Source code for aspired.twodspec

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import copy
import datetime
import logging
import os
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
from astropy.nddata import CCDData
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip
from astroscrappy import detect_cosmics
from plotly import graph_objects as go
from plotly import io as pio
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy import signal
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.stats import norm

    from spectres import spectres_numba as spectres
except ImportError as err:
    from spectres import spectres
from statsmodels.nonparametric.smoothers_lowess import lowess

from .image_reduction import ImageReduction
from .spectrum1D import Spectrum1D
from .util import create_bad_pixel_mask, bfixpix

__all__ = ["TwoDSpec"]

[docs]class TwoDSpec: """ This is a class for processing a 2D spectral image. """ def __init__( self, data=None, header=None, verbose=True, logger_name="TwoDSpec", log_level="INFO", log_file_folder="default", log_file_name=None, **kwargs ): """ The constructor takes the data and the header, and the the header infromation will be read automatically. See set_properties() for the detail information of the keyword arguments. The extraction always consider the x-direction as the dispersion direction, while the y-direction as the spatial direction. parameters ---------- data: 2D numpy array (M x N) OR object 2D spectral image in either format header: FITS header (deafult: None) THIS WILL OVERRIDE the header from the object verbose: bool (Default: True) Set to False to suppress all verbose warnings, except for critical failure. logger_name: str (Default: TwoDSpec) This will set the name of the logger, if the name is used already, it will reference to the existing logger. This will be the first part of the default log file name unless log_file_name is provided. log_level: str (Default: 'INFO') Four levels of logging are available, in decreasing order of information and increasing order of severity: (1) DEBUG, (2) INFO, (3) WARNING, (4) ERROR and (5) CRITICAL. WARNING means that there is is_optimal operations in some parts of that step. ERROR means that the requested operation cannot be performed, but the software can handle it by either using the default setting or skipping the operation. CRITICAL means that the requested operation cannot be resolved without human interaction, this is most usually coming from missing data. log_file_folder: None or str (Default: "default") Folder in which the file is save, set to default to save to the current path. log_file_name: None or str (Default: None) File name of the log, set to None to print to screen only. **kwargs: keyword arguments (Default: see set_properties()) see set_properties(). """ # Set-up logger self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) if (log_level == "CRITICAL") or (not verbose): self.logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) elif log_level == "ERROR": self.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif log_level == "WARNING": self.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif log_level == "INFO": self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif log_level == "DEBUG": self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: raise ValueError("Unknonw logging level.") formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] " "%(message)s", datefmt="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", ) if log_file_name is None: # Only print log to screen self.handler = logging.StreamHandler() else: if log_file_name == "default": log_file_name = "{}_{}.log".format( logger_name,"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"), ) # Save log to file if log_file_folder == "default": log_file_folder = "" self.handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_file_folder, log_file_name), "a+" ) self.handler.setFormatter(formatter) if self.logger.hasHandlers(): self.logger.handlers.clear() self.logger.addHandler(self.handler) self.img = None self.img_residual = None self.header = None self.arc = None self.arc_header = None self.bad_mask = None self.saxis = 1 self.waxis = 0 self.spatial_mask = (1,) self.spec_mask = (1,) self.flip = False self.cosmicray = False self.fsmode = None self.psfmodel = None self.spatial_mask_applied = False self.spec_mask_applied = False self.transpose_applied = False self.flip_applied = False # Default values if not supplied self.airmass = 1.0 self.readnoise = 0.0 self.gain = 1.0 self.seeing = 1.0 self.exptime = 1.0 self.airmass_is_default_value = True self.readnoise_is_default_value = True self.gain_is_default_value = True self.seeing_is_default_value = True self.exptime_is_default_value = True self.verbose = verbose self.logger_name = logger_name self.log_level = log_level self.log_file_folder = log_file_folder self.log_file_name = log_file_name # Default keywords to be searched in the order in the list self.readnoise_keyword = ["RDNOISE", "RNOISE", "RN"] self.gain_keyword = ["GAIN"] self.seeing_keyword = [ "SEEING", "L1SEEING", "ESTSEE", "DIMMSEE", "SEEDIMM", "DSEEING", ] self.exptime_keyword = [ "XPOSURE", "EXPOSURE", "EXPTIME", "EXPOSED", "TELAPSED", "ELAPSED", ] self.airmass_keyword = ["AIRMASS", "AMASS", "AIRM", "AIR"] self.img_rectified = None self.arc_rectified = None self.add_data(data, header) self.spectrum_list = {} self.set_properties(**kwargs) if self.arc is not None: self.apply_mask_to_arc()
[docs] def add_data(self, data, header=None): """ Adding the 2D image data to be processed. The data can be a 2D numpy array, an AstroPy ImageHDU/Primary HDU object or an ImageReduction object. parameters ---------- data: 2D numpy array (M x N) OR object 2D spectral image in either format header: FITS header (deafult: None) THIS WILL OVERRIDE the header from the object """ # If data provided is an numpy array if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): self.img = data"An numpy array is loaded as data.") self.set_header(header) self.bad_mask = create_bad_pixel_mask(self.img)[0] # If it is a fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList object elif isinstance(data, fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList): self.img = data[0].data if header is None: self.set_header(data[0].header) else: self.set_header(header) self.bad_mask = create_bad_pixel_mask(self.img)[0] self.logger.warning( "An HDU list is provided, only the first " "HDU will be read." ) # If it is a fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU object elif isinstance(data, fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU) or isinstance( data, fits.hdu.image.ImageHDU ): self.img = if header is None: self.set_header(data.header) else: self.set_header(header) self.bad_mask = create_bad_pixel_mask(self.img)[0]"A PrimaryHDU is loaded as data.") # If it is a CCDData elif isinstance(data, CCDData): self.img = if header is None: self.set_header(data.header) else: self.set_header(header) self.bad_mask = create_bad_pixel_mask(self.img)[0]"A CCDData is loaded as data.") # If it is an ImageReduction object elif isinstance(data, ImageReduction): # If the data is not reduced, reduce it here. Error handling is # done by the ImageReduction class if data.image_fits is None: data._create_image_fits() self.img = if header is None: self.set_header(data.image_fits.header) else: self.set_header(header)"An ImageReduction is loaded as data.") if data.arc_main is not None: self.arc = data.arc_main self.arc_header = data.arc_header[0] else: self.logger.warning( "Arc frame is not in the ImageReduction " "object, please supplied manually if you wish to perform " "wavelength calibration." ) self.bad_mask = data.bad_mask # If a filepath is provided elif isinstance(data, str): # If HDU number is provided if data[-1] == "]": filepath, hdunum = data.split("[") hdunum = int(hdunum[:-1]) # If not, assume the HDU idnex is 0 else: filepath = data hdunum = 0 # Load the file and dereference it afterwards fitsfile_tmp =[hdunum] self.img = copy.deepcopy( self.set_header(copy.deepcopy(fitsfile_tmp.header)) "Loaded data from: {}, with hdunum: {}".format( filepath, hdunum ) ) fitsfile_tmp = None elif data is None: pass else: error_msg = ( "Please provide a numpy array, an " + " object " + "or an ImageReduction object." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise TypeError(error_msg) if self.img is not None: # We perform the tracing on a *pixel healed* temporary image if self.bad_mask is not None: if self.bad_mask.shape == self.img.shape: self.img = bfixpix(self.img, self.bad_mask, retdat=True) self.img_residual = self.img.copy() self._get_image_size() self._get_image_zminmax()
[docs] def set_properties( self, saxis=None, variance=None, spatial_mask=None, spec_mask=None, flip=None, cosmicray=None, gain=-1, readnoise=-1, fsmode=None, psfmodel=None, seeing=-1, exptime=-1, airmass=-1, verbose=None, **kwargs ): """ The read noise, detector gain, seeing and exposure time will be automatically extracted from the FITS header if it conforms with the IAUFWG FITS standard. Currently, there is no automated way to decide if a flip is needed. The supplied file should contain 2 or 3 columns with the following structure: | column 1: one of bias, dark, flat or light | column 2: file location | column 3: HDU number (default to 0 if not given) If the 2D spectrum is +--------+--------+-------+-------+ | blue | red | saxis | flip | +========+========+=======+=======+ | left | right | 1 | False | +--------+--------+-------+-------+ | right | left | 1 | True | +--------+--------+-------+-------+ | top | bottom | 0 | False | +--------+--------+-------+-------+ | bottom | top | 0 | True | +--------+--------+-------+-------+ Spectra are sorted by their brightness. If there are multiple spectra on the image, and the target is not the brightest source, use at least the number of spectra visible to eye and pick the one required later. The default automated outputs is the brightest one, which is the most common case for images from a long-slit spectrograph. Parameters ---------- saxis: int (Default: 1) Spectral direction, 0 for vertical, 1 for horizontal. variance: 2D numpy array (M, N) The per-pixel-variance of the frame. spatial_mask: 1D numpy array (size: N. Default is (1,)) Mask in the spatial direction, can be the indices of the pixels to be included (size <N) or a 1D numpy array of True/False (size N) spec_mask: 1D numpy array (Size: M. Default: (1,)) Mask in the spectral direction, can be the indices of the pixels to be included (size <M) or a 1D numpy array of True/False (size M) flip: bool (Deafult: False) If the frame has to be left-right flipped, set to True. cosmicray: bool (Default: True) Set to True to remove cosmic rays, this directly alter the reduced image data. We only explicitly include the 4 most important parameters in this function: `gain`, `readnoise`, `fsmode`, and `psfmodel`, the rest can be configured with kwargs. gain: float (Deafult: -1) Gain of the detector in unit of electron per photon, not important if noise estimation is not needed. Negative value means "pass", i.e. do nothing. None means grabbing from the header, though if it is not found, it is set to 1.0. readnoise: float (Deafult: -1) Readnoise of the detector in unit of electron, not important if noise estimation is not needed. Negative value means "pass", i.e. do nothing. None means grabbing from the header, though if it is not found, it is set to 0.0. fsmode: str (Default: None. Use 'convolve' if not set.) Method to build the fine structure image: `median`: Use the median filter in the standard LA Cosmic algorithm. `convolve`: Convolve the image with the psf kernel to calculate the fine structure image. psfmodel: str (Default: None. Use 'gaussy' if not set.) Model to use to generate the psf kernel if fsmode is `convolve` and psfk is None. The current choices are Gaussian and Moffat profiles. 'gauss' and 'moffat' produce circular PSF kernels. The `gaussx` and `gaussy` produce Gaussian kernels in the x and y directions respectively. `gaussxy` and `gaussyx` apply the Gaussian kernels in the x then the y direction, and first y then x direction, respectively. seeing: float (Deafult: -1) Seeing in unit of arcsec, use as the first guess of the line spread function of the spectra. Negative value means "pass", i.e. do nothing. None means grabbing from the header, though if it is not found, it is set to 1.0. exptime: float (Deafult: -1) Esposure time for the observation, not important if absolute flux calibration is not needed. Negative value means "pass", i.e. do nothing. None means grabbing from the header, though if it is not found, it is set to 1.0. airmass: float (Default: -1) The airmass where the observation carries out. Negative value means "pass", i.e. do nothing. None means grabbing from the header, though if it is not found, it is set to 0.0. verbose: bool Set to False to suppress all verbose warnings, except for critical failure. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for the astroscrappy.detect_cosmics: astroscrappy.detect_cosmics.html The default setting is:: astroscrappy.detect_cosmics(indat, inmask=None, bkg=None, var=None, sigclip=4.5, sigfrac=0.3, objlim=5.0, gain=1.0, readnoise=6.5, satlevel=65536.0, niter=4, sepmed=True, cleantype='meanmask', fsmode='median', psfmodel='gauss', psffwhm=2.5, psfsize=7, psfk=None, psfbeta=4.765, verbose=False) """ if saxis is not None: self.saxis = saxis if self.saxis == 1: self.waxis = 0 elif self.saxis == 0: self.waxis = 1 else: self.saxis = 0 self.logger.error( "saxis can only be 0 or 1, {} is ".format(saxis) + "given. It is set to 0." ) if spatial_mask is not None: self.spatial_mask = spatial_mask if spec_mask is not None: self.spec_mask = spec_mask if flip is not None: self.flip = flip self.set_readnoise(readnoise) self.set_gain(gain) self.set_seeing(seeing) self.set_exptime(exptime) self.set_airmass(airmass) if cosmicray is not None: self.cosmicray = cosmicray if fsmode is not None: self.fsmode = fsmode else: if self.fsmode is None: self.fsmode = "convolve" if psfmodel is not None: self.psfmodel = psfmodel else: if self.psfmodel is None: self.psfmodel = "gaussy" if kwargs is not None: self.cr_kwargs = kwargs # cosmic ray rejection if self.cosmicray: "Removing cosmic rays in mode: {}.".format(psfmodel) ) if self.fsmode == "convolve": if psfmodel == "gaussyx": self.img = detect_cosmics( self.img / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel="gaussy", **kwargs )[1] self.img = detect_cosmics( self.img / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel="gaussx", **kwargs )[1] elif psfmodel == "gaussxy": self.img = detect_cosmics( self.img / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel="gaussx", **kwargs )[1] self.img = detect_cosmics( self.img / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel="gaussy", **kwargs )[1] else: self.img = detect_cosmics( self.img / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode="convolve", psfmodel=self.psfmodel, **kwargs )[1] else: self.img = detect_cosmics( self.img / self.gain, gain=self.gain, readnoise=self.readnoise, fsmode=self.fsmode, psfmodel=self.psfmodel, **kwargs )[1] if verbose is not None: self.verbose = verbose if self.img is not None: # the valid y-range of the chip (i.e. spatial direction) if len(self.spatial_mask) > 1: if self.saxis == 1: self.img = self.img[self.spatial_mask] if self.img_residual is not None: self.img_residual = self.img_residual[ self.spatial_mask ] if self.bad_mask is not None: self.bad_mask = self.bad_mask[self.spatial_mask] else: self.img = self.img[:, self.spatial_mask] if self.img_residual is not None: self.img_residual = self.img_residual[ :, self.spatial_mask ] if self.bad_mask is not None: self.bad_mask = self.bad_mask[:, self.spatial_mask] self.spatial_mask_applied = True # the valid x-range of the chip (i.e. spectral direction) if len(self.spec_mask) > 1: if self.saxis == 1: self.img = self.img[:, self.spec_mask] if self.img_residual is not None: self.img_residual = self.img_residual[ :, self.spec_mask ] if self.bad_mask is not None: self.bad_mask = self.bad_mask[:, self.spec_mask] else: self.img = self.img[self.spec_mask] if self.img_residual is not None: self.img_residual = self.img_residual[self.spec_mask] if self.bad_mask is not None: self.bad_mask = self.bad_mask[self.spec_mask] self.spec_mask_applied = True if self.saxis == 0: self.img = np.transpose(self.img) if self.img_residual is not None: self.img_residual = np.transpose(self.img_residual) if self.bad_mask is not None: self.bad_mask = np.transpose(self.bad_mask) self.transpose_applied = True if self.flip: self.img = np.flip(self.img) if self.img_residual is not None: self.img_residual = np.flip(self.img_residual) if self.bad_mask is not None: self.bad_mask = np.flip(self.bad_mask) self.flip_applied = True self._get_image_size() self._get_image_zminmax() if (variance is not None) & ( np.shape(variance) == np.shape(self.img) ): self.variance = variance elif isinstance(variance, (int, float)): self.variance = np.ones_like(self.img) * variance else: "Variance image is created from the modulus of the image " "and the readnoise value." ) self.variance = np.abs(self.img) + self.readnoise**2 else: self.variance = None
def _get_image_size(self): # get the length in the spectral and spatial directions self.spec_size = np.shape(self.img)[1] self.spatial_size = np.shape(self.img)[0]"spec_size is found to be {}.".format(self.spec_size)) "spatial_size is found to be " "{}.".format(self.spatial_size) ) def _get_image_zminmax(self): # set the 2D histogram z-limits img_log = np.log10(self.img) img_log_finite = img_log[np.isfinite(img_log)] self.zmin = np.nanpercentile(img_log_finite, 5) self.zmax = np.nanpercentile(img_log_finite, 95)"zmin is set to {}.".format(self.zmin))"zmax is set to {}.".format(self.zmax)) # Get the readnoise
[docs] def set_readnoise(self, readnoise=None): """ Set the readnoise of the image. Parameters ---------- readnoise: str, float, int or None (Default: None) If a string is provided, it will be treated as a header keyword for the readnoise value. Float or int will be used as the readnoise value. If None is provided, the header will be searched with the set of default readnoise keywords. """ if (readnoise is not None) and (self.readnoise is not None): if isinstance(readnoise, str): # use the supplied keyword self.readnoise = float(self.header[readnoise]) "readnoise is found to be {}.".format(self.readnoise) ) self.readnoise_is_default_value = False elif isinstance(readnoise, (float, int)) & (~np.isnan(readnoise)): if readnoise < 0: pass else: # use the given readnoise value self.readnoise = float(readnoise) "readnoise is set to {}.".format(self.readnoise) ) self.readnoise_is_default_value = False else: self.readnoise = 0.0 self.logger.warning( "readnoise has to be None, a numeric value or the " + "FITS header keyword, " + str(readnoise) + " is " + "given. It is set to 0." ) self.readnoise_is_default_value = True else: # if None is given and header is provided, check if the read noise # keyword exists in the default list. if self.header is not None: readnoise_keyword_matched = np.in1d( self.readnoise_keyword, self.header ) if readnoise_keyword_matched.any(): self.readnoise = self.header[ self.readnoise_keyword[ np.where(readnoise_keyword_matched)[0][0] ] ] "readnoise is found to be {}.".format(self.readnoise) ) self.readnoise_is_default_value = False else: self.readnoise = 0.0 self.logger.warning( "Readnoise value cannot be identified. " + "It is set to 0." ) self.readnoise_is_default_value = True else: self.readnoise = 0.0 self.logger.warning( "Header is not provided. Readnoise value " + "is not provided. It is set to 0." ) self.readnoise_is_default_value = True
# Get the gain
[docs] def set_gain(self, gain=None): """ Set the gain of the image. Parameters ---------- gain: str, float, int or None (Default: None) If a string is provided, it will be treated as a header keyword for the gain value. Float or int will be used as the gain value. If None is provided, the header will be searched with the set of default gain keywords. """ if (gain is not None) and (self.gain is not None): if isinstance(gain, str): # use the supplied keyword self.gain = float(self.header[gain])"gain is found to be {}.".format(self.gain)) self.gain_is_default_value = False elif isinstance(gain, (float, int)) & (~np.isnan(gain)): if gain < 0: pass else: # use the given gain value self.gain = float(gain)"gain is set to {}.".format(self.gain)) self.gain_is_default_value = False else: self.gain = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Gain has to be None, a numeric value or the FITS " + "header keyword, " + str(gain) + " is given. It is " + "set to 1." ) self.gain_is_default_value = True else: # if None is given and header is provided, check if the read noise # keyword exists in the default list. if self.header is not None: gain_keyword_matched = np.in1d(self.gain_keyword, self.header) if gain_keyword_matched.any(): self.gain = self.header[ self.gain_keyword[np.where(gain_keyword_matched)[0][0]] ] "gain is found to be {}.".format(self.gain) ) self.gain_is_default_value = False else: self.gain = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Gain value cannot be identified. " + "It is set to 1." ) self.gain_is_default_value = True else: self.gain = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Header is not provide. Gain value is not " + "provided. It is set to 1." ) self.gain_is_default_value = True
# Get the Seeing
[docs] def set_seeing(self, seeing=None): """ Set the seeing of the image. Parameters ---------- seeing: str, float, int or None (Default: None) If a string is provided, it will be treated as a header keyword for the seeing value. Float or int will be used as the seeing value. If None is provided, the header will be searched with the set of default seeing keywords. """ if (seeing is not None) and (self.seeing is not None): if isinstance(seeing, str): # use the supplied keyword self.seeing = float(self.header[seeing]) "seeing is found to be {}.".format(self.seeing) ) self.seeing_is_default_value = False elif isinstance(seeing, (float, int)) & (~np.isnan(seeing)): if seeing < 0: pass else: # use the given seeing value self.seeing = float(seeing) "seeing is set to {}.".format(self.seeing) ) self.seeing_is_default_value = False else: self.seeing = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Seeing has to be None, a numeric value or the FITS " + "header keyword, " + str(seeing) + " is given. It is " + "set to 1." ) self.seeing_is_default_value = True else: # if None is given and header is provided, check if the read noise # keyword exists in the default list. if self.header is not None: seeing_keyword_matched = np.in1d( self.seeing_keyword, self.header ) if seeing_keyword_matched.any(): self.seeing = self.header[ self.seeing_keyword[ np.where(seeing_keyword_matched)[0][0] ] ] "seeing is found to be {}.".format(self.seeing) ) self.seeing_is_default_value = False else: self.seeing = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Seeing value cannot be identified. " + "It is set to 1." ) self.seeing_is_default_value = True else: self.seeing = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Header is not provided. Seeing value is " + "not provided. It is set to 1." ) self.seeing_is_default_value = True
# Get the Exposure Time
[docs] def set_exptime(self, exptime=None): """ Set the exptime of the image. Parameters ---------- exptime: str, float, int or None (Default: None) If a string is provided, it will be treated as a header keyword for the exptime value. Float or int will be used as the exptime value. If None is provided, the header will be searched with the set of default exptime keywords. """ if (exptime is not None) and (self.exptime is not None): if isinstance(exptime, str): # use the supplied keyword self.exptime = float(self.header[exptime]) "exptime is found to be {}.".format(self.exptime) ) self.exptime_is_default_value = False elif isinstance(exptime, (float, int)) & (~np.isnan(exptime)): if exptime < 0: pass else: # use the given exptime value self.exptime = float(exptime) "exptime is set to {}.".format(self.exptime) ) self.exptime_is_default_value = False else: self.exptime = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Exposure Time has to be None, a numeric value or the " + "FITS header keyword, " + str(exptime) + " is given. " + "It is set to 1." ) self.exptime_is_default_value = True else: # if None is given and header is provided, check if the read noise # keyword exists in the default list. if self.header is not None: exptime_keyword_matched = np.in1d( self.exptime_keyword, self.header ) if exptime_keyword_matched.any(): self.exptime = self.header[ self.exptime_keyword[ np.where(exptime_keyword_matched)[0][0] ] ] "exptime is found to be {}.".format(self.exptime) ) self.exptime_is_default_value = False else: self.exptime = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Exposure Time value cannot be identified. " + "It is set to 1." ) self.exptime_is_default_value = True else: self.exptime = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Header is not provided. " + "Exposure Time value is not provided. " + "It is set to 1." ) self.exptime_is_default_value = True
# Get the Airmass
[docs] def set_airmass(self, airmass=None): """ Set the airmass of the image. Parameters ---------- airmass: str, float, int or None (Default: None) If a string is provided, it will be treated as a header keyword for the airmass value. Float or int will be used as the airmass value. If None is provided, the header will be searched with the set of default airmass keywords. """ if (airmass is not None) and (self.airmass is not None): if isinstance(airmass, str): # use the supplied keyword self.airmass = float(self.header[airmass]) "Airmass is found to be {}.".format(self.airmass) ) self.airmass_is_default_value = False elif isinstance(airmass, (float, int)) & (~np.isnan(airmass)): if airmass < 0: pass else: # use the given airmass value self.airmass = float(airmass) "Airmass is set to {}.".format(self.airmass) ) self.airmass_is_default_value = False else: self.logger.warning( "Airmass has to be None, a numeric value or the " + "FITS header keyword, " + str(airmass) + " is " + "given. It is set to 1." ) self.airmass = 1.0 self.airmass_is_default_value = True else: # if None is given and header is provided, check if the read noise # keyword exists in the default list. if self.header is not None: airmass_keyword_matched = np.in1d( self.airmass_keyword, self.header ) if airmass_keyword_matched.any(): self.airmass = self.header[ self.airmass_keyword[ np.where(airmass_keyword_matched)[0][0] ] ] "Airmass is found to be {}.".format(self.airmass) ) self.airmass_is_default_value = False else: self.airmass = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Airmass value cannot be identified. " + "It is set to 1." ) self.airmass_is_default_value = True else: self.airmass = 1.0 self.logger.warning( "Header is not provided. " + "Airmass value is not provided. " + "It is set to 1." ) self.airmass_is_default_value = True
[docs] def add_bad_mask(self, bad_mask=None): """ To provide a mask to ignore the bad pixels in the reduction. Parameters ---------- bad_mask: numpy.ndarray, PrimaryHDU/ImageHDU, ImageReduction, str The bad pixel mask of the image, make sure it is of the same size as the image and the right orientation. """ # If data provided is an numpy array if isinstance(bad_mask, np.ndarray): self.bad_mask = bad_mask # If it is a fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList object elif isinstance(bad_mask, fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList): self.bad_mask = bad_mask[0].data self.logger.warning( "An HDU list is provided, only the first " "HDU will be read." ) # If it is a fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU object elif isinstance(bad_mask, fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU) or isinstance( bad_mask, fits.hdu.image.ImageHDU ): self.bad_mask = # If a filepath is provided elif isinstance(bad_mask, str): # If HDU number is provided if bad_mask[-1] == "]": filepath, hdunum = bad_mask.split("[") hdunum = int(hdunum[:-1]) # If not, assume the HDU idnex is 0 else: filepath = bad_mask hdunum = 0 # Load the file and dereference it afterwards fitsfile_tmp =[hdunum] if type(fitsfile_tmp) == "": fitsfile_tmp = fitsfile_tmp[0] self.logger.warning( "An HDU list is provided, only the first " "HDU will be read." ) fitsfile_tmp_shape = np.shape( # Normal case if len(fitsfile_tmp_shape) == 2: self.logger.debug(" is 2 dimensional.") self.bad_mask = # Try to trap common error when saving FITS file # Case with multiple image extensions, we only take the first one elif len(fitsfile_tmp_shape) == 3: self.logger.debug(" is 3 dimensional.") self.bad_mask =[0] # Case with an extra bracket when saving elif len(fitsfile_tmp_shape) == 1: self.logger.debug(" is 1 dimensional.") # In case it in a multiple extension format, we take the # first one only if len(np.shape([0]) == 3): self.bad_mask =[0][0] else: self.bad_mask =[0] else: error_msg = ( "Please check the shape/dimension of the " + "input light frame, it is probably empty " + "or has an atypical output format." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise RuntimeError(error_msg) else: error_msg = ( "Please provide a numpy array, an " + " object, an " + " object, an " + " object." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise TypeError(error_msg)
[docs] def add_arc(self, arc, header=None): """ To provide an arc image. Make sure left (small index) is blue, right (large index) is red. Parameters ---------- arc: numpy.ndarray, PrimaryHDU/ImageHDU, ImageReduction, str The image of the arc image. header: FITS header (deafult: None) An object. This is not used if arc is a PrimaryHDU or ImageHDU. """ # If data provided is an numpy array if isinstance(arc, np.ndarray): self.arc = arc self.set_arc_header(header) # If it is a fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList object elif isinstance(arc, fits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList): self.arc = arc[0].data self.set_arc_header(arc[0].header) self.logger.warning( "An HDU list is provided, only the first " "HDU will be read." ) # If it is a fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU object elif isinstance(arc, fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU) or isinstance( arc, fits.hdu.image.ImageHDU ): self.arc = self.set_arc_header(arc.header) # If a filepath is provided elif isinstance(arc, str): # If HDU number is provided if arc[-1] == "]": filepath, hdunum = arc.split("[") hdunum = int(hdunum[:-1]) # If not, assume the HDU idnex is 0 else: filepath = arc hdunum = 0 # Load the file and dereference it afterwards fitsfile_tmp =[hdunum] if type(fitsfile_tmp) == "": fitsfile_tmp = fitsfile_tmp[0] self.logger.warning( "An HDU list is provided, only the first " "HDU will be read." ) fitsfile_tmp_shape = np.shape( # Normal case if len(fitsfile_tmp_shape) == 2: self.logger.debug(" is 2 dimensional.") self.arc = self.set_arc_header(fitsfile_tmp.header) # Try to trap common error when saving FITS file # Case with multiple image extensions, we only take the first one elif len(fitsfile_tmp_shape) == 3: self.logger.debug(" is 3 dimensional.") self.arc =[0] self.set_arc_header(fitsfile_tmp.header) # Case with an extra bracket when saving elif len(fitsfile_tmp_shape) == 1: self.logger.debug(" is 1 dimensional.") # In case it in a multiple extension format, we take the # first one only if len(np.shape([0]) == 3): self.arc =[0][0] self.set_arc_header(fitsfile_tmp[0].header) else: self.arc =[0] self.set_arc_header(fitsfile_tmp[0].header) else: error_msg = ( "Please check the shape/dimension of the " + "input light frame, it is probably empty " + "or has an atypical output format." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise RuntimeError(error_msg) else: error_msg = ( "Please provide a numpy array, an " + " object, an " + " object, an " + " object, or an " + "aspired.ImageReduction object." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise TypeError(error_msg)
[docs] def set_arc_header(self, header): """ Adding the header for the arc. Parameters ---------- header: FITS header (deafult: None) An object. This is not used if arc is a PrimaryHDU or ImageHDU. """ # If it is a fits.hdu.header.Header object if isinstance(header, fits.header.Header): self.arc_header = header elif isinstance(header, (list, tuple)): if isinstance(header[0], fits.header.Header): self.arc_header = header[0]"arc_header is set.") else: self.arc_header = None error_msg = ( "Please provide a valid " + " object. Process " + "without storing the header of the arc file." ) self.logger.warning(error_msg) else: self.arc_header = None error_msg = ( "Please provide a valid " + " object. Process " + "without storing the header of the arc file." ) self.logger.warning(error_msg)
[docs] def apply_mask_to_arc(self): """ Apply both the spec_mask and spatial_mask that are already stroed in the object. """ if self.transpose_applied is True: self.apply_transpose_to_arc() if self.flip_applied is True: self.apply_flip_to_arc() if np.shape(self.arc) == np.shape(self.img): pass else: self.apply_spec_mask_to_arc(self.spec_mask) self.apply_spatial_mask_to_arc(self.spatial_mask)
[docs] def apply_spec_mask_to_arc(self, spec_mask): """ Apply to use only the valid x-range of the chip (i.e. dispersion direction) parameters ---------- spec_mask: 1D numpy array (M) Mask in the spectral direction, can be the indices of the pixels to be included (size <M) or a 1D numpy array of True/False (size M) (Default is (1,) i.e. keep everything) """ if len(spec_mask) > 1: self.arc = self.arc[:, spec_mask]"spec_mask is applied to arc.") else: "spec_mask has zero length, it cannot be " "applied to the arc." )
[docs] def apply_spatial_mask_to_arc(self, spatial_mask): """ Apply to use only the valid y-range of the chip (i.e. spatial direction) parameters ---------- spatial_mask: 1D numpy array (N) Mask in the spatial direction, can be the indices of the pixels to be included (size <N) or a 1D numpy array of True/False (size N) (Default is (1,) i.e. keep everything) """ if len(spatial_mask) > 1: self.arc = self.arc[spatial_mask]"spatial_mask is applied to arc.") else: "spatial_mask has zero length, it cannot be " "applied to the arc." )
[docs] def apply_transpose_to_arc(self): """ Apply transpose to arc. """ self.arc = np.transpose(self.arc)
[docs] def apply_flip_to_arc(self): """ Apply flip to arc. """ self.arc = np.flip(self.arc)
[docs] def set_readnoise_keyword(self, keyword_list, append=False, update=True): """ Set the readnoise keyword list. Parameters ---------- keyword_list: list List of keyword (string). append: bool (Default: False) Set to False to overwrite the current list. update: bool (Default: True) Set to True to search for the readnoise after the new list is provided. """ if isinstance(keyword_list, str): keyword_list = [keyword_list] elif isinstance(keyword_list, list): pass elif isinstance(keyword_list, np.ndarray): keyword_list = list(keyword_list) else: self.logger.error( "Please provide the keyword list in str, list or " "numpy.ndarray." ) if append: self.readnoise_keyword += keyword_list "{} is appended to ".format(keyword_list) + "the readnoise_keyword list." ) else: self.readnoise_keyword = keyword_list "{} is used as ".format(keyword_list) + "the readnoise_keyword list." ) if update: self.set_readnoise() else: "readnoise_keyword list is updated, but it is " "opted not to update the readnoise automatically." )
[docs] def set_gain_keyword(self, keyword_list, append=False, update=True): """ Set the gain keyword list. Parameters ---------- keyword_list: list List of keyword (string). append: bool (Default: False) Set to False to overwrite the current list. update: bool (Default: True) Set to True to search for the readnoise after the new list is provided. """ if isinstance(keyword_list, str): keyword_list = [keyword_list] elif isinstance(keyword_list, list): pass elif isinstance(keyword_list, np.ndarray): keyword_list = list(keyword_list) else: self.logger.error( "Please provide the keyword list in str, list or " "numpy.ndarray." ) if append: self.gain_keyword += keyword_list "{} is appended to ".format(keyword_list) + "the gain_keyword list." ) else: self.gain_keyword = keyword_list "{} is used as ".format(keyword_list) + "the gain_keyword list." ) if update: self.set_gain() else: "gain_keyword list is updated, but it is " "opted not to update the gain automatically." )
[docs] def set_seeing_keyword(self, keyword_list, append=False, update=True): """ Set the seeing keyword list. Parameters ---------- keyword_list: list List of keyword (string). append: bool (Default: False) Set to False to overwrite the current list. update: bool (Default: True) Set to True to search for the readnoise after the new list is provided. """ if isinstance(keyword_list, str): keyword_list = [keyword_list] elif isinstance(keyword_list, list): pass elif isinstance(keyword_list, np.ndarray): keyword_list = list(keyword_list) else: self.logger.error( "Please provide the keyword list in str, list or " "numpy.ndarray." ) if append: self.seeing_keyword += keyword_list "{} is appended to ".format(keyword_list) + "the seeing_keyword list." ) else: self.seeing_keyword = keyword_list "{} is used as ".format(keyword_list) + "the seeing_keyword list." ) if update: self.set_seeing() else: "seeing_keyword list is updated, but it is " "opted not to update the seeing automatically." )
[docs] def set_exptime_keyword(self, keyword_list, append=False, update=True): """ Set the exptime keyword list. Parameters ---------- keyword_list: list List of keyword (string). append: bool (Default: False) Set to False to overwrite the current list. update: bool (Default: True) Set to True to search for the readnoise after the new list is provided. """ if isinstance(keyword_list, str): keyword_list = [keyword_list] elif isinstance(keyword_list, list): pass elif isinstance(keyword_list, np.ndarray): keyword_list = list(keyword_list) else: self.logger.error( "Please provide the keyword list in str, list or " "numpy.ndarray." ) if append: self.exptime_keyword += keyword_list "{} is appended to ".format(keyword_list) + "the exptime_keyword list." ) else: self.exptime_keyword = keyword_list "{} is used as ".format(keyword_list) + "the exptime_keyword list." ) if update: self.set_exptime() else: "exptime_keyword list is updated, but it is " "opted not to update the exptime automatically." )
[docs] def set_airmass_keyword(self, keyword_list, append=False, update=True): """ Set the airmass keyword list. Parameters ---------- keyword_list: list List of keyword (string). append: bool (Default: False) Set to False to overwrite the current list. update: bool (Default: True) Set to True to search for the readnoise after the new list is provided. """ if isinstance(keyword_list, str): keyword_list = [keyword_list] elif isinstance(keyword_list, list): pass elif isinstance(keyword_list, np.ndarray): keyword_list = list(keyword_list) else: self.logger.error( "Please provide the keyword list in str, list or " "numpy.ndarray." ) if append: self.airmass_keyword += keyword_list "{} is appended to ".format(keyword_list) + "the airmass_keyword list." ) else: self.airmass_keyword = keyword_list "{} is used as ".format(keyword_list) + "the airmass_keyword list." ) if update: self.set_airmass() else: "airmass_keyword list is updated, but it is " "opted not to update the airmass automatically." )
[docs] def set_header(self, header): """ Set/replace the header. Parameters ---------- header: FITS header from a single HDU. """ if header is not None: # If it is a fits.hdu.header.Header object if isinstance(header, fits.header.Header): self.header = header elif isinstance(header[0], fits.header.Header): self.header = header[0] else: error_msg = ( "Please provide an " + " object." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise TypeError(error_msg) else:'The "header" provided is None. Doing nothing.') if self.header is not None: if self.exptime_is_default_value: self.set_exptime() if self.airmass_is_default_value: self.set_airmass() if self.seeing_is_default_value: self.set_seeing() if self.readnoise_is_default_value: self.set_readnoise() if self.gain_is_default_value: self.set_gain()
[docs] def ap_trace( self, nspec=1, smooth=False, nwindow=20, spec_sep=5, trace_width=15, resample_factor=4, rescale=False, scaling_min=0.9995, scaling_max=1.0005, scaling_step=0.001, percentile=5, shift_tol=10, fit_deg=3, ap_faint=20, display=False, renderer="default", width=1280, height=720, return_jsonstring=False, save_fig=False, fig_type="iframe+png", filename=None, open_iframe=False, ): """ Aperture tracing by first using cross-correlation then the peaks are fitting with a polynomial with an order of floor(nwindow, 10) with a minimum order of 1. Nothing is returned unless return_jsonstring of the plotly graph is set to be returned. Each spectral slice is convolved with the adjacent one in the spectral direction. Basic tests show that the geometrical distortion from one end to the other in the spectral direction is small. With LT/SPRAT, the linear distortion is less than 0.5%, thus, even provided as an option, the rescale option is set to False by default. Given how unlikely a geometrical distortion correction is needed, higher order correction options are not provided. A rough estimation on the background level is done by taking the n-th percentile of the slice, a rough guess can improve the cross-correlation process significantly due to low dynamic range in a typical spectral image. The removing of the "background" can massively improve the contrast between the peaks and the relative background, hence the correlation method is more likely to yield a true positive. The trace(s), i.e. the spatial positions of the spectra (Y-axis), found will be stored as the properties of the TwoDSpec object as a 1D numpy array, of length N, which is the size of the spectrum after applying the spec_mask. The line spread function is stored in trace_sigma, by fitting a gaussian on the shift-corrected stack of the spectral slices. Given the scaling was found to be small, reporting a single value of the averaged gaussian sigma is sufficient as the first guess to be used by the aperture extraction function. Parameters ---------- nspec: int Number of spectra to be extracted. smooth: bool (Default: False) Set to true to apply a 3x3 median filter before tracing. Not recommended for use with faint spectrum. nwindow: int Number of spectral slices (subspectra) to be produced for cross-correlation. spec_sep: int Minimum separation between spectra (only if there are multiple sources on the longslit). trace_width: int Distance from trace centre to be taken for profile fitting. resample_factor: int Number of times the collapsed 1D slices in the spatial directions are to be upsampled. rescale: bool Fit for the linear scaling factor between adjacent slices. scaling_min: float Minimum scaling factor to be fitted. scaling_max: float Maximum scaling factor to be fitted. scaling_step: float Steps of the scaling factor. percentile: float The percentile of the flux to be used as the estimate of the background sky level to the first order. [Count] shift_tol: float Maximum allowed shift between neighbouring slices, this value is referring to native pixel size without the application of the resampling or rescaling. [pix] fit_deg: int Degree of the polynomial fit of the trace. ap_faint: float The percentile tolerance of Count aperture to be used for fitting the trace. Note that this percentile is of the Count, not of the number of subspectra. display: bool (Default: False) Set to True to display disgnostic plot. renderer: str (Default: 'default') plotly renderer options. width: int/float (Default: 1280) Number of pixels in the horizontal direction of the outputs height: int/float (Default: 720) Number of pixels in the vertical direction of the outputs return_jsonstring: bool (Default: False) set to True to return json str that can be rendered by Plotly in any support language. save_fig: bool (default: False) Save an image if set to True. Plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'iframe+png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: str (Default: None) Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. open_iframe: bool (Default: False) Open the iframe in the default browser if set to True. Returns ------- JSON-string if return_jsonstring is True, otherwise only an image is displayed """ # Get the shape of the 2D spectrum and define upsampling ratio img_tmp = self.img.astype(float) img_tmp[np.isnan(img_tmp)] = 0.0 img_tmp[ img_tmp < np.nanpercentile(img_tmp, percentile) ] = np.nanpercentile(img_tmp, percentile) if smooth: img_tmp = signal.medfilt2d(img_tmp, kernel_size=3) nresample = self.spatial_size * resample_factor img_tmp = ndimage.zoom(img_tmp, zoom=resample_factor) # split the spectrum into subspectra img_split = np.array_split(img_tmp, nwindow, axis=1) start_window_idx = nwindow // 2 lines_ref_init = np.nanmedian(img_split[start_window_idx], axis=1) lines_ref_init -= np.nanmin(lines_ref_init) lines_ref_init[np.isnan(lines_ref_init)] = 0.0 # linear scaling limits if rescale: scaling_range = np.arange(scaling_min, scaling_max, scaling_step) else: scaling_range = np.ones(1) # subtract the sky background level lines_ref = lines_ref_init - np.nanpercentile( lines_ref_init, percentile ) shift_solution = np.zeros(nwindow) scale_solution = np.ones(nwindow) # maximum shift (SEMI-AMPLITUDE) from the neighbour (pixel) shift_tol_len = int(shift_tol * resample_factor) spec_spatial = np.zeros((nwindow, nresample)) pix = np.arange(nresample) # Scipy correlate method, ignore first and last window for i in chain( range(start_window_idx, nwindow), range(start_window_idx - 1, -1, -1), ):"Correlating the {}-th window.".format(i)) # smooth by taking the median lines = np.nanmedian(img_split[i], axis=1) lines[np.isnan(lines)] = 0.0 lines = signal.resample(lines, nresample) lines = lines - np.nanpercentile(lines, percentile) # cross-correlation values and indices corr_val = np.zeros(len(scaling_range)) corr_idx = np.zeros(len(scaling_range)) # upsample by the same amount as the reference for j, scale in enumerate(scaling_range): # Upsampling the reference lines lines_ref_j = spectres( np.arange(int(nresample * scale)) / scale, np.arange(len(lines_ref)), lines_ref, fill=0.0, verbose=False, ) # find the linear shift corr = signal.correlate(lines_ref_j, lines) # only consider the defined range of shift tolerance corr = corr[ nresample - 1 - shift_tol_len : nresample + shift_tol_len ] # Maximum corr position is the shift corr_val[j] = np.nanmax(corr) corr_idx[j] = np.nanargmax(corr) - shift_tol_len # Maximum corr_val position is the scaling shift_solution[i] = corr_idx[np.nanargmax(corr_val)] scale_solution[i] = scaling_range[np.nanargmax(corr_val)] # Align the spatial profile before stacking if i == (start_window_idx - 1): pix = np.arange(nresample) pix = pix * scale_solution[i] + shift_solution[i] spec_spatial_tmp = spectres( np.arange(nresample), np.array(pix).reshape(-1), np.array(lines).reshape(-1), fill=0.0, verbose=False, ) spec_spatial_tmp[np.isnan(spec_spatial_tmp)] = np.nanmin( spec_spatial_tmp ) spec_spatial[i] = copy.deepcopy(spec_spatial_tmp) # Update (increment) the reference line if i == nwindow - 1: lines_ref = lines_ref_init else: lines_ref = lines spec_spatial = np.nanmedian(spec_spatial, axis=0) nscaled = (nresample * scale_solution).astype("int") # Find the spectral position in the middle of the gram in the upsampled # pixel location location # FWHM cannot be smaller than 3 pixels for any real signal peaks = signal.find_peaks(spec_spatial, distance=spec_sep, width=3.0) # update the number of spectra if the number of peaks detected is less # than the number requested self.nspec_traced = min(len(peaks[0]), nspec) "{} spectra are identified.".format(self.nspec_traced) ) # Sort the positions by the prominences, and return to the original # scale (i.e. with subpixel position) spec_init = ( np.sort( peaks[0][np.argsort(-peaks[1]["prominences"])][ : self.nspec_traced ] ) / resample_factor ) # Create array to populate the spectral locations spec_idx = np.zeros((len(spec_init), len(img_split))) # Populate the initial values spec_idx[:, start_window_idx] = spec_init # Pixel positions of the mid point of each data_split (spectral) spec_pix = [len(i[0]) for i in img_split] spec_pix[0] -= spec_pix[0] // 2 for i in range(1, len(spec_pix)): spec_pix[i] += spec_pix[i - 1] spec_pix = np.array(spec_pix).astype("int") # Looping through pixels larger than middle pixel for i in range(start_window_idx + 1, nwindow): spec_idx[:, i] = ( spec_idx[:, i - 1] * resample_factor * nscaled[i] / nresample - shift_solution[i] ) / resample_factor # Looping through pixels smaller than middle pixel for i in range(start_window_idx - 1, -1, -1): spec_idx[:, i] = ( (spec_idx[:, i + 1] * resample_factor - shift_solution[i]) / (int(nresample * scale_solution[i + 1]) / nresample) / resample_factor ) for i, spec_i in enumerate(spec_idx): # Get the median of the subspectrum and then get the Count at the # central 5 pixels of the aperture ap_val = np.zeros(nwindow) for j in range(nwindow): # rounding idx = int(np.round(spec_i[j] + 0.5)) * resample_factor subspec_cleaned = sigma_clip( img_split[j], sigma=3, masked=True ).data ap_val[j] = np.nansum( np.nansum(subspec_cleaned, axis=1)[idx - 3 : idx + 3] ) / 7 - np.nanmedian(subspec_cleaned) # Mask out the faintest ap_faint percent of trace n_faint = int(np.round(len(ap_val) * ap_faint / 100)) mask = np.argsort(ap_val)[n_faint:] "The faintest {} subspectra are ".format(n_faint) + "going to be ignored in the tracing. They are {}.".format( np.argsort(ap_val)[:n_faint] ) ) # fit the trace ap_p = np.polyfit(spec_pix[mask], spec_i[mask], int(fit_deg)) ap = np.polyval(ap_p, np.arange(self.spec_size) * resample_factor) "The trace is found at {}.".format( [ (x, y) for (x, y) in zip( np.arange(self.spec_size) * resample_factor, ap ) ] ) ) # Get the centre of the upsampled spectrum ap_centre_pix = float(np.argmax(spec_spatial)) first_pix = ap_centre_pix - trace_width * resample_factor last_pix = ap_centre_pix + trace_width * resample_factor + 1 first_pix = int(max(0, first_pix)) last_pix = int(min(len(spec_spatial), last_pix)) # compute ONE sigma for each trace non_nan_mask = np.isfinite( spec_spatial[first_pix:last_pix] ) & ~np.isnan(spec_spatial[first_pix:last_pix]) # construct the guassian and background profile gauss_prof = models.Gaussian1D( amplitude=np.nanmax(spec_spatial[first_pix:last_pix]), mean=ap_centre_pix / resample_factor, stddev=3.0 * resample_factor, ) bkg_prof = models.Linear1D( slope=0.0, intercept=np.nanpercentile( spec_spatial[first_pix:last_pix], 5.0 ), ) # combined profile total_prof = gauss_prof + bkg_prof # Fit the profile fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() fitted_profile_func = fitter( total_prof, np.arange(first_pix, last_pix)[non_nan_mask] / resample_factor, spec_spatial[first_pix:last_pix][non_nan_mask], ) ap_sigma = fitted_profile_func.stddev_0.value / resample_factor "Aperture is fitted with a Gaussian sigma of " "{} pix.".format(ap_sigma) ) self.spectrum_list[i] = Spectrum1D( spec_id=i, verbose=self.verbose, logger_name=self.logger_name, log_level=self.log_level, log_file_folder=self.log_file_folder, log_file_name=self.log_file_name, ) self.spectrum_list[i].add_trace(list(ap), [ap_sigma] * len(ap)) self.spectrum_list[i].add_profile_func(fitted_profile_func) self.spectrum_list[i].add_gain(self.gain) self.spectrum_list[i].add_readnoise(self.readnoise) self.spectrum_list[i].add_exptime(self.exptime) self.spectrum_list[i].add_seeing(self.seeing) self.spectrum_list[i].add_airmass(self.airmass) # Plot if save_fig or display or return_jsonstring: fig = go.Figure( layout=dict(autosize=False, height=height, width=width) ) fig.add_trace( go.Heatmap( z=np.log10(self.img), zmin=self.zmin, zmax=self.zmax, colorscale="Viridis", colorbar=dict(title="log( e- count )"), ) ) for i in range(len(spec_idx)): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(self.spec_size), y=self.spectrum_list[i].trace, line=dict(color="black"), ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=spec_pix / resample_factor, y=spec_i, mode="markers", marker=dict(color="grey"), ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.ones(len(spec_idx)) * spec_pix[start_window_idx] / resample_factor, y=spec_idx[:, start_window_idx], mode="markers", marker=dict(color="firebrick"), ) ) fig.update_layout( yaxis_title="Spatial Direction / pixel", xaxis=dict( zeroline=False, showgrid=False, title="Dispersion Direction / pixel", ), bargap=0, hovermode="closest", showlegend=False, ) if filename is None: filename = "ap_trace" if save_fig: fig_type_split = fig_type.split("+") for t in fig_type_split: if t == "iframe": pio.write_html( fig, filename + "." + t, auto_open=open_iframe ) elif t in ["jpg", "png", "svg", "pdf"]: pio.write_image(fig, filename + "." + t) "Figure is saved to {} for the ".format( filename + "." + t ) + "science_spectrum_list for spec_id: {}.".format(i) ) if display: if renderer == "default": else: if return_jsonstring: return fig.to_json()
[docs] def add_trace(self, trace, trace_sigma, spec_id=None): """ Add user-supplied trace. The trace has to have the size as the 2D spectral image in the spectral direction. Parameters ---------- trace: list or numpy.ndarray (N) The spatial pixel value (can be sub-pixel) of the trace at each spectral position. trace_sigma: list or numpy.ndarray (N) Standard deviation of the Gaussian profile of a trace spec_id: int (Default: None) The ID corresponding to the spectrum1D object """ if isinstance(spec_id, int): spec_id = [spec_id] assert isinstance(spec_id, (int, list, np.ndarray)) or ( spec_id is None ), "spec_id has to be an integer, None, list or array." if spec_id is None: if len(np.shape(trace)) == 1: spec_id = [0] elif len(np.shape(trace)) == 2: spec_id = list(np.arange(np.shape(trace)[0])) if isinstance(spec_id, np.ndarray): spec_id = list(spec_id) assert isinstance( trace, (list, np.ndarray) ), "trace has to be a list or an array." assert isinstance( trace_sigma, (list, np.ndarray) ), "trace_sigma has to be a list or an array." assert len(trace) == len(trace_sigma), "trace and trace_sigma have to " "be the same size." for i in spec_id: if i in self.spectrum_list.keys(): self.spectrum_list[i].add_trace(trace, trace_sigma) else: self.spectrum_list[i] = Spectrum1D( spec_id=i, verbose=self.verbose, logger_name=self.logger_name, log_level=self.log_level, log_file_folder=self.log_file_folder, log_file_name=self.log_file_name, ) self.spectrum_list[i].add_trace(trace, trace_sigma)
[docs] def remove_trace(self, spec_id=None): """ Parameters ---------- spec_id: int The ID corresponding to the spectrum1D object """ if isinstance(spec_id, int): spec_id = [spec_id] if spec_id is not None: assert np.in1d( spec_id, list(self.spectrum_list.keys()) ).all(), "Some " "spec_id provided are not in the spectrum_list." else: spec_id = list(self.spectrum_list.keys()) for i in spec_id: self.spectrum_list[i].remove_trace()
[docs] def get_rectification( self, upsample_factor=5, bin_size=6, n_bin=15, spline_order=3, order=2, coeff=None, use_arc=True, apply=False, display=False, renderer="default", width=1280, height=720, return_jsonstring=False, save_fig=False, fig_type="iframe+png", filename=None, open_iframe=False, ): """ ONLY possible if there is ONE trace. If more than one trace is provided, only the first one (i.e. spec_id = 0) will get processed. The retification in the spatial direction depends on ONLY the trace, while that in the dispersion direction depends on the parameters provided here. Parameters ---------- spec_id: int (Default: None) The ID corresponding to the spectrum1D object upsample_factor: float (Default: 10) The upsampling rate for the correlation (10 times means precise to 1/10 of a pixel). The upsampling uses cubic spline that is adopted in the scipy.ndimage.zoom() function. bin_size: int (Default: 6) Number of rows in a slice. n_bin: int (Default: 10) Number of slices parallel to the trace to be correlated to to compute the distortion in the dispersion direction. (i.e. there are 10 // 2 = 5 slices below and above the trace.) spline_order: int (Default: 3) The order of spline for resampling. order: int (Default: 2) The order of polynomial to fit for the distortion in the dispersion direction coeff: list or numpy.ndarray (Default: None) The polynomial coefficients for aligned the dispersion direction as a function of distance from the trace. apply: bool (Default: False) Apply the rectification directly without checking. display: bool (Default: False) Set to True to display disgnostic plot. renderer: str (Default: 'default') plotly renderer options. width: int/float (Default: 1280) Number of pixels in the horizontal direction of the outputs height: int/float (Default: 720) Number of pixels in the vertical direction of the outputs return_jsonstring: bool (Default: False) set to True to return json str that can be rendered by Plotly in any support language. save_fig: bool (default: False) Save an image if set to True. Plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'iframe+png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: str (Default: None) Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. open_iframe: bool (Default: False) Open the iframe in the default browser if set to True. """ spec = self.spectrum_list[0] spec_size_tmp = spec.len_trace * upsample_factor # Upsample and shift in the dispersion direction img_tmp = ndimage.zoom( self.img.astype(float), zoom=upsample_factor, order=spline_order ) y_tmp = ( ndimage.zoom( np.array(spec.trace), zoom=upsample_factor, order=spline_order ) * upsample_factor ) if self.arc is None: self.logger.warning( "Arc frame is not available, only the data image " "will be rectified." ) if use_arc: use_arc = False elif isinstance(self.arc, CCDData): arc_tmp = ndimage.zoom(, zoom=upsample_factor, order=spline_order, )"The arc frame is upsampled.") else: arc_tmp = ndimage.zoom( self.arc.astype(float), zoom=upsample_factor, order=spline_order, )"The arc frame is upsampled.") # Shift the spectrum to spatially aligned to the trace at ref ref = y_tmp[len(y_tmp) // 2] for i in range(self.spec_size * upsample_factor): shift_i = int(np.round(y_tmp[i] - ref)) img_tmp[:, i] = np.roll(img_tmp[:, i], -shift_i) if self.arc is not None: arc_tmp[:, i] = np.roll(arc_tmp[:, i], -shift_i) # Now start working with the shift in the spectral direction if coeff is not None: n_down = None n_up = None "Polynomial coefficients for rectifying in the spatial " "direction is given as: {}.".format(coeff) ) else: if isinstance(n_bin, (int, float)): n_down = int(n_bin // 2) n_up = int(n_bin // 2) elif isinstance(n_bin, (list, np.ndarray)): n_down = n_bin[0] n_up = n_bin[1] else: self.logger.error( "The given n_bin is not numeric or a list/array of " "size 2: {}. Using the default value to proceed.".format( n_bin ) ) n_down = 5 n_up = 5 bin_half_size = bin_size / 2 * upsample_factor # The x-coordinates of the trace (of length len_trace) x = np.arange(spec.len_trace * upsample_factor).astype("int") # s for "flattened signal of the slice" if use_arc: s = [ np.nansum( [ arc_tmp[ int(np.round(ref - bin_half_size)) : int( np.round(ref + bin_half_size) + 1 ), i, ] for i in x ], axis=1, ) ] else: s = [ np.nansum( [ img_tmp[ int(np.round(ref - bin_half_size)) : int( np.round(ref + bin_half_size) + 1 ), i, ] for i in x ], axis=1, ) ] one_tenth = len(s[0]) // 10 s[0] -= lowess( s[0], np.arange(spec_size_tmp), frac=0.05, return_sorted=False ) s[0] -= min(s[0][one_tenth:-one_tenth]) s[0] /= max(s[0][one_tenth:-one_tenth]) s_down = [] s_up = [] # Loop through the spectra below the trace for k in range(n_down): start = k * bin_half_size end = start + bin_size * upsample_factor + 1 # Note the start and end are counting up, while the # indices are becoming smaller. if use_arc: s_down.append( np.nansum( [ arc_tmp[ int(np.round(ref - end)) : int( np.round(ref - start) ), i, ] for i in x ], axis=1, ) ) else: s_down.append( np.nansum( [ img_tmp[ int(np.round(ref - end)) : int( np.round(ref - start) ), i, ] for i in x ], axis=1, ) ) s_down[k] -= lowess( s_down[k], np.arange(spec_size_tmp), frac=0.05, return_sorted=False, ) s_down[k] -= min(s_down[k][one_tenth:-one_tenth]) s_down[k] /= max(s_down[k][one_tenth:-one_tenth]) # Loop through the spectra above the trace for k in range(n_up): start = k * bin_half_size end = start + bin_size * upsample_factor + 1 if use_arc: s_up.append( np.nansum( [ arc_tmp[ int(np.round(ref + start)) : int( np.round(ref + end) ), i, ] for i in x ], axis=1, ) ) else: s_up.append( np.nansum( [ img_tmp[ int(np.round(ref + start)) : int( np.round(ref + end) ), i, ] for i in x ], axis=1, ) ) s_up[k] -= lowess( s_up[k], np.arange(spec_size_tmp), frac=0.05, return_sorted=False, ) s_up[k] -= min(s_up[k][one_tenth:-one_tenth]) s_up[k] /= max(s_up[k][one_tenth:-one_tenth]) s_all = s_down[::-1] + s + s_up "{} subspectra is used for cross-correlation.".format(s_all) ) y_trace_upsampled = ( np.arange(-n_down + 1, n_up + 1) * bin_half_size + ref ) # correlate with the neighbouring slice to compute the shifts shift_upsampled = np.zeros_like(y_trace_upsampled) for i in range(1, len(s_all)): # Note: indice n_down is s corr = signal.correlate( 10.0 ** s_all[i][one_tenth:-one_tenth], 10.0 ** s_all[i - 1][one_tenth:-one_tenth], ) shift_upsampled[i - 1 :] += ( spec_size_tmp - 2 * one_tenth - np.argwhere(corr == corr[np.argmax(corr)])[0] - 1 ) # Turn the shift to relative to the spectrum shift_upsampled -= shift_upsampled[n_down] "The upsampled y-coordinates of subspectra " "are: {} ".format(y_trace_upsampled) + "and the corresponding upsampled shifts " "are: {}.".format(shift_upsampled) ) "The y-coordinates of subspectra " "are: {} ".format(y_trace_upsampled / upsample_factor) + "and the corresponding shifts " "are: {}.".format(shift_upsampled / upsample_factor) ) # fit the distortion in the spectral direction as a function # of y-pixel. The coeff is in the upsampled resolution coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit( y_trace_upsampled, lowess( shift_upsampled, y_trace_upsampled, return_sorted=False ), order, ) "Best fit polynomial for rectifying in the spatial direction." "is {}.".format(coeff) ) # shift in the spectral direction, the shift is as a function # of distance from the trace at ref # For each row j (sort of a line of spectrum...) for j in range(len(img_tmp)): shift_j = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(j, coeff) if j % 10 == 0: "The shift at line j = {} is {}.".format(j, shift_j) ) img_tmp[j] = np.roll(img_tmp[j], int(np.round(shift_j))) if self.arc is not None: arc_tmp[j] = np.roll(arc_tmp[j], int(np.round(shift_j))) self.rec_coeff = coeff self.rec_n_down = n_down self.rec_n_up = n_up self.rec_upsample_factor = upsample_factor self.rec_bin_size = bin_size self.rec_n_bin = n_bin self.rec_spline_order = spline_order self.rec_order = order self.img_rectified = ndimage.zoom( img_tmp, zoom=1.0 / upsample_factor, order=spline_order ) self.img_residual_rectified = copy.deepcopy(self.img_rectified) if self.arc is not None: self.arc_rectified = ndimage.zoom( arc_tmp, zoom=1.0 / upsample_factor, order=spline_order ) if apply: self.apply_rectification() if save_fig or display or return_jsonstring: fig = go.Figure( layout=dict(autosize=False, height=height, width=width) ) # show the image on the top # the 3 is the show a little bit outside the extraction regions fig.add_trace( go.Heatmap( z=np.log10(self.img_rectified), colorscale="Viridis", zmin=np.nanpercentile(np.log10(self.img_rectified), 10), zmax=np.nanpercentile(np.log10(self.img_rectified), 90), xaxis="x", yaxis="y", colorbar=dict(title="log( e- count / s)"), ) ) if self.arc_rectified is not None: fig.add_trace( go.Heatmap( z=np.log10(self.arc_rectified), colorscale="Viridis", zmin=np.nanpercentile( np.log10(self.arc_rectified), 10 ), zmax=np.nanpercentile( np.log10(self.arc_rectified), 90 ), xaxis="x2", yaxis="y2", ) ) # Decorative stuff fig.update_layout( yaxis=dict( zeroline=False, domain=[0.5, 1], showgrid=False, title="Spatial Direction / pixel", ), yaxis2=dict( zeroline=False, domain=[0, 0.5], showgrid=False, title="Spatial Direction / pixel", ), xaxis=dict(showticklabels=False), xaxis2=dict( title="Dispersion Direction / pixel", anchor="y2", matches="x", ), bargap=0, hovermode="closest", ) if filename is None: filename = "rectified_image" if save_fig: fig_type_split = fig_type.split("+") for t in fig_type_split: if t == "iframe": pio.write_html( fig, filename + "." + t, auto_open=open_iframe ) elif t in ["jpg", "png", "svg", "pdf"]: pio.write_image(fig, filename + "." + t) "Figure is saved to {} for the ".format( filename + "." + t ) ) if display: if renderer == "default": else: if return_jsonstring: return fig.to_json()
[docs] def apply_rectification(self): """ Accept the dispersion rectification computed. """ if self.img_rectified is not None: self.img = self.img_rectified self.img_residual = self.img_residual_rectified"Image rectification is applied") else: "Rectification is not computed, it cannot be " "applied to the image." ) if self.arc_rectified is not None: self.arc = self.arc_rectified"Arc rectification is applied") else: "Rectification is not computed, it cannot be " "applied to the arc." )
def _fit_sky( self, extraction_slice, extraction_bad_mask, sky_sigma, sky_width_dn, sky_width_up, sky_polyfit_order, ): """ Fit the sky background from the given extraction_slice and the aperture parameters. Parameters ---------- extraction_slice: 1D numpy.ndarray The counts along the profile for extraction, including the sky regions to be fitted and subtracted from. extraction_bad_mask: 1D numpy.ndarray The mask of the bad pixels. They should be marked as 1 or True. sky_sigma: float Number of sigma to be clipped. sky_width_dn: int Number of pixels used for sky modelling on the lower side of the spectrum. sky_width_up: int Number of pixels used for sky modelling on the upper side of the spectrum. sky_polyfit_order: int The order of polynomial in fitting the sky background. Returns ------- count_sky_extraction_slice: numpy.ndarray The sky count in each pixel of the extraction_slice. """ if (sky_width_dn > 0) or (sky_width_up > 0): # get the sky region(s) sky_mask = np.zeros_like(extraction_slice, dtype=bool) sky_mask[0:sky_width_up] = True sky_mask[-(sky_width_dn + 1) : -1] = True sky_mask *= ~extraction_bad_mask sky_bad_mask = ~sigma_clip( extraction_slice[sky_mask], sigma=sky_sigma ).mask if sky_polyfit_order == 0: count_sky_extraction_slice = np.ones( len(extraction_slice[sky_mask][sky_bad_mask]) ) * np.nanmean(extraction_slice[sky_mask][sky_bad_mask]) elif sky_polyfit_order > 0: # fit a polynomial to the sky in this column polyfit_coeff = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit( np.arange(extraction_slice.size)[sky_mask][sky_bad_mask], extraction_slice[sky_mask][sky_bad_mask], sky_polyfit_order, ) # evaluate the polynomial across the extraction_slice, and sum count_sky_extraction_slice = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval( np.arange(extraction_slice.size), polyfit_coeff ) else: self.logger.warning( "sky_polyfit_order cannot be negative. sky " "background is set to zero." ) count_sky_extraction_slice = np.zeros_like(extraction_slice) self.logger.debug( "Background sky flux is " "{}.".format(count_sky_extraction_slice) ) else: # get the indexes of the sky regions count_sky_extraction_slice = np.zeros_like(extraction_slice) self.logger.debug( "Sky region is not provided, backgound is set " "to zero." ) return count_sky_extraction_slice
[docs] def ap_extract( self, apwidth=7, skysep=3, skywidth=5, skydeg=1, sky_sigma=3.0, spec_id=None, optimal=True, algorithm="horne86", model="lowess", lowess_frac=0.1, lowess_it=3, lowess_delta=0.0, tolerance=1e-6, cosmicray_sigma=4.0, max_iter=99, forced=False, variances=None, npoly=21, polyspacing=1, pord=5, qmode="fast-linear", nreject=100, display=False, renderer="default", width=1280, height=720, return_jsonstring=False, save_fig=False, fig_type="iframe+png", filename=None, open_iframe=False, ): """ Extract the spectra using the traces, support tophat or optimal extraction. The sky background is fitted in one dimention only. The uncertainty at each pixel is also computed, but the values are only meaningful if correct gain and read noise are provided. Tophat extraction: Float is accepted but will be rounded to an int, which gives the constant aperture size on either side of the trace to extract. Optimal extraction: Float or 1-d array of the same size as the trace. If a float is supplied, a fixed standard deviation will be used to construct the gaussian weight function along the entire spectrum. (Choose from horne86 and marsh89 algorithm) Nothing is returned unless return_jsonstring of the plotly graph is set to be returned. The count, count_sky and count_err are stored as properties of the TwoDSpec object. count: 1-d array The summed count at each column about the trace. Note: is not sky subtracted! count_err: 1-d array the uncertainties of the count values count_sky: 1-d array The integrated sky values along each column, suitable for subtracting from the output of ap_extract Parameters ---------- apwidth: int or list of int (Default: 7) Half the size of the aperature (fixed value for tophat extraction). If a list of two ints are provided, the first element is the lower half of the aperture and the second one is the upper half. skysep: int or list of int (Default: 3) The separation in pixels from the aperture to the sky window. skywidth: int or list of int (Default: 5) The width in pixels of the sky windows on either side of the aperture. Zero (0) means ignore sky subtraction. skydeg: int (Default: 1) The polynomial order to fit between the sky windows. spec_id: int (Default: None) The ID corresponding to the spectrum1D object optimal: bool (Default: True) Set optimal extraction. (Default is True) algorithm: str (Default: 'horne86') Available algorithms are horne86 and marsh89 model: str (Default: 'lowess') Choice of model: 'lowess' and 'gauss'. lowess_frac: float (Default: 0.1) Fraction of "good data" retained for LOWESS fit. lowess_it: int (Default: 3) Number of iteration in LOWESS fit -- the number of residual-based reweightings to perform. lowess_delta: float (Default: 0.0) The delta parameter in LOWESS fit -- distance within which to use linear-interpolation instead of weighted regression. tolerance: float (Default: 1e-6) The tolerance limit for the convergence of the optimal extraction cosmicray_sigma: float (Deafult: 4.0) Cosmic ray sigma clipping limit. This is for rejecting pixels when using horne87 and marsh89 optimal cleaning. Use sigclip in kwargs for configuring cosmicray cleaning with astroscrappy. max_iter: float (Default: 99) The maximum number of iterations before optimal extraction fails and return to standard tophot extraction forced: bool (Default: False) To perform forced optimal extraction by using the given aperture profile as it is without interation, the resulting uncertainty will almost certainly be wrong. This is an experimental feature. variances: list or numpy.ndarray (Default: None, only used if algorithm is horne86) The weight function for forced extraction. It is only used if force is set to True. npoly: int (Default: 21, only used if algorithm is marsh89) Number of profile to be use for polynomial fitting to evaluate (Marsh's "K"). For symmetry, this should be odd. polyspacing: float (Default: 1, only used if algorithm is marsh89) Spacing between profile polynomials, in pixels. (Marsh's "S"). A few cursory tests suggests that the extraction precision (in the high S/N case) scales as S^-2 -- but the code slows down as S^2. pord: int (Default: 5, only used if algorithm is marsh89) Order of profile polynomials; 1 = linear, etc. qmode: str (Default: 'fast-linear', only used if algorithm is marsh89) How to compute Marsh's Q-matrix. Valid inputs are 'fast-linear', 'slow-linear', 'fast-nearest', and 'slow-nearest'. These select between various methods of integrating the nearest-neighbor or linear interpolation schemes as described by Marsh; the 'linear' methods are preferred for accuracy. Use 'slow' if you are running out of memory when using the 'fast' array-based methods. nreject: int (Default: 100, only used if algorithm is marsh89) Number of outlier-pixels to reject at each iteration. display: bool (Default: False) Set to True to display disgnostic plot. renderer: str (Default: 'default') plotly renderer options. width: int/float (Default: 1280) Number of pixels in the horizontal direction of the outputs height: int/float (Default: 720) Number of pixels in the vertical direction of the outputs return_jsonstring: bool (Default: False) set to True to return json str that can be rendered by Plotly in any support language. save_fig: bool (default: False) Save an image if set to True. Plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'iframe+png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: str (Default: None) Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. open_iframe: bool (Default: False) Open the iframe in the default browser if set to True. """ if isinstance(spec_id, int): spec_id = [spec_id] if spec_id is not None: assert np.in1d( spec_id, list(self.spectrum_list.keys()) ).all(), "Some " "spec_id provided are not in the spectrum_list." else: spec_id = list(self.spectrum_list.keys()) self.cosmicray_sigma = cosmicray_sigma to_return = [] for j in spec_id: if isinstance(apwidth, int): # first do the aperture count width_dn = apwidth width_up = apwidth elif len(apwidth) == 2: width_dn = apwidth[0] width_up = apwidth[1] else: self.logger.error( "apwidth can only be an int or a list " + "of two ints. It is set to the default " + "value to continue the extraction." ) width_dn = 7 width_up = 7 if isinstance(skysep, int): # first do the aperture count sep_dn = skysep sep_up = skysep elif len(skysep) == 2: sep_dn = skysep[0] sep_up = skysep[1] else: self.logger.error( "skysep can only be an int or a list of " + "two ints. It is set to the default " + "value to continue the extraction." ) sep_dn = 3 sep_up = 3 if isinstance(skywidth, int): # first do the aperture count sky_width_dn = skywidth sky_width_up = skywidth elif len(skywidth) == 2: sky_width_dn = skywidth[0] sky_width_up = skywidth[1] else: self.logger.error( "skywidth can only be an int or a list of " + "two ints. It is set to the default value " + "to continue the extraction." ) sky_width_dn = 5 sky_width_up = 5 offset = 0 spec = self.spectrum_list[j] len_trace = len(spec.trace) count_sky = np.zeros(len_trace) count_err = np.zeros(len_trace) count = np.zeros(len_trace) var = ( np.ones((len_trace, width_dn + width_up + 1)) * self.readnoise**2.0 ) profile = np.zeros((len_trace, width_dn + width_up + 1)) is_optimal = np.zeros(len_trace, dtype=bool) # Sky extraction for i, pos in enumerate(spec.trace): itrace = int(pos) pix_frac = pos - itrace profile_start_idx = 0 # fix width if trace is too close to the edge if itrace + width_up > self.spatial_size: "Extration is over the upper edge of the detector " "plane. Fixing indices. width_up is changed " "from {} to {}.".format( width_up, self.spatial_size - itrace - 1 ) ) # ending at the last pixel width_up = self.spatial_size - itrace - 3 sep_up = 0 sky_width_up = 0 profile_end_idx = width_dn + width_up + 1 if itrace - width_dn < 0: "Extration is over the lower edge of " "the detector plane. Fixing indices." ) offset = width_dn - itrace # starting at pixel row 0 width_dn = itrace - 1 sep_dn = 0 sky_width_dn = 0 profile_start_idx = offset profile_end_idx = offset + width_dn + width_up + 1 # Pixels where the source spectrum and the sky regions are source_pix = np.arange( itrace - width_dn, itrace + width_up + 1 ) extraction_pix = np.arange( itrace - width_dn - sep_dn - sky_width_dn, itrace + width_up + sep_up + sky_width_up + 1, ) # trace +/- aperture size source_slice = self.img[source_pix, i].copy() if self.bad_mask is not None: source_bad_mask = self.bad_mask[source_pix, i] else: source_bad_mask = np.zeros_like(source_slice, dtype="bool") # trace +/- aperture and sky region size extraction_slice = self.img[extraction_pix, i].copy() if self.bad_mask is not None: extraction_bad_mask = self.bad_mask[extraction_pix, i] else: extraction_bad_mask = np.zeros_like( extraction_slice, dtype="bool" ) extraction_bad_mask = ( extraction_bad_mask & ~np.isfinite(extraction_slice) & ~np.isnan(extraction_slice) ) count_sky_extraction_slice = self._fit_sky( extraction_slice, extraction_bad_mask, sky_sigma, sky_width_dn, sky_width_up, skydeg, ) count_sky_source_slice = count_sky_extraction_slice[ source_pix - itrace ].copy() count_sky[i] = ( np.nansum(count_sky_source_slice) - pix_frac * count_sky_source_slice[0] - (1 - pix_frac) * count_sky_source_slice[-1] ) self.img_residual[ source_pix, i ] = count_sky_source_slice.copy() self.logger.debug( "count_sky at pixel {} is {}.".format(i, count_sky[i]) ) # if not optimal extraction or using marsh89, perform a # tophat extraction if not optimal or (optimal & (algorithm == "marsh89")): ( count[i], count_err[i], is_optimal[i], ) = self._tophat_extraction( source_slice=source_slice, sky_source_slice=count_sky_source_slice, pix_frac=pix_frac, gain=self.gain, sky_width_dn=sky_width_dn, sky_width_up=sky_width_up, width_dn=width_dn, width_up=width_up, ) # Get the optimal signals if optimal & (algorithm == "horne86"): self.logger.debug("Using Horne 1986 algorithm.") # If the weights are given externally to perform forced # extraction if forced: self.logger.debug("Using forced extraction.") # Unit weighted if np.ndim(variances) == 0: if isinstance(variances, (int, float)): var_i = ( np.ones(width_dn + width_up + 1) * variances ) else: var_i = np.ones(len(source_pix)) self.logger.warning("Variances are set to 1.") # A single LSF is given for the entire trace elif np.ndim(variances) == 1: if len(variances) == len(source_pix): var_i = variances elif len(variances) == len_trace: var_i = np.ones(len(source_pix)) * variances[i] else: var_i = np.ones(len(source_pix)) self.logger.warning("Variances are set to 1.") # A two dimensional LSF elif np.ndim(variances) == 2: var_i = variances[i] # If the spectrum is outside of the frame if itrace - apwidth < 0: var_i = var_i[apwidth - width_dn :] # If the spectrum is outside of the frame elif itrace + apwidth > self.spatial_size: var_i = var_i[: -(apwidth - width_up + 1)] else: pass else: var_i = np.ones(len(source_pix)) self.logger.warning("Variances are set to 1.") else: var_i = None if model == "gauss": # .left is the gaussian model _profile_func = self.spectrum_list[j].profile_func.left _profile = _profile_func(source_pix) _profile /= np.sum(_profile) _lower = (pos - min(source_pix)) / _profile_func.stddev _upper = ( max(source_pix) - pos + 1 ) / _profile_func.stddev _profile *= np.diff(norm.cdf([-_lower, _upper])) elif model == "lowess": _profile = lowess( source_slice - count_sky_source_slice, source_pix, frac=lowess_frac, it=lowess_it, delta=lowess_delta, return_sorted=False, ) _profile[_profile < 0] = 0.0 _profile /= np.nansum(_profile) else: self.logger.error( "The provided model has to be gauss or lowess, " "{} is given. lowess is used.".format(model) ) model = "lowess" # source_pix is the native pixel position # pos is the trace at the native pixel position ( count[i], count_err[i], is_optimal[i], profile[i][profile_start_idx:profile_end_idx], var_temp, ) = self._optimal_extraction_horne86( source_slice=source_slice, sky=count_sky_source_slice, profile=_profile, tol=tolerance, max_iter=max_iter, readnoise=self.readnoise, gain=self.gain, cosmicray_sigma=self.cosmicray_sigma, forced=forced, variances=var_i, bad_mask=source_bad_mask, ) if var_i is None: var[ i, offset : offset + width_dn + width_up + 1 ] = var_temp else: var[i] = var_i if optimal & (algorithm == "marsh89"): self.logger.debug("Using Marsh 1989 algorithm.") if variances is None: variances = self.variance ( count, count_err, is_optimal, profile, var, ) = self._optimal_extraction_marsh89( frame=self.img, residual_frame=self.img_residual, variance=variances, trace=spec.trace, spectrum=count, readnoise=self.readnoise, apwidth=(width_dn, width_up), goodpixelmask=~self.bad_mask, npoly=npoly, polyspacing=polyspacing, pord=pord, cosmicray_sigma=self.cosmicray_sigma, qmode=qmode, nreject=nreject, ) # All the extraction methods return signal and noise in the # same format count /= self.exptime count_err /= self.exptime count_sky /= self.exptime var /= self.exptime spec.add_aperture( width_dn, width_up, sep_dn, sep_up, sky_width_dn, sky_width_up ) spec.add_count(list(count), list(count_err), list(count_sky)) spec.add_variances(var) spec.add_profile(profile) spec.gain = self.gain spec.optimal_pixel = is_optimal spec.add_spectrum_header(self.header)"Spectrum extracted for spec_id: {}.".format(j)) if optimal & (algorithm == "horne86"): spec.extraction_type = "OptimalHorne86" if optimal & (algorithm == "marsh89"): spec.extraction_type = "OptimalMarsh89" else: spec.extraction_type = "Tophat" # If more than a third of the spectrum is extracted suboptimally if np.sum(is_optimal) / len(is_optimal) < 0.333: self.logger.warning( "Some signal extracted is likely to be suboptimal, it " "is most likely happening at the red and/or blue ends " "of the spectrum." ) if save_fig or display or return_jsonstring: min_trace = int(min(spec.trace) + 0.5) max_trace = int(max(spec.trace) + 0.5) fig = go.Figure( layout=dict(autosize=False, height=height, width=width) ) # the 3 is to show a little bit outside the extraction regions img_display = np.log10( self.img[ max( 0, min_trace - width_dn - sep_dn - sky_width_dn - 3 ) : min( max_trace + width_up + sep_up + sky_width_up, len(self.img[0]), ) + 3, :, ] ) # show the image on the top # the 3 is the show a little bit outside the extraction regions fig.add_trace( go.Heatmap( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=np.arange( max( 0, min_trace - width_dn - sep_dn - sky_width_dn - 3, ), min( max_trace + width_up + sep_up + sky_width_up + 3, len(self.img[0]), ), ), z=img_display, colorscale="Viridis", zmin=self.zmin, zmax=self.zmax, xaxis="x", yaxis="y", colorbar=dict(title="log( e- count / s )"), ) ) # Middle black box on the image fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list( np.concatenate( ( np.arange(len_trace), np.arange(len_trace)[::-1], np.zeros(1), ) ) ), y=list( np.concatenate( ( np.array(spec.trace) - width_dn - 1, np.array(spec.trace[::-1]) + width_up + 1, np.ones(1) * (spec.trace[0] - width_dn - 1), ) ) ), xaxis="x", yaxis="y", mode="lines", line_color="black", showlegend=False, ) ) # Lower red box on the image if offset == 0: lower_redbox_upper_bound = ( np.array(spec.trace) - width_dn - sep_dn - 1 ) lower_redbox_lower_bound = ( np.array(spec.trace)[::-1] - width_dn - sep_dn - sky_width_dn ) lower_redbox_lower_bound[lower_redbox_lower_bound < 0] = 1 fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list( np.concatenate( ( np.arange(len_trace), np.arange(len_trace)[::-1], np.zeros(1), ) ) ), y=list( np.concatenate( ( lower_redbox_upper_bound, lower_redbox_lower_bound, np.ones(1) * lower_redbox_upper_bound[0], ) ) ), line_color="red", xaxis="x", yaxis="y", mode="lines", showlegend=False, ) ) # Upper red box on the image if sep_up + sky_width_up > 0: upper_redbox_upper_bound = ( np.array(spec.trace) + width_up + sep_up + sky_width_up ) upper_redbox_lower_bound = ( np.array(spec.trace)[::-1] + width_up + sep_up + 1 ) upper_redbox_upper_bound[ upper_redbox_upper_bound > self.spatial_size ] = (self.spatial_size + 1) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list( np.concatenate( ( np.arange(len_trace), np.arange(len_trace)[::-1], np.zeros(1), ) ) ), y=list( np.concatenate( ( upper_redbox_upper_bound, upper_redbox_lower_bound, np.ones(1) * upper_redbox_upper_bound[0], ) ) ), xaxis="x", yaxis="y", mode="lines", line_color="red", showlegend=False, ) ) # plot the SNR fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=count / count_err, xaxis="x2", yaxis="y3", line=dict(color="slategrey"), name="Signal-to-Noise Ratio", ) ) # extrated source, sky and uncertainty fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=count_sky, xaxis="x2", yaxis="y2", line=dict(color="firebrick"), name="Sky e- count / s", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=count_err, xaxis="x2", yaxis="y2", line=dict(color="orange"), name="Uncertainty e- count / s", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=count, xaxis="x2", yaxis="y2", line=dict(color="royalblue"), name="Target e- count / s", ) ) # Decorative stuff fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict(showticklabels=False), yaxis=dict( zeroline=False, domain=[0.5, 1], showgrid=False, title="Spatial Direction / pixel", ), yaxis2=dict( range=[ min( np.nanmin( sigma_clip(count, sigma=5.0, masked=False) ), np.nanmin( sigma_clip( count_err, sigma=5.0, masked=False ) ), np.nanmin( sigma_clip( count_sky, sigma=5.0, masked=False ) ), 1, ), max(np.nanmax(count), np.nanmax(count_sky)), ], zeroline=False, domain=[0, 0.5], showgrid=True, title=" e- count", ), yaxis3=dict( title="S/N ratio", anchor="x2", overlaying="y2", side="right", ), xaxis2=dict( title="Dispersion Direction / pixel", anchor="y2", matches="x", ), legend=go.layout.Legend( x=0, y=0.45, traceorder="normal", font=dict(family="sans-serif", size=12, color="black"), bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", ), bargap=0, hovermode="closest", showlegend=True, ) if filename is None: filename = "ap_extract" if save_fig: fig_type_split = fig_type.split("+") for t in fig_type_split: save_path = filename + "_" + str(j) + "." + t if t == "iframe": pio.write_html( fig, save_path, auto_open=open_iframe ) elif t in ["jpg", "png", "svg", "pdf"]: pio.write_image(fig, save_path) "Figure is saved to {} ".format(save_path) + "for spec_id: {}.".format(j) ) if display: if renderer == "default": else: if return_jsonstring: to_return.append(fig.to_json()) if return_jsonstring: return to_return
def _tophat_extraction( self, source_slice, sky_source_slice, pix_frac, gain, sky_width_dn, sky_width_up, width_dn, width_up, source_bad_mask=None, sky_source_bad_mask=None, ): """ Make sure the counts are the number of photoelectrons or an equivalent detector unit, and not counts per second. Parameters ---------- source_slice: 1-d numpy array (N) The counts along the profile for aperture extraction. sky_source_slice: 1-d numpy array (M) Count of the fitted sky along the pix, has to be the same length as pix pix_frac: float The decimal places of the centroid. gain: float Detector gain, in electrons per ADU sky_width_dn: int Number of pixels used for sky modelling on the lower side of the spectrum. sky_width_up: int Number of pixels used for sky modelling on the upper side of the spectrum. width_dn: int Number of pixels used for aperture extraction on the lower side of the spectrum. width_up: int Number of pixels used for aperture extraction on the upper side of the spectrum. source_bad_mask: 1-d numpy array (N, default: None) Masking the unusable pixels for extraction. sky_source_bad_mask: 1-d numpy array (M, default: None) Masking the unusable pixels for sky subtraction. """ if source_bad_mask is not None: source_slice = source_slice[source_bad_mask] if source_bad_mask is not None: sky_source_slice = source_slice[sky_source_bad_mask] # Get the total count source_plus_sky = ( np.nansum(source_slice) - pix_frac * source_slice[0] - (1 - pix_frac) * source_slice[-1] ) # finally, compute the error in this pixel # standarddev in the background data sigB = np.nanstd(sky_source_slice) sky = ( np.nansum(sky_source_slice) - pix_frac * sky_source_slice[0] - (1 - pix_frac) * sky_source_slice[-1] ) # number of bkgd pixels nB = sky_width_dn + sky_width_up - np.sum(np.isnan(sky_source_slice)) # number of aperture pixels nA = width_dn + width_up - np.sum(np.isnan(source_slice)) # Based on aperture phot err description by F. Masci, # Caltech: # # ApPhotUncert.pdf # All the counts are in per second already, so need to # multiply by the exposure time when computing the # uncertainty signal = source_plus_sky - sky noise = np.sqrt(signal / gain + (nA + nA**2.0 / nB) * (sigB**2.0)) self.logger.debug( "The signal and noise from the tophat extraction " "are {} and {}.".format(signal, noise) ) return signal, noise, False def _optimal_extraction_horne86( self, source_slice, sky, profile=None, tol=1e-6, max_iter=99, gain=1.0, readnoise=0.0, cosmicray_sigma=5.0, forced=False, variances=None, bad_mask=None, ): """ Make sure the counts are the number of photoelectrons or an equivalent detector unit, and not counts per second or ADU. Iterate to get the optimal signal. Following the algorithm on Horne, 1986, PASP, 98, 609 (1986PASP...98..609H). The 'steps' in the inline comments are in reference to this article. The LOWESS setting can be found at: statsmodels.nonparametric.smoothers_lowess.lowess.html Parameters ---------- source_slice: 1D numpy.ndarray (N) The counts along the profile for extraction, including the sky regions to be fitted and subtracted from. (NOT count per second) sky: 1D numpy.ndarray (N) Count of the fitted sky along the pix, has to be the same length as pix The width of the Gaussian profile: 1D numpy.ndarray (N) The gaussian profile (only used if model='gauss') tol: float The tolerance limit for the covergence max_iter: int The maximum number of iteration in the optimal extraction gain: float (Default: 1.0) Detector gain, in electrons per ADU readnoise: float Detector readnoise, in electrons. cosmicray_sigma: int (Default: 5) Sigma-clipping threshold for cleaning & cosmic ray rejection. forced: bool Forced extraction with the given weights. variances: 1D numpy.ndarray (N) The 1/weights of used for optimal extraction, has to be the same length as the pix. Only used if forced is True. bad_mask: list or None (Default: None) Mask of the bad or usable pixels. Returns ------- signal: float The optimal signal. noise: float The noise associated with the optimal signal. is_optimal: bool List indicating whether the extraction at that pixel was optimal or not. True = optimal, False = suboptimal. P: numpy array The line spread function of the extraction var_f: float The variance in the extraction. """ # step 2 - initial variance estimates var1 = readnoise**2.0 + np.abs(source_slice) / gain # step 4a - extract standard spectrum f = source_slice - sky f1 = np.nansum(f) # step 4b - variance of standard spectrum v1 = 1.0 / np.nansum(1.0 / var1) # step 5 - construct the spatial profile P = profile f_diff = 1 v_diff = 1 i = 0 is_optimal = True while (f_diff > tol) | (v_diff > tol): mask_cr = np.ones(len(P), dtype=bool) if bad_mask is not None: mask_cr = mask_cr & ~bad_mask.astype(bool) if forced: var_f = variances f0 = f1 v0 = v1 # step 6 - revise variance estimates # var_f is the V in Horne87 if not forced: var_f = readnoise**2.0 + np.abs(P * f0 + sky) / gain # step 7 - cosmic ray mask, only start considering after the # 2nd iteration. 1 pixel is masked at a time until convergence, # once the pixel is masked, it will stay masked. if i > 1: ratio = (cosmicray_sigma**2.0 * var_f) / (f - P * f0) ** 2.0 if (ratio > 1).any(): mask_cr[np.argmax(ratio)] = False denom = np.nansum((P**2.0 / var_f)[mask_cr]) # step 8a - extract optimal signal f1 = np.nansum((P * f / var_f)[mask_cr]) / denom # step 8b - variance of optimal signal v1 = np.nansum(P[mask_cr]) / denom f_diff = abs((f1 - f0) / f0) v_diff = abs((v1 - v0) / v0) i += 1 if i == int(max_iter): is_optimal = False break signal = f1 noise = np.sqrt(v1) self.logger.debug( "The signal and noise from the tophat extraction " "are {} and {}.".format(signal, noise) ) return signal, noise, is_optimal, P, var_f def _optimal_extraction_marsh89( self, frame, residual_frame, variance, trace, spectrum=None, readnoise=0.0, apwidth=7, goodpixelmask=None, npoly=21, polyspacing=1, pord=2, cosmicray_sigma=5, qmode="slow-nearest", nreject=100, ): """ Optimally extract curved spectra taken and updated from Ian Crossfield's code, following Marsh 1989. Parameters ---------- frame: 2-d Numpy array (M, N) The calibrated frame from which to extract spectrum. In units of electrons count. residual_frame: 2-d Numpy array (M, N) The sky background only frame. variance: 2-d Numpy array (M, N) Variances of pixel values in 'frame'. trace: 1-d numpy array (N) :ocation of spectral trace. spectrum: 1-d numpy array (M) (Default: None) The extracted spectrum for initial guess. gain: float (Default: 1.0) Detector gain, in electrons per ADU readnoise: float (Default: 0.0) Detector readnoise, in electrons. apwidth: int or list of int (default: 7) The size of the aperture for extraction. goodpixelmask : 2-d numpy array (M, N) (Default: None) Equals 0 for bad pixels, 1 for good pixels npoly: int (Default: 21) Number of profile to be use for polynomial fitting to evaluate (Marsh's "K"). For symmetry, this should be odd. polyspacing: float (Default: 1) Spacing between profile polynomials, in pixels. (Marsh's "S"). A few cursory tests suggests that the extraction precision (in the high S/N case) scales as S^-2 -- but the code slows down as S^2. pord: int (Default: 2) Order of profile polynomials; 1 = linear, etc. cosmicray_sigma: int (Default: 5) Sigma-clipping threshold for cleaning & cosmic-ray rejection. qmode: str (Default: 'slow-nearest') How to compute Marsh's Q-matrix. Valid inputs are 'fast-linear', 'slow-linear', 'fast-nearest', and 'slow-nearest'. These select between various methods of integrating the nearest-neighbor or linear interpolation schemes as described by Marsh; the 'linear' methods are preferred for accuracy. Use 'slow' if you are running out of memory when using the 'fast' array-based methods. nreject: int (Default: 100) Number of outlier-pixels to reject at each iteration. Returns ------- spectrum_marsh: The optimal signal. spectrum_err_marsh: The noise associated with the optimal signal. is_optimal: List indicating whether the extraction at that pixel was optimal or not (this list is always all optimal). profile: The line spread functions of the extraction variance0: The variance in the extraction. """ frame = frame.transpose() residual_frame = residual_frame.transpose() variance = variance.transpose() if isinstance(apwidth, (float, int)): # first do the aperture count width_dn = apwidth width_up = apwidth elif len(apwidth) == 2: width_dn = apwidth[0] width_up = apwidth[1] else: self.logger.error( "apwidth can only be an int or a list " + "of two ints. It is set to the default " + "value to continue the extraction." ) width_dn = 7 width_up = 7 if goodpixelmask is not None: goodpixelmask = goodpixelmask.transpose() goodpixelmask = np.array(goodpixelmask, copy=True).astype(bool) else: goodpixelmask = np.ones_like(frame, dtype=bool) goodpixelmask *= np.isfinite(frame) * np.isfinite(variance) variance[~goodpixelmask] = frame[goodpixelmask].max() * 1e9 spectral_size, spatial_size = frame.shape # (my 3a: mask any bad values) bad_residual_frame_mask = ~np.isfinite(residual_frame) residual_frame[bad_residual_frame_mask] = 0.0 if np.any(bad_residual_frame_mask.nonzero()): self.logger.warning( "Found bad residual_frame values at: {}".format( bad_residual_frame_mask.nonzero() ) ) skysubFrame = frame - residual_frame """ # Interpolate and fix bad pixels for extraction of standard # spectrum -- otherwise there can be 'holes' in the spectrum from # ill-placed bad pixels. fixSkysubFrame = bfixpix(skysubFrame, ~goodpixelmask, n=8, retdat=True) """ # Define new indices (in Marsh's appendix): N = pord + 1 mm = np.tile(np.arange(N).reshape(N, 1), (npoly)).ravel() nn = mm.copy() ll = np.tile(np.arange(npoly), N) kk = ll.copy() pp = N * ll + mm qq = N * kk + nn ii = np.arange(spatial_size) # column (i.e., spatial direction) jjnorm = np.linspace(-1, 1, spectral_size) # normalized X-coordinate jjnorm_pow = jjnorm.reshape(1, 1, spectral_size) ** ( np.arange(2 * N - 1).reshape(2 * N - 1, 1, 1) ) # Marsh eq. 9, defining centers of each polynomial: constant = 0.0 # What is it for??? poly_centers = ( np.array(trace).reshape(spectral_size, 1) + polyspacing * np.arange(-npoly / 2 + 1, npoly / 2 + 1) + constant ) # Marsh eq. 11, defining Q_kij (via nearest-neighbor interpolation) # Q_kij = max(0, min(S, (S+1)/2 - abs(x_kj - i))) if qmode == "fast-nearest": # Array-based nearest-neighbor mode. Q = np.array( [ np.zeros((npoly, spatial_size, spectral_size)), np.array( [ polyspacing * np.ones((npoly, spatial_size, spectral_size)), 0.5 * (polyspacing + 1) - np.abs( ( poly_centers - ii.reshape(spatial_size, 1, 1) ).transpose(2, 0, 1) ), ] ).min(0), ] ).max(0) elif qmode == "slow-linear": # Code is a mess, but it works. invs = 1.0 / polyspacing poly_centers_over_s = poly_centers / polyspacing xps_mat = poly_centers + polyspacing xms_mat = poly_centers - polyspacing Q = np.zeros((npoly, spatial_size, spectral_size)) for i in range(spatial_size): ip05 = i + 0.5 im05 = i - 0.5 for j in range(spectral_size): for k in range(npoly): xkj = poly_centers[j, k] xkjs = poly_centers_over_s[j, k] # xkj + polyspacing xps = xps_mat[j, k] # xkj - polyspacing xms = xms_mat[j, k] if (ip05 <= xms) or (im05 >= xps): qval = 0.0 elif (im05) > xkj: lim1 = im05 lim2 = min(ip05, xps) qval = (lim2 - lim1) * ( 1.0 + xkjs - 0.5 * invs * (lim1 + lim2) ) elif (ip05) < xkj: lim1 = max(im05, xms) lim2 = ip05 qval = (lim2 - lim1) * ( 1.0 - xkjs + 0.5 * invs * (lim1 + lim2) ) else: lim1 = max(im05, xms) lim2 = min(ip05, xps) qval = ( lim2 - lim1 + invs * ( xkj * (-xkj + lim1 + lim2) - 0.5 * (lim1 * lim1 + lim2 * lim2) ) ) Q[k, i, j] = max(0, qval) # Code is a mess, but it's faster than 'slow' mode elif qmode == "fast-linear": invs = 1.0 / polyspacing xps_mat = poly_centers + polyspacing Q = np.zeros((npoly, spatial_size, spectral_size)) for j in range(spectral_size): xkj_vec = np.tile( poly_centers[j, :].reshape(npoly, 1), (1, spatial_size) ) xps_vec = np.tile( xps_mat[j, :].reshape(npoly, 1), (1, spatial_size) ) xms_vec = xps_vec - 2 * polyspacing ip05_vec = np.tile(np.arange(spatial_size) + 0.5, (npoly, 1)) im05_vec = ip05_vec - 1 ind00 = (ip05_vec <= xms_vec) + (im05_vec >= xps_vec) ind11 = (im05_vec > xkj_vec) * ~ind00 ind22 = (ip05_vec < xkj_vec) * ~ind00 ind33 = ~(ind00 + ind11 + ind22) ind11 = ind11.nonzero() ind22 = ind22.nonzero() ind33 = ind33.nonzero() n_ind11 = len(ind11[0]) n_ind22 = len(ind22[0]) n_ind33 = len(ind33[0]) if n_ind11 > 0: ind11_3d = ind11 + (np.ones(n_ind11, dtype=int) * j,) lim2_ind11 = np.array( (ip05_vec[ind11], xps_vec[ind11]) ).min(0) Q[ind11_3d] = ( (lim2_ind11 - im05_vec[ind11]) * invs * ( polyspacing + xkj_vec[ind11] - 0.5 * (im05_vec[ind11] + lim2_ind11) ) ) if n_ind22 > 0: ind22_3d = ind22 + (np.ones(n_ind22, dtype=int) * j,) lim1_ind22 = np.array( (im05_vec[ind22], xms_vec[ind22]) ).max(0) Q[ind22_3d] = ( (ip05_vec[ind22] - lim1_ind22) * invs * ( polyspacing - xkj_vec[ind22] + 0.5 * (ip05_vec[ind22] + lim1_ind22) ) ) if n_ind33 > 0: ind33_3d = ind33 + (np.ones(n_ind33, dtype=int) * j,) lim1_ind33 = np.array( (im05_vec[ind33], xms_vec[ind33]) ).max(0) lim2_ind33 = np.array( (ip05_vec[ind33], xps_vec[ind33]) ).min(0) Q[ind33_3d] = (lim2_ind33 - lim1_ind33) + invs * ( xkj_vec[ind33] * (-xkj_vec[ind33] + lim1_ind33 + lim2_ind33) - 0.5 * (lim1_ind33 * lim1_ind33 + lim2_ind33 * lim2_ind33) ) # 'slow' Loop-based nearest-neighbor mode: requires less memory else: Q = np.zeros((npoly, spatial_size, spectral_size)) for k in range(npoly): for i in range(spatial_size): for j in range(spectral_size): Q[k, i, j] = max( 0, min( polyspacing, 0.5 * (polyspacing + 1) - np.abs(poly_centers[j, k] - i), ), ) # Some quick math to find out which dat columns are important, and # which contain no useful spectral information: Qmask = Q.sum(0).transpose() > 0 Qind = Qmask.transpose().nonzero() Q_cols = [Qind[0].min(), Qind[0].max()] Qsm = Q[:, Q_cols[0] : Q_cols[1] + 1, :] # Prepar to iteratively clip outliers"Looking for bad pixel outliers.") newBadPixels = True i = -1 while newBadPixels: i += 1 self.logger.debug("Beginning iteration {}.".format(i)) # Compute pixel fractions (Marsh Eq. 5): # (Note that values outside the desired polynomial region # have Q=0, and so do not contribute to the fit) invEvariance = ( np.array(spectrum).reshape(spectral_size, 1) ** 2 / variance ).transpose() weightedE = ( skysubFrame * np.array(spectrum).reshape(spectral_size, 1) / variance ).transpose() # E / var_E invEvariance_subset = invEvariance[Q_cols[0] : Q_cols[1] + 1, :] # Define X vector (Marsh Eq. A3): X = np.zeros(N * npoly) for q in qq: X[q] = ( weightedE[Q_cols[0] : Q_cols[1] + 1, :] * Qsm[kk[q], :, :] * jjnorm_pow[nn[q]] ).sum() """ # The unoptimised way to compute the X vector: X2 = np.zeros(N * npoly) for n in nn: for k in kk: q = N * k + n xtot = 0. for i in ii: for j in jj: xtot += E[i, j] * Q[k, i, j] * ( jjnorm[j]**n) / Evariance[i, j] X2[q] = xtot """ # Define C matrix (Marsh Eq. A3) C = np.zeros((N * npoly, N * npoly)) # C-matrix computation buffer (to be sure we don't miss any pixels) buffer = 1.1 # Compute *every* element of C (though most equal zero!) for p in pp: qp = Qsm[ll[p], :, :] for q in qq: # Check that we need to compute C: if np.abs(kk[q] - ll[p]) <= (1.0 / polyspacing + buffer): if q >= p: # Only compute over non-zero columns: C[q, p] = ( Qsm[kk[q], :, :] * qp * jjnorm_pow[nn[q] + mm[p]] * invEvariance_subset ).sum() if q > p: C[p, q] = C[q, p] # Solve for the profile-polynomial coefficients (Marsh Eq. A4): if np.abs(np.linalg.det(C)) < 1e-10: Bsoln =, X) else: Bsoln = np.linalg.solve(C, X) Asoln = Bsoln.reshape(N, npoly).transpose() # Define G_kj, the profile-defining polynomial profiles # (Marsh Eq. 8) Gsoln = np.zeros((npoly, spectral_size)) for n in range(npoly): Gsoln[n] = np.polyval( Asoln[n, ::-1], jjnorm ) # reorder polynomial coef. # Compute the profile (Marsh eq. 6) and normalize it: profile = np.zeros((spatial_size, spectral_size)) for i in range(spatial_size): profile[i, :] = (Q[:, i, :] * Gsoln).sum(0) self.logger.debug(profile) if profile.min() < 0: profile[profile < 0] = 0.0 profile /= np.nansum(profile, axis=0) profile[~np.isfinite(profile)] = 0.0 # Step6: Revise variance estimates modelSpectrum = ( np.array(spectrum).reshape(spectral_size, 1) * profile.transpose() ) modelData = modelSpectrum + residual_frame variance0 = np.abs(modelData) + readnoise**2 variance = variance0 / ( goodpixelmask + 1e-9 ) # De-weight bad pixels, avoiding infinite variance outlierVariances = (frame - modelData) ** 2 / variance if outlierVariances.max() > cosmicray_sigma**2: newBadPixels = True # nreject-counting on pixels within the spectral trace maxRejectedValue = max( cosmicray_sigma**2, np.sort(outlierVariances[Qmask])[-nreject], ) worstOutliers = ( outlierVariances >= maxRejectedValue ).nonzero() goodpixelmask[worstOutliers] = False numberRejected = len(worstOutliers[0]) else: newBadPixels = False numberRejected = 0 "Rejected {} pixels in this iteration.".format(numberRejected) ) # Optimal Spectral Extraction: (Horne, Step 8) spectrum_marsh = np.zeros(spectral_size) spectrum_err_marsh = np.zeros(spectral_size) is_optimal = np.zeros(spectral_size) for i in range(spectral_size): aperture = np.arange( int(trace[i]) - width_dn, int(trace[i]) + width_up + 1 ).astype(int) # Horne86 notation P = profile[aperture, i] V = variance0[i, aperture] D = skysubFrame[i, aperture] denom = np.nansum(P**2.0 / V) if denom == 0: spectrum_marsh[i] = 0.0 spectrum_err_marsh[i] = 9e9 else: spectrum_marsh[i] = np.nansum(P / V * D) / denom spectrum_err_marsh[i] = np.sqrt(np.nansum(P) / denom) is_optimal[i] = True spectrum_marsh = spectrum_marsh spectrum_err_marsh = spectrum_err_marsh self.logger.debug( "The signal and noise from the tophat extraction " "are {} and {}.".format(spectrum_marsh, spectrum_err_marsh) ) return ( spectrum_marsh, spectrum_err_marsh, is_optimal, profile, variance0, )
[docs] def inspect_line_spread_function( self, spec_id=None, display=True, renderer="default", width=1280, height=720, return_jsonstring=False, save_fig=False, fig_type="iframe+png", filename=None, open_iframe=False, ): """ Call this method to inspect the line spread function used to extract the spectrum. Parameters ---------- spec_id: int (Default: None) The ID corresponding to the spectrum_oned object display: bool Set to True to display disgnostic plot. renderer: str plotly renderer options. width: int/float Number of pixels in the horizontal direction of the outputs height: int/float Number of pixels in the vertical direction of the outputs return_jsonstring: bool set to True to return json str that can be rendered by Plotly in any support language. save_fig: bool (default: False) Save an image if set to True. Plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'iframe+png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: str Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. open_iframe: bool Open the iframe in the default browser if set to True. """ if isinstance(spec_id, int): spec_id = [spec_id] if spec_id is not None: assert np.in1d( spec_id, list(self.spectrum_list.keys()) ).all(), "Some " "spec_id provided are not in the spectrum_list." else: spec_id = list(self.spectrum_list.keys()) to_return = [] for j in spec_id: spec = self.spectrum_list[j] profile = self.spectrum_list[j].profile len_trace = len(spec.trace) # plot 10 LSFs lsf_dist = len_trace // 10 lsf_idx = ( np.arange(0, len_trace - lsf_dist + 1, lsf_dist) + lsf_dist // 2 ) fig = go.Figure( layout=dict(autosize=False, height=height, width=width) ) for i in lsf_idx: # plot the SNR fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len(profile[i])), y=profile[i], name="Pixel {}".format(i), ) ) # Decorative stuff fig.update_layout( yaxis=dict( range=[ np.nanmin( sigma_clip(profile, sigma=5.0, masked=False) ), np.nanmax( sigma_clip(profile, sigma=10.0, masked=False) ), ], zeroline=False, domain=[0, 1.0], showgrid=True, title="Count / s", ), legend=go.layout.Legend( traceorder="normal", font=dict(family="sans-serif", size=12, color="black"), bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", ), bargap=0, hovermode="closest", showlegend=True, ) if filename is None: filename = "extraction_profile" if save_fig: fig_type_split = fig_type.split("+") for t in fig_type_split: save_path = filename + "_" + str(j) + "." + t if t == "iframe": pio.write_html(fig, save_path, auto_open=open_iframe) elif t in ["jpg", "png", "svg", "pdf"]: pio.write_image(fig, save_path) "Figure is saved to {} ".format(save_path) + "for spec_id: {}.".format(j) ) if display: if renderer == "default": else: if return_jsonstring: to_return.append(fig.to_json()) if return_jsonstring: return to_return
[docs] def inspect_extracted_spectrum( self, spec_id=None, display=True, renderer="default", width=1280, height=720, return_jsonstring=False, save_fig=False, fig_type="iframe+png", filename=None, open_iframe=False, ): """ Parameters ---------- spec_id: int (Default: None) The ID corresponding to the spectrum1D object display: bool Set to True to display disgnostic plot. renderer: str plotly renderer options. width: int/float Number of pixels in the horizontal direction of the outputs height: int/float Number of pixels in the vertical direction of the outputs return_jsonstring: bool set to True to return json str that can be rendered by Plotly in any support language. save_fig: bool (default: False) Save an image if set to True. Plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'iframe+png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: str Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. open_iframe: bool Open the iframe in the default browser if set to True. """ if isinstance(spec_id, int): spec_id = [spec_id] if spec_id is not None: assert np.in1d( spec_id, list(self.spectrum_list.keys()) ).all(), "Some " "spec_id provided are not in the spectrum_list." else: spec_id = list(self.spectrum_list.keys()) to_return = [] for j in spec_id: spec = self.spectrum_list[j] len_trace = len(spec.trace) count = np.array(spec.count) count_err = np.array(spec.count_err) count_sky = np.array(spec.count_sky) fig = go.Figure( layout=dict(autosize=False, height=height, width=width) ) # plot the SNR fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=count / count_err, xaxis="x2", yaxis="y3", line=dict(color="slategrey"), name="Signal-to-Noise Ratio", ) ) # extrated source, sky and uncertainty fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=count_sky, xaxis="x2", yaxis="y2", line=dict(color="firebrick"), name="Sky e- count / s", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=count_err, xaxis="x2", yaxis="y2", line=dict(color="orange"), name="Uncertainty e- count / s", ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=count, xaxis="x2", yaxis="y2", line=dict(color="royalblue"), name="Target e- count / s", ) ) # Decorative stuff fig.update_layout( yaxis2=dict( range=[ min( np.nanmin( sigma_clip(count, sigma=5.0, masked=False) ), np.nanmin( sigma_clip(count_err, sigma=5.0, masked=False) ), np.nanmin( sigma_clip(count_sky, sigma=5.0, masked=False) ), 1, ), max(np.nanmax(count), np.nanmax(count_sky)), ], zeroline=False, domain=[0, 1.0], showgrid=True, title="Count / s", ), yaxis3=dict( title="S/N ratio", anchor="x2", overlaying="y2", side="right", ), xaxis2=dict( title="Dispersion Direction / pixel", anchor="y2", matches="x", ), legend=go.layout.Legend( x=0, y=0.45, traceorder="normal", font=dict(family="sans-serif", size=12, color="black"), bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", ), bargap=0, hovermode="closest", showlegend=True, ) if filename is None: filename = "extracted_spectrum" if save_fig: fig_type_split = fig_type.split("+") for t in fig_type_split: save_path = filename + "_" + str(j) + "." + t if t == "iframe": pio.write_html(fig, save_path, auto_open=open_iframe) elif t in ["jpg", "png", "svg", "pdf"]: pio.write_image(fig, save_path) "Figure is saved to {} ".format(save_path) + "for spec_id: {}.".format(j) ) if display: if renderer == "default": else: if return_jsonstring: to_return.append(fig.to_json()) if return_jsonstring: return to_return
[docs] def inspect_residual( self, log=True, display=True, renderer="default", width=1280, height=720, return_jsonstring=False, save_fig=False, fig_type="iframe+png", filename=None, open_iframe=False, ): """ Display the reduced image with a supported plotly renderer or export as json strings. Parameters ---------- log: bool Log the ADU count per second in the display. Default is True. display: bool Set to True to display disgnostic plot. renderer: str plotly renderer options. width: int/float Number of pixels in the horizontal direction of the outputs height: int/float Number of pixels in the vertical direction of the outputs return_jsonstring: bool (Default: False) set to True to return json string that can be rendered by Plotly in any support language. save_fig: bool (default: False) Save an image if set to True. Plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'iframe+png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: str (Default: None) Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. open_iframe: bool (Default: False) Open the save_iframe in the default browser if set to True. Returns ------- JSON strings if return_jsonstring is set to True. """ if log: fig = go.Figure( data=go.Heatmap( z=np.log10(self.img_residual), colorscale="Viridis" ) ) else: fig = go.Figure( data=go.Heatmap(z=self.img_residual, colorscale="Viridis") ) fig.update_layout( yaxis_title="Spatial Direction / pixel", xaxis=dict( zeroline=False, showgrid=False, title="Spectral Direction / pixel", ), bargap=0, hovermode="closest", showlegend=False, autosize=False, height=height, width=width, ) if filename is None: filename = "residual_image" if save_fig: fig_type_split = fig_type.split("+") for t in fig_type_split: if t == "iframe": pio.write_html( fig, filename + "." + t, auto_open=open_iframe ) elif t in ["jpg", "png", "svg", "pdf"]: pio.write_image(fig, filename + "." + t) if display: if renderer == "default": else: if return_jsonstring: return fig.to_json()
[docs] def extract_arc_spec( self, spec_id=None, spec_width=None, display=False, renderer="default", width=1280, height=720, return_jsonstring=False, save_fig=False, fig_type="iframe+png", filename=None, open_iframe=False, ): """ This function applies the trace(s) to the arc image then take median average of the stripe before identifying the arc lines (peaks) with scipy.signal.find_peaks(), where only the distance and the prominence keywords are used. Distance is the minimum separation between peaks, the default value is roughly twice the nyquist sampling rate (i.e. pixel size is 2.3 times smaller than the object that is being resolved, hence, the sepration between two clearly resolved peaks are ~5 pixels apart). A crude estimate of the background can exclude random noise which look like small peaks. Parameters ---------- spec_id: int (Default: None) The ID corresponding to the spectrum1D object spec_width: int (Default: None) The number of pixels in the spatial direction used to sum for the arc spectrum display: bool Set to True to display disgnostic plot. renderer: str plotly renderer options. width: int/float Number of pixels in the horizontal direction of the outputs height: int/float Number of pixels in the vertical direction of the outputs return_jsonstring: bool set to True to return json str that can be rendered by Plotly in any support language. save_fig: bool (default: False) Save an image if set to True. Plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'iframe+png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: str Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. open_iframe: bool Open the iframe in the default browser if set to True. """ if isinstance(spec_id, int): spec_id = [spec_id] if spec_id is not None: if spec_id not in list(self.spectrum_list.keys()): error_msg = "The given spec_id does not exist." self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) else: # if spec_id is None, all arc spectra are extracted spec_id = list(self.spectrum_list.keys()) if self.arc is None: error_msg = ( "arc is not provided. Please provide arc by " + "using add_arc() or with from_twodspec() before " + "executing find_arc_lines()." ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) to_return = [] for i in spec_id: spec = self.spectrum_list[i] len_trace = len(spec.trace) trace = np.nanmean(spec.trace) if spec_width is None: trace_width = np.nanmean(spec.trace_sigma) * 3.0 else: trace_width = spec_width arc_trace = self.arc[ max(0, int(trace - trace_width - 1)) : min( int(trace + trace_width), len_trace ), :, ] arc_spec = np.nanmedian(arc_trace, axis=0) spec.add_arc_spec(list(arc_spec)) spec.add_arc_header(self.arc_header) # note that the display is adjusted for the chip gaps if save_fig or display or return_jsonstring: fig = go.Figure( layout=dict(autosize=False, height=height, width=width) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=np.arange(len_trace), y=arc_spec, mode="lines", line=dict(color="royalblue", width=1), ) ) fig.update_layout( xaxis=dict( zeroline=False, range=[0, len_trace], title="Dispersion Direction / pixel", ), yaxis=dict( zeroline=False, range=[0, max(arc_spec)], title="e- count / s", ), hovermode="closest", showlegend=False, ) if filename is None: filename = "arc_spec" if save_fig: fig_type_split = fig_type.split("+") for t in fig_type_split: save_path = filename + "_" + str(i) + "." + t if t == "iframe": pio.write_html( fig, save_path, auto_open=open_iframe ) elif t in ["jpg", "png", "svg", "pdf"]: pio.write_image(fig, save_path) "Figure is saved to {} ".format(save_path) + "for spec_id: {}.".format(i) ) if display: if renderer == "default": else: if return_jsonstring: to_return.append(fig.to_json()) if return_jsonstring: return to_return
[docs] def create_fits(self, output, recreate=False, empty_primary_hdu=True): """ Parameters ---------- output: String Type of data to be saved, the order is fixed (in the order of the following description), but the options are flexible. The input strs are delimited by "+", trace: 2 HDUs Trace, and trace width (pixel) count: 3 HDUs Count, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) weight_map: 1 HDU Weight (pixel) arc_spec: 3 HDUs 1D arc spectrum, arc line pixels, and arc line effective pixels recreate: bool (Default: False) Set to True to overwrite the FITS data and header. empty_primary_hdu: bool (Default: True) Set to True to leave the Primary HDU blank """ for i in output.split("+"): if i not in ["trace", "count"]: error_msg = "{} is not a valid output.".format(i) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) # Save each trace as a separate FITS file for i in range(len(self.spectrum_list)): self.spectrum_list[i].create_fits( output=output, recreate=recreate, empty_primary_hdu=empty_primary_hdu, )"FITS file is created for spec_id: {}.".format(i))
[docs] def save_fits( self, output="trace+count", filename="TwoDSpecExtracted", overwrite=False, recreate=False, empty_primary_hdu=True, ): """ Save the reduced image to disk as FITS. Parameters ---------- output: String Type of data to be saved, the order is fixed (in the order of the following description), but the options are flexible. The input strs are delimited by "+", trace: 2 HDUs Trace, and trace width (pixel) count: 3 HDUs Count, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) weight_map: 1 HDU Weight (pixel) arc_spec: 3 HDUs 1D arc spectrum, arc line pixels, and arc line effective pixels filename: str Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. overwrite: bool Default is False. recreate: bool (Default: False) Set to True to overwrite the FITS data and header. empty_primary_hdu: bool (Default: True) Set to True to leave the Primary HDU blank """ filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] for i in output.split("+"): if i not in ["trace", "count", "weight_map", "arc_spec"]: error_msg = "{} is not a valid output.".format(i) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) # Save each trace as a separate FITS file for i in range(len(self.spectrum_list)): filename_i = filename + "_" + output + "_" + str(i) self.spectrum_list[i].save_fits( output=output, filename=filename_i, overwrite=overwrite, recreate=recreate, empty_primary_hdu=empty_primary_hdu, ) "FITS file is saved to {} ".format(filename_i) + "for spec_id: {}.".format(i) )
[docs] def save_csv( self, output="trace+count", filename="TwoDSpecExtracted", overwrite=False, recreate=False, ): """ Save the reduced image to disk as CSV. Parameters ---------- output: String Type of data to be saved, the order is fixed (in the order of the following description), but the options are flexible. The input strs are delimited by "+", trace: 2 HDUs Trace, and trace width (pixel) count: 3 HDUs Count, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) weight_map: 1 HDU Weight (pixel) arc_spec: 3 HDUs 1D arc spectrum, arc line pixels, and arc line effective pixels filename: str Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. overwrite: bool Default is False. recreate: bool (Default: False) Set to True to overwrite the FITS data and header. """ filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] for i in output.split("+"): if i not in ["trace", "count", "weight_map", "arc_spec"]: error_msg = "{} is not a valid output.".format(i) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) # Save each trace as a separate FITS file for i in range(len(self.spectrum_list)): filename_i = filename + "_" + output + "_" + str(i) self.spectrum_list[i].save_csv( output=output, filename=filename_i, overwrite=overwrite, recreate=recreate, ) "CSV file is saved to {} ".format(filename_i) + "for spec_id: {}.".format(i) )