time)
[docs] def add_arc(self, arc, header): """ Add the arc frame. Parameters ---------- arc: 2-d array or CCDData object The arc image header: astropy header object The FITS header """ if type(arc) == np.ndarray: arc = CCDData(arc.astype("float"), unit=u.ct) self.arc_CCDData.append(arc) self.arc_header.append(header)
[docs] def add_flat(self, flat, header, exposure_time): """ Add the flat frame. Parameters ---------- flat: 2-d array or CCDData object The flat image header: astropy header object The FITS header exposure_time: float The exposure time of the frame. """ if type(flat) == np.ndarray: flat = CCDData(flat.astype("float"), unit=u.ct) self.flat_CCDData.append(flat) self.flat_header.append(header) self.flat_time.append(exposure_time)
[docs] def add_dark(self, dark, header, exposure_time): """ Add the dark frame. Parameters ---------- dark: 2-d array or CCDData object The dark image header: astropy header object The FITS header exposure_time: float The exposure time of the frame. """ if type(dark) == np.ndarray: dark = CCDData(dark.astype("float"), unit=u.ct) self.dark_CCDData.append(dark) self.dark_header.append(header) self.dark_time.append(exposure_time)
[docs] def add_bias(self, bias, header): """ Add the bias frame. Parameters ---------- bias: 2-d array or CCDData object The bias image header: astropy header object The FITS header """ if type(bias) == np.ndarray: bias = CCDData(bias.astype("float"), unit=u.ct) self.bias_CCDData.append(bias) self.bias_header.append(header)
def _get_data_and_header(self, input, exptime_keyword=None): if type(input) == "": input = input[0] self.logger.warning( "An HDU list is provided, only the first " "HDU will be read." ) input_shape = np.shape( self.logger.debug(" has shape {}.".format(input_shape)) # Normal case if len(input_shape) == 2: self.logger.debug(" is 2 dimensional.") input_CCDData = CCDData("float"), unit=u.ct) input_header = input.header # Try to trap common error when saving FITS file # Case with multiple image extensions, we only take the first one elif len(input_shape) == 3: self.logger.debug(" is 3 dimensional.") input_CCDData = CCDData([0].astype("float"), unit=u.ct) input_header = input.header # Case with an extra bracket when saving elif len(input_shape) == 4: self.logger.debug( " is 4 dimensional, there is most " "likely an extra bracket, attempting to go in " "one level." ) # In case it in a multiple extension format, we take the # first one only if len(np.shape([0])) == 3: input_CCDData = CCDData([0][0].astype("float"), unit=u.ct ) input_header = input.header else: input_CCDData = CCDData([0].astype("float"), unit=u.ct ) input_header = input.header else: error_msg = ( "Please check the shape/dimension of the " + "input input frame, it is probably empty " + "or has an atypical format. The shape of the " + "data is: {}.".format(input_shape) + ". The " + "data type is: {}".format(type(input)) + "." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise RuntimeError(error_msg) exposure_time = None # Get the exposure time for the frame if isinstance(exptime_keyword, str): if exptime_keyword in input_header: exposure_time = input_header[exptime_keyword] "Exposure time found with the supplied keyword." ) else: pass else: pass # If the exposure_time is still None, loop through the default list if exposure_time is None: if np.in1d(self.exptime_keyword_list, input_header).any(): # Get the exposure time for the light frames exptime_keyword_idx = int( np.where(np.in1d(self.exptime_keyword_list, input_header))[ 0 ][0] ) exptime_keyword = self.exptime_keyword_list[ exptime_keyword_idx ] exposure_time = input_header[exptime_keyword] "Exposure time found from the backup keyword list." ) else: # If exposure time cannot be found from the header and # user failed to supply the exposure time, use 1 second self.logger.warning( "Exposure time cannot be found. " "1 second is used as the exposure time." ) exposure_time = 1.0 return input_CCDData, input_header, exposure_time
[docs] def combine_light( self, combinetype_light=None, sigma_clipping_light=None, clip_low_light=None, clip_high_light=None, ): """ Combine the light frames. The parameters provide here OVERRIDE those set previously. Use with caution. """ if combinetype_light is not None: self.combinetype_light = combinetype_light if sigma_clipping_light is not None: self.sigma_clipping_light = sigma_clipping_light if clip_low_light is not None: self.clip_low_light = clip_low_light if clip_high_light is not None: self.clip_high_light = clip_high_light return self._combine( self.light_CCDData, self.combinetype_light, self.sigma_clipping_light, self.clip_low_light, self.clip_high_light, )
[docs] def combine_arc( self, combinetype_arc=None, sigma_clipping_arc=None, clip_low_arc=None, clip_high_arc=None, ): """ Combine the arc frames. The parameters provide here OVERRIDE those set previously. Use with caution. """ if combinetype_arc is not None: self.combinetype_arc = combinetype_arc if sigma_clipping_arc is not None: self.sigma_clipping_arc = sigma_clipping_arc if clip_low_arc is not None: self.clip_low_arc = clip_low_arc if clip_high_arc is not None: self.clip_high_arc = clip_high_arc return self._combine( self.arc_CCDData, self.combinetype_arc, self.sigma_clipping_arc, self.clip_low_arc, self.clip_high_arc, )
[docs] def combine_flat( self, combinetype_flat=None, sigma_clipping_flat=None, clip_low_flat=None, clip_high_flat=None, ): """ Combine the flat frames. The parameters provide here OVERRIDE those set previously. Use with caution. """ if combinetype_flat is not None: self.combinetype_flat = combinetype_flat if sigma_clipping_flat is not None: self.sigma_clipping_flat = sigma_clipping_flat if clip_low_flat is not None: self.clip_low_flat = clip_low_flat if clip_high_flat is not None: self.clip_high_flat = clip_high_flat return self._combine( self.flat_CCDData, self.combinetype_flat, self.sigma_clipping_flat, self.clip_low_flat, self.clip_high_flat, )
[docs] def combine_dark( self, combinetype_dark=None, sigma_clipping_dark=None, clip_low_dark=None, clip_high_dark=None, ): """ Combine the dark frames. The parameters provide here OVERRIDE those set previously. Use with caution. """ if combinetype_dark is not None: self.combinetype_dark = combinetype_dark if sigma_clipping_dark is not None: self.sigma_clipping_dark = sigma_clipping_dark if clip_low_dark is not None: self.clip_low_dark = clip_low_dark if clip_high_dark is not None: self.clip_high_dark = clip_high_dark return self._combine( self.dark_CCDData, self.combinetype_dark, self.sigma_clipping_dark, self.clip_low_dark, self.clip_high_dark, )
[docs] def combine_bias( self, combinetype_bias=None, sigma_clipping_bias=None, clip_low_bias=None, clip_high_bias=None, ): """ Combine the bias frames. The parameters provide here OVERRIDE those set previously. Use with caution. """ if combinetype_bias is not None: self.combinetype_bias = combinetype_bias if sigma_clipping_bias is not None: self.sigma_clipping_bias = sigma_clipping_bias if clip_low_bias is not None: self.clip_low_bias = clip_low_bias if clip_high_bias is not None: self.clip_high_bias = clip_high_bias return self._combine( self.bias_CCDData, self.combinetype_bias, self.sigma_clipping_bias, self.clip_low_bias, self.clip_high_bias, )
def _combine( self, CCDData, combine_type, sigma_clipping, clip_low, clip_high ): # Put data into a Combiner combiner = Combiner(CCDData) # Apply sigma clipping if sigma_clipping: combiner.sigma_clipping( low_thresh=clip_low, high_thresh=clip_high, ) # Image combine by median or average if combine_type == "median": combined_CCDdata = combiner.median_combine() elif combine_type == "average": combined_CCDdata = combiner.average_combine() else: self.logger.error("Unknown combinetype.") raise RuntimeError("Unknown combinetype: {}.".format(combine_type)) # Free memory combiner = None return combined_CCDdata def _bias_subtract(self): """ Perform bias subtraction if bias frames are available. """ # Put data into a Combiner self.bias_main = self.combine_bias() # Bias subtract if self.bias_main is None: self.logger.error( "Main flat is not available, frame will " "not be flattened." ) else: self.light_reduced = self.light_reduced.subtract(self.bias_main) def _dark_subtract(self): """ Perform dark subtraction if dark frames are available """ self.dark_main = self.combine_dark() if self.dark_filename != []: # Dark subtraction adjusted for exposure time self.light_reduced = self.light_reduced.subtract( self.dark_main.divide( np.nanmean(self.dark_time) / np.nanmean(self.light_time) ) )"Light frame is dark subtracted.") def _flatfield(self): """ Perform field flattening if flat frames are available """ self.flat_main = self.combine_flat() # Field-flattening if self.flat_main is None: self.logger.warning( "Main flat is not available, frame will " "not be flattened." ) else: self.flat_reduced = copy.deepcopy(self.flat_main) # Dark subtract the flat field if self.dark_main is None: self.logger.warning( "Main dark is not available, main " "flat will not be dark subtracted." ) else: self.flat_reduced = self.flat_reduced.subtract(self.dark_main)"Flat frame is flat subtracted.") # Bias subtract the flat field if self.bias_main is None: self.logger.warning( "Main bias is not available, main " "flat will not be bias subtracted." ) else: self.flat_reduced = self.flat_reduced.subtract(self.bias_main)"Flat frame is bias subtracted.") self.flat_reduced = self.flat_reduced / np.nanmean( self.flat_reduced ) # Flattenning the light frame self.light_reduced = self.light_reduced / self.flat_reduced"Light frame is flattened.")
[docs] def create_bad_pixel_mask( self, grow=False, iterations=1, diagonal=False, create_bad_mask=True ): """ Heal the bad pixels by taking the average of their n-nearest good neighboring pixels. See more at util.bfixpix(). If you wish to have fine control of the the bad mask creation, please use the util.create_cutoff_mask() and util.create_bad_mask() manually; or supply your own the bad masks. Parameters ---------- grow: bool (Default: False) Set to True to grow the mask, see `grow_mask()` iterations: int (Default: 1) The number of pixel growth along the Cartesian axes directions. diagonal: bool (Default: False) Set to True to grow in the diagonal directions. create_bad_mask: bool (Deafult: True) If set to True, combine the the bad_pixel_mask and saturation_mask """ self.bad_pixel_mask, self.bad_pixels = create_bad_pixel_mask( self.light_reduced, grow, iterations, diagonal ) if create_bad_mask: self.create_bad_mask()
[docs] def create_bad_mask(self): """ Create mask for bad pixels, and saturated pixels. """ if self.bad_pixel_mask is None: self.create_bad_pixel_mask(create_bad_mask=False) if self.saturation_mask is None: saturation_mask, saturated = create_cutoff_mask( self.light_reduced, self.cutoff, self.grow, self.iterations, self.diagonal, ) if self.saturation_mask is None: self.saturation_mask = saturation_mask self.saturated = saturated else: self.saturation_mask *= saturation_mask self.saturated *= saturated self.bad_mask = self.saturation_mask | self.bad_pixel_mask
[docs] def reduce(self): """ Perform data reduction using the frames provided. """ if self.light_main is None: self.light_main = self.combine_light() self.light_reduced = self.light_main # Process the arc if len(self.arc_CCDData) > 0: if self.arc_main is None: self.arc_main = self.combine_arc() # Bias subtraction if len(self.bias_CCDData) > 0: if self.bias_main is None: self.bias_main = self.combine_bias() self._bias_subtract() else: self.logger.warning( "No bias frames. Bias subtraction is not " "performed." ) # Dark subtraction if len(self.dark_CCDData) > 0: if self.dark_main is None: self.dark_main = self.combine_dark() self._dark_subtract() else: self.logger.warning( "No dark frames. Dark subtraction is not " "performed." ) # Field flattening if len(self.flat_CCDData) > 0: if self.flat_main is None: self.flat_main = self.combine_flat() self._flatfield() else: self.logger.warning( "No flat frames. Field-flattening is not " "performed." ) # Construct a FITS object of the reduced frame self.light_reduced = np.array((self.light_reduced)) # Create bad pixel mask self.create_bad_pixel_mask() # Heal pixel immediately if self.heal_pixels: self.heal_bad_pixels() # rotate the frame by 90 degrees anti-clockwise if saxis is 0 if self.saxis == 0: self.light_reduced = np.rot90(self.light_reduced) self.bad_mask = np.rot90(self.bad_mask) self.bad_pixel_mask = np.rot90(self.bad_pixel_mask) self.saturation_mask = np.rot90(self.saturation_mask) self.arc_main = np.rot90(self.arc_main)
[docs] def heal_bad_pixels(self, bad_mask=None, n=4): """ Heal the bad pixels by taking the average of their n-nearest good neighboring pixels. See more at util.bfixpix(). By default, this is not used, becase any automatic tampering of data is not a good idea. Parameters ---------- bad_mask: numpy.ndarray The bad pixel mask for healing. If it is not provided, it will be computed from the reduced data. n: int Number of nearest, good pixels to average over. """ if bad_mask is None: if self.bad_mask is None: self.create_bad_mask()"Created a bad_mask using the reduced data.") elif np.shape(bad_mask) == np.shape(self.light_reduced): self.bad_mask = bad_mask"Bad_mask is set to the supplied mask.") else: err_msg = ( "The bad_mask provided has to be the " + "same shape as the data." ) self.logger.error(err_msg) raise RuntimeError(err_msg) bfixpix(self.light_reduced, self.bad_mask, n=n) self.pixel_healed = True
def _create_image_fits(self): """ Put the reduced data in FITS format with an image header. """ self.image_fits = fits.ImageHDU(self.light_reduced)"Appending the header from the first light frame.") self.image_fits.header = self.light_header[0] # Add the names of all the light frames to header if len(self.light_filename) > 0: for i in range(len(self.light_filename)): self.logger.debug( "Light frame: {} is added to the header." "".format(self.light_filename[i]) ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="light" + str(i + 1), value=self.light_filename[i], comment="Light frames", ) # Add the names of all the biad frames to header if len(self.bias_filename) > 0: for i in range(len(self.bias_filename)): self.logger.debug( "Bias frame: {} is added to the header." "".format(self.bias_filename[i]) ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="bias" + str(i + 1), value=self.bias_filename[i], comment="Bias frames", ) # Add the names of all the dark frames to header if len(self.dark_filename) > 0: for i in range(len(self.dark_filename)): self.logger.debug( "Dark frame: {} is added to the header." "".format(self.dark_filename[i]) ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="dark" + str(i + 1), value=self.dark_filename[i], comment="Dark frames", ) # Add the names of all the flat frames to header if len(self.flat_filename) > 0: for i in range(len(self.flat_filename)): self.logger.debug( "Flat frame: {} is added to the header." "".format(self.flat_filename[i]) ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="flat" + str(i + 1), value=self.flat_filename[i], comment="Flat frames", ) # Add all the other keywords self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="COMBTYPE", value=self.combinetype_light, comment="Type of image combine of the light frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="SIGCLIP", value=self.sigma_clipping_light, comment="True if the light frames are sigma clipped.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="CLIPLOW", value=self.clip_low_light, comment="Lower threshold of sigma clipping of the light frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="CLIPHIG", value=self.clip_high_light, comment="Higher threshold of sigma clipping of the light frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="XPOSURE", value=sum(self.light_time), comment="Total exposure time of the light frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="KEYWORD", value=self.exptime_light_keyword, comment="Automatically identified exposure time keyword of the " "light frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="DCOMTYPE", value=self.combinetype_dark, comment="Type of image combine of the dark frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="DSIGCLIP", value=self.sigma_clipping_dark, comment="True if the dark frames are sigma clipped.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="DCLIPLOW", value=self.clip_low_dark, comment="Lower threshold of sigma clipping of the dark frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="DCLIPHIG", value=self.clip_high_dark, comment="Higher threshold of sigma clipping of the dark frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="DXPOSURE", value=sum(self.dark_time), comment="Total exposure time of the dark frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="DKEYWORD", value=self.exptime_dark_keyword, comment="Automatically identified exposure time keyword of the " + "dark frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="BCOMTYPE", value=self.combinetype_bias, comment="Type of image combine of the bias frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="BSIGCLIP", value=self.sigma_clipping_bias, comment="True if the dark frames are sigma clipped.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="BCLIPLOW", value=self.clip_low_bias, comment="Lower threshold of sigma clipping of the bias frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="BCLIPHIG", value=self.clip_high_bias, comment="Higher threshold of sigma clipping of the bias frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="FCOMTYPE", value=self.combinetype_flat, comment="Type of image combine of the flat frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="FSIGCLIP", value=self.sigma_clipping_flat, comment="True if the flat frames are sigma clipped.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="FCLIPLOW", value=self.clip_low_flat, comment="Lower threshold of sigma clipping of the flat frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="FCLIPHIG", value=self.clip_high_flat, comment="Higher threshold of sigma clipping of the flat frames.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="CCLEANED", value=self.cosmicray, comment="Indicate if cosmic ray cleaning was performed.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="CGAIN", value=self.gain, comment="Gain value used for cosmic ray cleaning.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="CRDNOISE", value=self.readnoise, comment="Readnoise value used for cosmic ray cleaning.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="CFSMODE", value=self.fsmode, comment="The fine structure mode for cosmic ray cleaning.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="CPSFMOD", value=self.psfmodel, comment="The PSF model used for cosmic ray cleaning.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="CUTOFF", value=self.cutoff, comment="The upper and lower limit of the good pixel values.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="GROW", value=self.grow, comment="Indicate if the bad pixel mask is grown outward.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="ITERATE", value=self.iterations, comment="The number of pixels the bad pixel mask is grown.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="DIAGONAL", value=self.diagonal, comment="If False, ITERATE is the number of pixels grown " "in Mahattan distance.", ) self.image_fits.header.set( keyword="HEALED", value=self.pixel_healed, comment="Indicate if the pixels are healed (i.e. altered!).", ) if self.cr_kwargs is not None: for key, value in self.cr_kwargs.items(): self.image_fits.header.set( keyword=key, value=value, comment=key )
[docs] def save_fits( self, filename="reduced_image", extension="fits", overwrite=False ): """ Save the reduced image to disk. Parameters ---------- filename: str Disk location to be written to. Default is at where the process/subprocess is execuated. extension: str File extension without the dot. overwrite: bool Default is False. """ if filename[-5:] == ".fits": filename = filename[:-5] if filename[-4:] == ".fit": filename = filename[:-4] self._create_image_fits() self.image_fits = fits.PrimaryHDU(, self.image_fits.header ) # Save file to disk self.image_fits.writeto( filename + "." + extension, overwrite=overwrite ) "FITS file saved to {}.".format(filename + "." + extension) )
[docs] def save_masks( self, filename="reduced_image_mask", extension="fits", overwrite=False ): """ Save the reduced image to disk. Parameters ---------- filename: str Disk location to be written to. Default is at where the process/subprocess is execuated. extension: str File extension without the dot. overwrite: bool Default is False. """ if filename[-5:] == ".fits": filename = filename[:-5] if filename[-4:] == ".fit": filename = filename[:-4] bad_mask_fits = fits.PrimaryHDU(self.bad_mask.astype("int")) bad_pixel_mask_fits = fits.ImageHDU(self.bad_pixel_mask.astype("int")) saturation_mask_fits = fits.ImageHDU( self.saturation_mask.astype("int") ) output_HDU = fits.HDUList( [bad_mask_fits, bad_pixel_mask_fits, saturation_mask_fits] ) # Save file to disk output_HDU.writeto(filename + "." + extension, overwrite=overwrite) "FITS file saved to {}.".format(filename + "." + extension) )
[docs] def inspect( self, log=True, display=True, renderer="default", width=1280, height=720, return_jsonstring=False, save_fig=False, fig_type="iframe+png", filename=None, open_iframe=False, ): """ Display the reduced image with a supported plotly renderer or export as json strings. Parameters ---------- log: bool Log the ADU count per second in the display. Default is True. display: bool Set to True to display disgnostic plot. renderer: str plotly renderer options. width: int/float Number of pixels in the horizontal direction of the outputs height: int/float Number of pixels in the vertical direction of the outputs return_jsonstring: bool (Default: False) set to True to return json string that can be rendered by Plotly in any support language. save_fig: bool (default: False) Save an image if set to True. Plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'iframe+png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: str (Default: None) Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. open_iframe: bool (Default: False) Open the save_iframe in the default browser if set to True. Returns ------- JSON strings if return_jsonstring is set to True. """ if log: fig = go.Figure( data=go.Heatmap( z=np.log10(self.light_reduced), colorscale="Viridis" ) ) else: fig = go.Figure( data=go.Heatmap(z=self.light_reduced, colorscale="Viridis") ) fig.update_layout( yaxis_title="Spatial Direction / pixel", xaxis=dict( zeroline=False, showgrid=False, title="Spectral Direction / pixel", ), bargap=0, hovermode="closest", showlegend=False, autosize=False, height=height, width=width, ) if filename is None: filename = "reduced_image" if save_fig: fig_type_split = fig_type.split("+") for t in fig_type_split: if t == "iframe": pio.write_html( fig, filename + "." + t, auto_open=open_iframe ) elif t in ["jpg", "png", "svg", "pdf"]: pio.write_image(fig, filename + "." + t) if display: if renderer == "default": else: if return_jsonstring: return fig.to_json()
[docs] def list_files(self): """ Print the file input list. """ for i in self.filelist: print(i)