Source code for aspired.spectrum_oneD

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import logging
import os
from typing import Callable, Union

import astropy
import numpy as np
from import fits
from rascal.calibrator import Calibrator
from scipy import interpolate as itp

__all__ = ["SpectrumOneD"]

[docs]class SpectrumOneD: """ Base class of a 1D spectral object to hold the information of each extracted spectrum and the raw headers if was provided during the data reduction. The FITS or CSV file output are all done here. """ def __init__( self, spec_id: Union[np.ndarray, list, int] = None, verbose: bool = True, logger_name: str = "SpectrumOneD", log_level: str = "INFO", log_file_folder: str = "default", log_file_name: str = None, ): """ Initialise the object with a logger. Parameters ---------- spec_id: int (Default: None) The ID corresponding to the spectrum_oned object. Note that this ID is unique in each reduction only. verbose: boolean (Default: True) Set to False to suppress all verbose warnings, except for critical failure. logger_name: str (Default: SpectrumOneD) This will set the name of the logger, if the name is used already, it will reference to the existing logger. This will be the first part of the default log file name unless log_file_name is provided. log_level: str (Default: 'INFO') Four levels of logging are available, in decreasing order of information and increasing order of severity: (1) DEBUG, (2) INFO, (3) WARNING, (4) ERROR and (5) CRITICAL. WARNING means that there is suboptimal operations in some parts of that step. ERROR means that the requested operation cannot be performed, but the software can handle it by either using the default setting or skipping the operation. CRITICAL means that the requested operation cannot be resolved without human interaction, this is most usually coming from missing data. log_file_folder: None or str (Default: "default") Folder in which the file is save, set to default to save to the current path. log_file_name: None or str (Default: None) File name of the log, set to None to self.logger.warning to screen only. """ # Set-up logger self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) if (log_level.lower() == "critical") or (not verbose): self.logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) self.log_level = "critical" elif log_level.lower() == "error": self.logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) self.log_level = "error" elif log_level.lower() == "warning": self.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) self.log_level = "warning" elif log_level.lower() == "info": self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.log_level = "info" elif log_level.lower() == "debug": self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.log_level = "debug" else: raise ValueError("Unknonw logging level.") formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s", datefmt="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", ) if log_file_name is None: # Only print log to screen self.handler = logging.StreamHandler() else: if log_file_name == "default": t_str ="%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S") log_file_name = "{logger_name}_{t_str}.log" # Save log to file if log_file_folder == "default": log_file_folder = "" self.handler = logging.FileHandler( os.path.join(log_file_folder, log_file_name), "a+" ) self.handler.setFormatter(formatter) if self.logger.hasHandlers(): self.logger.handlers.clear() self.logger.addHandler(self.handler) # spectrum ID if spec_id is None: self.spec_id = 0 elif isinstance(spec_id, int): self.spec_id = spec_id else: error_msg = ( "spec_id has to be of type int, " + "{} is given.".format(type(spec_id)) ) self.logger.critical(error_msg) raise ValueError(error_msg) # Reduction Meta-data self.time_of_reduction = "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S" ) # Raw image headers self.spectrum_header = None self.arc_header = None self.standard_header = None # Detector properties self.gain = None self.readnoise = None self.exptime = None self.seeing = None # Observing Condition self.relative_humidity = None self.pressure = None self.temperature = None self.airmass = None # Trace properties self.trace = None self.trace_sigma = None self.len_trace = None self.effective_pixel = None self.pixel_mapping_itp = None self.widthdn = None self.widthup = None self.sepdn = None self.sepup = None self.skywidthdn = None self.skywidthup = None self.extraction_type = None self.count = None self.count_err = None self.count_sky = None self.var = None self.profile = None self.profile_func = None # Wavelength calibration properties self.arc_spec = None self.peaks = None self.peaks_refined = None # fit constrains self.calibrator = None self.min_atlas_wavelength = None self.max_atlas_wavelength = None self.num_slopes = None self.range_tolerance = None self.fit_tolerance = None self.fit_type = None self.fit_deg = None self.candidate_tolerance = None self.linearity_tolerance = None self.ransac_tolerance = None self.num_candidates = None self.xbins = None self.ybins = None self.brute_force = None # fit config self.sample_size = None self.top_n = None self.max_tries = None self.intput_coeff = None self.linear = None self.weighted = None self.filter_close = None # fit output self.fit_coeff = None self.matched_peaks = None self.matched_atlas = None self.rms = None self.residual = None self.peak_utilisation = None self.atlas_utilisation = None # fit output self.fit_coeff_rascal = None self.matched_peaks_rascal = None self.matched_atlas_rascal = None self.rms_rascal = None self.residual_rascal = None self.peak_utilisation_rascal = None self.atlas_utilisation_rascal = None # fit output self.fit_coeff_refine = None self.matched_peaks_refine = None self.matched_atlas_refine = None self.rms_refine = None self.residual_refine = None self.peak_utilisation_refine = None self.atlas_utilisation_refine = None # fitted solution self.wave = None self.wave_bin = None self.wave_start = None self.wave_end = None self.wave_resampled = None self.count_resampled = None self.count_err_resampled = None self.count_sky_resampled = None # Fluxes self.flux = None self.flux_err = None self.flux_sky = None self.flux_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_err_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_sky_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_err_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_sky_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_err_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_sky_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_resampled = None self.flux_err_resampled = None self.flux_sky_resampled = None self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_err_resampled_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_sky_resampled_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None # Continuum self.count_continuum = None self.count_resampled_continuum = None self.flux_continuum = None self.flux_resampled_continuum = None # Sensitivity curve smoothing properties self.smooth = None self.lowess_kwargs = None # standard star self.library = None = None # Tellurics self.telluric_func = None self.telluric_profile = None self.telluric_profile_resampled = None self.telluric_factor = 1.0 self.telluric_nudge_factor = 1.0 # Sensitivity curve properties self.sensitivity = None self.sensitivity_resampled = None self.sensitivity_func = None self.wave_literature = None self.flux_literature = None # Atmospheric extinction properties self.atm_ext = None self.atm_ext_resampled = None # HDU lists for output self.trace_hdulist = None self.count_hdulist = None self.weight_map_hdulist = None self.arc_spec_hdulist = None self.arc_lines_hdulist = None self.wavecal_hdulist = None self.wavelength_hdulist = None self.wavelength_resampled_hdulist = None self.count_resampled_hdulist = None self.sensitivity_hdulist = None self.flux_hdulist = None self.atm_ext_hdulist = None self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist = None self.telluric_profile_hdulist = None self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None self.sensitivity_resampled_hdulist = None self.flux_resampled_hdulist = None self.atm_ext_resampled_hdulist = None self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist = None self.telluric_profile_resampled_hdulist = None self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None # FITS output properties self.hdu_output = None self.empty_primary_hdu = True self.hdu_name = { 1: "trace", 2: "count", 3: "weight_map", 4: "arc_spec", 5: "arc_lines", 6: "wavecal_coefficients", 7: "wavelength", 8: "wavelength_resampled", 9: "count_resampled", 10: "sensitivity", 11: "flux", 12: "atm_ext", 13: "flux_atm_ext_corrected", 14: "telluric_profile", 15: "flux_telluric_corrected", 16: "flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected", 17: "sensitivity_resampled", 18: "flux_resampled", 19: "atm_ext_resampled", 20: "flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected", 21: "telluric_profile_resampled", 22: "flux_resampled_telluric_corrected", 23: "flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected", } self.hdu_derscription = { 1: "Pixel positions of the trace in the spatial direction, " + "Width of the trace", 2: "Count, Count uncertainty, Sky count", 3: "Weight map of the extration (variance)", 4: "1D Arc spectrum", 5: "Arc line position, Arc line effective position", 6: "Polynomial coefficients for wavelength calibration", 7: "The pixel-to-wavelength mapping", 8: "The pixel-to-wavelength mapping in the resampled coordiates", 9: "Resampled count, Resampled count uncertainty, " + "Resampled sky count", 10: "Sensitivity curve", 11: "Flux, Flux uncertainty, Sky flux", 12: "Atmospheric extinction correction factor", 13: "Flux (atmospheric extinction corrected), " + "Flux uncertainty (atmospheric extinction corrected), " + "Sky flux (atmospheric extinction corrected)", 14: "Telluric absorption profile", 15: "Flux (telluric absorption corrected), " + "Flux Uncertainty (telluric absorption corrected), " + "Sky Flux (telluric absorption corrected)", 16: "Flux (atmospheric extinction and telluric absorption " + "corrected), Flux Uncertainty (atmospheric extinction and " + "telluric absorption corrected), Sky flux (atmospheric " + "extinction and telluric absorption corrected)", 17: "Resampled sensitivity curve", 18: "Resampled flux, Resampled flux uncertainty, " + "Resampled sky flux", 19: "Atmospheric extinction correction factor (resampled)", 20: "Flux (resampled, atmospheric extinction), " + "Flux uncertainty (resampled, atmospheric extinction), " + "Sky flux (resampled, atmospheric extinction)", 21: "Telluric absorption profile (resampled)", 22: "Flux (resampled, telluric absorption corrected), " + "Flux uncertainty (resampled, telluric absorption corrected), " + "Sky flux (resampled, telluric absorption corrected)", 23: "Flux (atmospheric extinction and telluric absorption " + "corrected), Flux uncertainty (atmospheric extinction and " + "telluric absorption corrected), Sky flux (atmospheric " + "extinction and telluric absorption corrected)", } self.ext_name = { 1: ["trace", "trace_sigma"], 2: ["count", "count_err", "count_sky"], 3: ["weight_map"], 4: ["arc_spec"], 5: ["peaks", "peaks_refined"], 6: ["polynomials"], 7: ["wavelength"], 8: ["wavelength_resampled"], 9: [ "count_resampled", "count_err_resampled", "count_sky_resampled", ], 10: ["sensitivity"], 11: ["flux", "flux_err", "flux_sky"], 12: ["atm_ext"], 13: [ "flux_atm_ext_corrected", "flux_err_atm_ext_corrected", "flux_sky_atm_ext_corrected", ], 14: ["telluric_profile"], 15: [ "flux_telluric_corrected", "flux_err_telluric_corrected", "flux_sky_telluric_corrected", ], 16: [ "flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected", "flux_err_atm_ext_telluric_corrected", "flux_sky_atm_ext_telluric_corrected", ], 17: ["sensitivity_resampled"], 18: ["flux_resampled", "flux_err_resampled", "flux_sky_resampled"], 19: ["atm_ext_resampled"], 20: [ "flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected", "flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_corrected", "flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_corrected", ], 21: ["telluric_profile_resampled"], 22: [ "flux_resampled_telluric_corrected", "flux_err_resampled_telluric_corrected", "flux_sky_resampled_telluric_corrected", ], 23: [ "flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected", "flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected", "flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected", ], } self.header = {} for d1, d2 in zip( self.hdu_name.values(), self.hdu_derscription.values() ): self.header[d1] = d2 # The order in which HDUs are arranged self.hdu_order = {v: k for k, v in self.hdu_name.items()} # The HDU availability self.hdu_content = dict.fromkeys(self.hdu_order, False) # Set the counters of HDUs number_of_hdus = { 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 2, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 1, 9: 3, 10: 1, 11: 3, 12: 1, 13: 3, 14: 1, 15: 3, 16: 3, 17: 1, 18: 3, 19: 1, 20: 3, 21: 1, 22: 3, 23: 3, } self.n_hdu = {} for d1, d2 in zip(self.hdu_name.values(), number_of_hdus.values()): self.n_hdu[d1] = d2
[docs] def merge(self, spectrum_oned, overwrite: bool = False): """ This function copies all the info from the supplied spectrum_oned to this one, including the spec_id. Parameters ---------- spectrum_oned: SpectrumOneD object The source SpectrumOneD to be deep copied over. overwrite: boolean (Default: False) Set to True to overwrite all the data in this SpectrumOneD. """ for attr, value in self.__dict__.items(): if attr == "spec_id": if getattr(spectrum_oned, attr) != 0: setattr(self, attr, value) if getattr(self, attr) is None or []: setattr(self, attr, getattr(spectrum_oned, attr)) if overwrite: setattr(self, attr, getattr(spectrum_oned, attr)) else: # if not overwrite, do nothing pass
[docs] def add_spectrum_header( self, header: Union[fits.Header, list, np.ndarray] ): """ Add a header for the spectrum. Typically put the header of the raw 2D spectral image of the science target(s) here. Some automated operations rely on reading from the header. Parameters ---------- header: object """ if header is not None: if isinstance(header, fits.Header): self.spectrum_header = header"spectrum_header is stored.") elif isinstance(header[0], fits.Header): self.spectrum_header = header[0]"spectrum_header is stored.") else: self.logger.error( "Unsupported type of header is provided: {}. " "Only or such in a list or array " "can beaccepted.".format(type(header)) )
[docs] def remove_spectrum_header(self): """ Remove the FITS header of the target. """ self.spectrum_header = None
[docs] def add_standard_header( self, header: Union[fits.Header, list, np.ndarray] ): """ Add a header for the standard star that it is flux calibrated against. The, if opted for, automatic atmospheric extinction correction is applied based on the airmass found in this header. Typically put the header of the raw 2D spectral image of the standard star here. Some automated operations rely on reading from the header. Parameters ---------- header: object """ if header is not None: if isinstance(header, fits.Header): self.standard_header = header"standard_header is stored.") elif isinstance(header[0], fits.Header): self.standard_header = header[0]"standard_header is stored.") else: self.logger.error( "Unsupported type of header is provided: {}. " "Only or such in a list or array " "can be accepted.".format(type(header)) )
[docs] def remove_standard_header(self): """ Remove the FITS header of the standard. """ self.standard_header = None
[docs] def add_arc_header(self, header: Union[fits.Header, list, np.ndarray]): """ Add a header for the arc that it is wavelength calibrated against. Typically put the header of the raw 2D spectral image of the arc here. Some automated operations rely on reading from the header. Parameters ---------- header: object """ if header is not None: if isinstance(header, fits.Header): self.arc_header = header"arc_header is stored.") elif isinstance(header[0], fits.Header): self.arc_header = header[0]"arc_header is stored.") else: self.logger.error( "Unsupported type of header is provided: {}. " "Only or such in a list or array " "can be accepted.".format(type(header)) )
[docs] def remove_arc_header(self): """ Remove the arc_header. """ self.arc_header = None
[docs] def add_trace( self, trace: Union[list, np.ndarray], trace_sigma: Union[list, np.ndarray], effective_pixel: Union[list, np.ndarray] = None, ): """ Add the trace of the spectrum. Parameters ---------- trace: list or numpy.ndarray (N) The spatial pixel value (can be sub-pixel) of the trace at each spectral position. trace_sigma: list or numpy.ndarray (N) Standard deviation of the Gaussian profile of a trace effective_pixel: list or numpy array (Default: None) The pixel position of the trace in the dispersion direction. This should be provided if you wish to override the default range (num_pix), for example, in the case of accounting for chip gaps (10 pixels) in a 3-CCD setting, you should provide [0,1,2,...90, 100,101,...190, 200,201,...290] """ assert isinstance( trace, (list, np.ndarray) ), "trace has to be a list or a numpy array" assert isinstance( trace_sigma, (list, np.ndarray) ), "trace_sigma has to be a list or a numpy array" assert len(trace_sigma) == len(trace), "trace and trace_sigma have to " " be the same size." if effective_pixel is None: effective_pixel = list(np.arange(len(trace)).astype("int")) else: assert isinstance( effective_pixel, (list, np.ndarray) ), "effective_pixel has to be a list or a numpy array" assert len(effective_pixel) == len( trace ), "trace and effective_pixel have " "to be the same size." pixel_mapping_itp = itp.interp1d( np.arange(len(trace)), effective_pixel, kind="cubic", fill_value="extrapolate", ) # Only add if all assertions are passed. self.trace = trace self.trace_sigma = trace_sigma self.len_trace = len(trace) self.add_effective_pixel(effective_pixel) self.add_pixel_mapping_itp(pixel_mapping_itp)
[docs] def remove_trace(self): """ Remove the trace, trace_sigma and len_trace, also remove the effective_pixel and the interpolation function that maps the pixel values to the effective pixel values. """ self.trace = None self.trace_sigma = None self.len_trace = None self.remove_effective_pixel() self.remove_pixel_mapping_itp()
[docs] def add_aperture( self, widthdn: int, widthup: int, sepdn: int, sepup: int, skywidthdn: int, skywidthup: int, ): """ The size of the aperture in which the spectrum is extracted. This is merely the limit where extraction is performed, it does not hold the information of the weighting:: ................................. ^ Sky ................................. | skywidthup ................................. v ................................. ^ ................................. | sepup ................................. v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ --------------------------------- | widthup Spectrum ================================= v ^ --------------------------------- | widthdn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v ................................. ^ ................................. | sepdn ................................. v ................................. ^ Sky ................................. | skywidthdn ................................. v Parameters ---------- widthdn: real positive number The aperture size on the bottom side of the spectrum. widthup: real positive number The aperture size on the top side of the spectrum. sepdn: real positive number The gap between the spectrum and the sky region on the bottom side of the spectrum. sepup: real positive number The gap between the spectrum and the sky region on the top side of the spectrum. skywidthdn: real positive number The sky region on the bottom side of the spectrum. skywidthup: real positive number The sky region on the top side of the spectrum. """ assert np.isfinite(widthdn), "widthdn has to be finite." assert np.isfinite(widthup), "widthup has to be finite." assert np.isfinite(sepdn), "sepdn has to be finite." assert np.isfinite(sepup), "sepup has to be finite." assert np.isfinite(skywidthdn), "skywidthdn has to be finite." assert np.isfinite(skywidthup), "skywidthup has to be finite." self.widthdn = widthdn self.widthup = widthup self.sepdn = sepdn self.sepup = sepup self.skywidthdn = skywidthdn self.skywidthup = skywidthup
[docs] def add_count( self, count: Union[list, np.ndarray], count_err: Union[list, np.ndarray] = None, count_sky: Union[list, np.ndarray] = None, ): """ Add the photoelectron counts and the associated optional uncertainty and sky counts. Parameters ---------- count: 1-d array The summed count at each column along the trace. count_err: 1-d array the uncertainties of the count values count_sky: 1-d array The integrated sky values along each column, suitable for subtracting from the output of ap_extract """ # Check data type assert isinstance( count, (list, np.ndarray) ), "count has to be a list or a numpy array" if count_err is not None: assert isinstance( count_err, (list, np.ndarray) ), "count_err has to be a list or a numpy array" assert len(count_err) == len( count ), "count_err has to be the same size as count" if count_sky is not None: assert isinstance( count_sky, (list, np.ndarray) ), "count_sky has to be a list or a numpy array" assert len(count_sky) == len( count ), "count_sky has to be the same size as count" self.count = count # Only add if they are provided if count_err is not None: self.count_err = count_err else: self.count_err = np.zeros_like(self.count) if count_sky is not None: self.count_sky = count_sky else: self.count_sky = np.zeros_like(self.count) if self.effective_pixel is None: effective_pixel = list(np.arange(len(count)).astype("int")) self.add_effective_pixel(effective_pixel) else: assert len(self.effective_pixel) == len(count), ( "count and effective_pixel have " + "to be the same size." )
[docs] def remove_count(self): """ Remove the count, count_err and count_sky. """ self.count = None self.count_err = None self.count_sky = None
[docs] def add_variances(self, var: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the weight map of the extraction. Parameters ---------- var: 2-d array The weigh map of the input image for extraction. """ self.var = var
[docs] def remove_variances(self): """ Remove the variances. """ self.var = None
[docs] def add_line_spread_profile_upsampled( self, line_spread_profile_upsampled: astropy.modeling.Fittable1DModel ): """ Add the empirical line spread profile as measured from the upsampled image. Parameters ---------- profile_func: a fitted astropy.modeling.Fittable1DModel The fitted trace profile. """ self.line_spread_profile_upsampled = line_spread_profile_upsampled
[docs] def remove_line_spread_profile_upsampled(self): """ Remove the fitted trace profile. """ self.line_spread_profile_upsampled = None
[docs] def add_line_spread_profile( self, line_spread_profile: astropy.modeling.Fittable1DModel ): """ Add the empirical line spread profile as measured. Parameters ---------- profile_func: a fitted astropy.modeling.Fittable1DModel The fitted trace profile. """ self.line_spread_profile = line_spread_profile
[docs] def remove_line_spread_profile(self): """ Remove the fitted trace profile. """ self.line_spread_profile = None
[docs] def add_profile_func(self, profile_func: Callable): """ Add the fitted trace profile. Parameters ---------- profile_func: a fitted astropy.modeling.Fittable1DModel The fitted trace profile. """ self.profile_func = profile_func
[docs] def remove_profile_func(self): """ Remove the fitted trace profile. """ self.profile_func = None
[docs] def add_profile(self, profile: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the extraction profile (generated from the profile_func). Parameters ---------- profile: 1-d array The weight function of the extraction profile. """ self.profile = profile
[docs] def remove_profile(self): """ Remove the extraction profile. """ self.profile = None
[docs] def add_arc_spec(self, arc_spec: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the extracted 1D spectrum of the arc. Parameters ---------- arc_spec: 1-d array The photoelectron count of the spectrum of the arc lamp. """ assert isinstance( arc_spec, (list, np.ndarray) ), "arc_spec has to be a list or a numpy array" self.arc_spec = arc_spec
[docs] def remove_arc_spec(self): """ Remove the 1D spectrum of the arc. """ self.arc_spec = None
[docs] def add_effective_pixel(self, effective_pixel: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the pixel list, which contain the effective pixel values that has accounted for chip gaps and non-integer pixel value. Parameters ---------- effective_pixel: 1-d array The effective position of the pixel. """ assert isinstance( effective_pixel, (list, np.ndarray) ), "effective_pixel has to be a list or a numpy array" self.effective_pixel = effective_pixel
[docs] def remove_effective_pixel(self): """ Remove the pixel list. """ self.effective_pixel = None
[docs] def add_pixel_mapping_itp(self, pixel_mapping_itp: Callable): """ Add the interpolated callable function that convert raw pixel values into effective pixel values. Parameters ---------- pixel_mapping_itp: callable function The mapping function for raw-effective pixel position. """ assert callable( pixel_mapping_itp ), "pixel_mapping_itp has to be a Callable function." self.pixel_mapping_itp = pixel_mapping_itp
[docs] def remove_pixel_mapping_itp(self): """ Remove the interpolation function that maps the pixel values to the effective pixel value. """ self.pixel_mapping_itp = None
[docs] def add_peaks(self, peaks: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the pixel values (int) where arc lines are located. Parameters ---------- peaks: 1-d array The pixel value of the identified peaks. """ assert isinstance( peaks, (list, np.ndarray) ), "peaks has to be a list or a numpy array" self.peaks = peaks
[docs] def remove_peaks(self): """ Remove the list of peaks. """ self.peaks = None
[docs] def add_peaks_refined(self, peaks_refined: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the refined pixel values (float) where arc lines are located. Parameters ---------- peaks: 1-d array The pixel value of the refined peak positions. """ assert isinstance( peaks_refined, (list, np.ndarray) ), "peaks_refined has to be a list or a numpy array" self.peaks_refined = peaks_refined
[docs] def remove_peaks_refined(self): """ Remove the list of refined peaks. """ self.peaks_refined = None
[docs] def add_peaks_wave(self, peaks_wave: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the wavelength (Angstrom) of the arc lines. Parameters ---------- peaks: 1-d array The wavelength value of the peaks. """ assert isinstance( peaks_wave, (list, np.ndarray) ), "peaks_wave has to be a list or a numpy array" self.peaks_wave = peaks_wave
[docs] def remove_peaks_wave(self): """ Remove the list of wavelengths of the arc lines. """ self.peaks_wave = None
[docs] def add_calibrator(self, calibrator: Calibrator): """ Add a RASCAL Calibrator object. Parameters ---------- calibrator: rascal.Calibrator() A RASCAL Calibrator object. """ assert isinstance(calibrator, Calibrator) self.calibrator = calibrator
[docs] def remove_calibrator(self): """ Remove the Calibrator. """ self.calibrator = None
[docs] def add_atlas_wavelength_range( self, min_atlas_wavelength: float, max_atlas_wavelength: float ): """ Add the allowed range of wavelength calibration. Parameters ---------- min_atlas_wavelength: float The minimum wavelength of the atlas. max_atlas_wavelength: float The maximum wavelength of the atlas. """ assert np.isfinite( min_atlas_wavelength ), "min_atlas_wavelength has to be finite." assert np.isfinite( max_atlas_wavelength ), "max_atlas_wavelength has to be finite." self.min_atlas_wavelength = min_atlas_wavelength self.max_atlas_wavelength = max_atlas_wavelength
[docs] def remove_atlas_wavelength_range(self): """ Remove the atlas wavelength range. """ self.min_atlas_wavelength = None self.max_atlas_wavelength = None
[docs] def add_min_atlas_intensity(self, min_atlas_intensity: float): """ Add the minimum allowed line intensity (theoretical NIST value) that were used for wavelength calibration. Parameters ---------- min_atlas_intensity: float The minimum line strength used to get the atlas. """ assert np.isfinite( min_atlas_intensity ), "min_atlas_intensity has to be finite." self.min_atlas_intensity = min_atlas_intensity
[docs] def remove_min_atlas_intensity(self): """ Remove the minimum atlas intensity. """ self.min_atlas_intensity = None
[docs] def add_min_atlas_distance(self, min_atlas_distance: float): """ Add the minimum allowed line distance (only consider lines that passed the minimum intensity threshold) that were used for wavelength calibration. Parameters ---------- min_atlas_distance: float Minimum wavelength separation between neighbouring lines. """ assert np.isfinite( min_atlas_distance ), "min_atlas_distance has to be finite." self.min_atlas_distance = min_atlas_distance
[docs] def remove_min_atlas_distance(self): """ Remove the minimum distance between lines to be accepted. """ self.min_atlas_distance = None
[docs] def add_gain(self, gain: float): """ Add the gain value of the spectral image. This value can be different from the one in the header as this can be overwritten by an user input, while the header value is raw. Parameters ---------- gain: float The gain value of the detector. """ assert np.isfinite(gain), "gain has to be finite." self.gain = gain
[docs] def remove_gain(self): """ Remove the gain value. """ self.gain = None
[docs] def add_readnoise(self, readnoise: float): """ Add the readnoise value of the spectral image. This value can be different from the one in the header as this can be overwritten by an user input, while the header value is raw. Parameters ---------- readnoise: float The read noise value of the detector. """ assert np.isfinite(readnoise), "readnoise has to be finite." self.readnoise = readnoise
[docs] def remove_readnoise(self): """ Remove the readnoise value. """ self.readnoise = None
[docs] def add_exptime(self, exptime: float): """ Add the exposure time of the spectral image. This value can be different from the one in the header as this can be overwritten by an user input, while the header value is raw. Parameters ---------- exptime: float The exposure time of the input image. """ assert np.isfinite(exptime), "exptime has to be finite." self.exptime = exptime
[docs] def remove_exptime(self): """ Remove the exptime value. """ self.exptime = None
[docs] def add_airmass(self, airmass: float): """ Add the airmass when the observation was carried out. This value can be different from the one in the header as this can be overwritten by an user input, while the header value is raw. Parameters ---------- airmass: float The effective airmass during the exposure. """ assert np.isfinite(airmass), "airmass has to be finite." self.airmass = airmass
[docs] def remove_airmass(self): """ Remove the airmass value. """ self.airmass = None
[docs] def add_seeing(self, seeing: float): """ Add the seeing when the observation was carried out. This value can be different from the one in the header as this can be overwritten by an user input, while the header value is raw. Parameters ---------- seeing: float The effective seeing of the observation. """ assert np.isfinite(seeing), "airmass has to be finite." self.seeing = seeing
[docs] def remove_seeing(self): """ Remove the seeing value. """ self.seeing = None
[docs] def add_weather_condition( self, pressure: float, temperature: float, relative_humidity: float ): """ Add the pressure, temperature and relative humidity when the spectral image was taken. These value can be different from the ones in the header as this can be overwritten by an user input, while the header value is raw. Parameters ---------- pressure: float The air pressure during the observation (in pascal). temperature: float The temperature during the observation (in Kelvin). relative_hhumidity: float The relative humidity during the observation (between 0 and 1). """ assert np.isfinite(pressure), "pressure has to be finite." assert np.isfinite(temperature), "temperature has to be finite." assert np.isfinite( relative_humidity ), "relative_humidity has to be finite." self.pressure = pressure self.temperature = temperature self.relative_humidity = relative_humidity
[docs] def remove_weather_condition(self): """ Remove the Pressure, Temperature and Humidity. """ self.pressure = None self.temperature = None self.relative_humidity = None
[docs] def add_fit_type(self, fit_type: str): """ Add the kind of polynomial used for fitting the pixel-to-wavelength function. Parameters ---------- fit_type: str The type of polynomial for fitting the pixel-wavelength function. """ assert type(fit_type) == str, "fit_type has to be a string" assert fit_type in ["poly", "leg", "cheb"], "fit_type must be " "(1) poly(nomial); (2) leg(endre); or (3) cheb(yshev)." self.fit_type = fit_type
[docs] def remove_fit_type(self): """ Remove the chosen type of polynomial. """ self.fit_type = None
[docs] def add_fit_coeff(self, fit_coeff: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the polynomial co-efficients of the pixel-to-wavelength function. Note that this overwrites the wavelength calibrated fit coefficients. Parameters ---------- fit_coeff: list or 1-d array The set of coefficients of the pixel-wavelength function. """ assert isinstance( fit_coeff, (list, np.ndarray) ), "fit_coeff has to be a list or a numpy array." self.fit_coeff = fit_coeff
[docs] def remove_fit_coeff(self): """ Remove the polynomial co-efficients of the pixel-to-wavelength function. """ self.fit_coeff = None
[docs] def add_calibrator_properties( self, num_pix: int, effective_pixel: Union[list, np.ndarray], plotting_library: str, ): """ Add the properties of the RASCAL Calibrator. Parameters ---------- num_pix: int The number of pixels in the dispersion direction effective_pixel: list or numpy array The pixel position of the trace in the dispersion direction. This should be provided if you wish to override the default range(num_pix), for example, in the case of accounting for chip gaps (10 pixels) in a 3-CCD setting, you should provide [0,1,2,...90, 100,101,...190, 200,201,...290] plotting_library : string Choose between matplotlib and plotly. """ self.num_pix = num_pix self.plotting_library = plotting_library self.effective_pixel = effective_pixel
[docs] def remove_calibrator_properties(self): """ Remove the properties of the RASCAL Calibrator as recorded in ASPIRED. This does NOT remove the calibrator properites INSIDE the calibrator. """ self.num_pix = None self.effective_pixel = None self.plotting_library = None
[docs] def add_hough_properties( self, num_slopes: int, xbins: int, ybins: int, min_wavelength: float, max_wavelength: float, range_tolerance: float, linearity_tolerance: float, ): """ Add the hough transform configuration of the RASCAL Calibrator. Parameters ---------- num_slopes: int Number of slopes to consider during Hough transform xbins: int Number of bins for Hough accumulation ybins: int Number of bins for Hough accumulation min_wavelength: float Minimum wavelength of the spectrum. max_wavelength: float Maximum wavelength of the spectrum. range_tolerance: float Estimation of the error on the provided spectral range e.g. 3000-5000 with tolerance 500 will search for solutions that may satisfy 2500-5500 linearity_tolerance: float A toleranceold (Ansgtroms) which defines some padding around the range tolerance to allow for non-linearity. This should be the maximum expected excursion from linearity. """ self.num_slopes = num_slopes self.xbins = xbins self.ybins = ybins self.min_wavelength = min_wavelength self.max_wavelength = max_wavelength self.range_tolerance = range_tolerance self.linearity_tolerance = linearity_tolerance
[docs] def remove_hough_properties(self): """ Remove the hough transform configuration of the RASCAL Calibrator. This does NOT remove the hough transform configuration INSIDE the calibrator. """ self.num_slopes = None self.xbins = None self.ybins = None self.min_wavelength = None self.max_wavelength = None self.range_tolerance = None self.linearity_tolerance = None
[docs] def add_ransac_properties( self, sample_size: int, top_n_candidate: int, linear: bool, filter_close: bool, ransac_tolerance: float, candidate_weighted: bool, hough_weight: float, minimum_matches: int, minimum_peak_utilisation: float, minimum_fit_error: float, ): """ Add the RANSAC properties of the RASCAL Calibrator. Parameters ---------- sample_size: int Number of pixel-wavelength hough pairs to be used for each arc line being picked. top_n_candidate: int Top ranked lines to be fitted. linear: bool True to use the hough transformed gradient, otherwise, use the known polynomial. filter_close: bool Remove the pairs that are out of bounds in the hough space. ransac_tolerance: float The distance criteria (Angstroms) to be considered an inlier to a fit. This should be close to the size of the expected residuals on the final fit (e.g. 1A is typical) candidate_weighted: bool Set to True to down-weight pairs that are far from the fit. hough_weight: float or None Set to use the hough space to weigh the fit. The theoretical optimal weighting is unclear. The larger the value, the heavily it relies on the overdensity in the hough space for a good fit. minimum_matches: int Minimum number of matches to accept the solution. minimum_peak_utilisation: float Minimum percentage of peaks used in the solution. minimum_fit_error: float Minimum fitting error. Probably only useful in simulated noiseless case. """ self.sample_size = sample_size self.top_n_candidate = top_n_candidate self.linear = linear self.filter_close = filter_close self.ransac_tolerance = ransac_tolerance self.candidate_weighted = candidate_weighted self.hough_weight = hough_weight self.minimum_matches = minimum_matches self.minimum_peak_utilisation = minimum_peak_utilisation self.minimum_fit_error = minimum_fit_error
[docs] def remove_ransac_properties(self): """ Remove the RANSAC properties of the RASCAL Calibrator. """ self.sample_size = None self.top_n_candidate = None self.linear = None self.filter_close = None self.ransac_tolerance = None self.candidate_weighted = None self.hough_weight = None self.minimum_matches = None self.minimum_peak_utilisation = None self.minimum_fit_error = None
[docs] def add_fit_output_final( self, fit_coeff: Union[list, np.ndarray], matched_peaks: Union[list, np.ndarray], matched_atlas: Union[list, np.ndarray], rms: float, residual: Union[list, np.ndarray], peak_utilisation: float, atlas_utilisation: float, ): """ Add the final accepted polynomial solution. Parameters ---------- fit_coeff: list Set the baseline of the least square fit. If no fits outform this set of polynomial coefficients, this will be used as the best fit. matched_peaks: list List of matched peaks matched_atlas: list List of matched atlas lines rms: float The root-mean-squared of the fit residual: list The residual of each fitted peak peak_utilisation: float The fraction of the input peaks used in the fit atlas_utilisation: float The fraction of the input atlas used in the fit """ # add assertion here self.fit_coeff = fit_coeff self.matched_peaks = matched_peaks self.matched_atlas = matched_atlas self.rms = rms self.residual = residual self.peak_utilisation = peak_utilisation self.atlas_utilisation = atlas_utilisation
[docs] def remove_fit_output_final(self): """ Remove the accepted polynomial solultion. """ self.fit_coeff = None self.matched_peaks = None self.matched_atlas = None self.rms = None self.residual = None self.peak_utilisation = None self.atlas_utilisation = None
[docs] def add_fit_output_rascal( self, fit_coeff: Union[list, np.ndarray], matched_peaks: Union[list, np.ndarray], matched_atlas: Union[list, np.ndarray], rms: float, residual: Union[list, np.ndarray], peak_utilisation: float, atlas_utilisation: float, ): """ Add the RASCAL polynomial solution. Parameters ---------- fit_coeff: list Set the baseline of the least square fit. If no fits outform this set of polynomial coefficients, this will be used as the best fit. matched_peaks: list List of matched peaks matched_atlas: list List of matched atlas lines rms: float The root-mean-squared of the fit residual: list The residual of each fitted peak peak_utilisation: float The fraction of the input peaks used in the fit atlas_utilisation: float The fraction of the input atlas used in the fit """ # add assertion here self.fit_coeff_rascal = fit_coeff self.matched_peaks_rascal = matched_peaks self.matched_atlas_rascal = matched_atlas self.rms_rascal = rms self.residual_rascal = residual self.peak_utilisation_rascal = peak_utilisation self.atlas_utilisation_rascal = atlas_utilisation self.add_fit_output_final( fit_coeff, matched_peaks, matched_atlas, rms, residual, peak_utilisation, atlas_utilisation, )
[docs] def remove_fit_output_rascal(self): """ Remove the RASCAL polynomial solution. """ self.fit_coeff_rascal = None self.matched_peaks_rascal = None self.matched_atlas_rascal = None self.rms_rascal = None self.residual_rascal = None self.peak_utilisation_rascal = None self.atlas_utilisation_rascal = None
[docs] def add_fit_output_refine( self, fit_coeff: Union[list, np.ndarray], matched_peaks: Union[list, np.ndarray], matched_atlas: Union[list, np.ndarray], rms: float, residual: Union[list, np.ndarray], peak_utilisation: float, atlas_utilisation: float, ): """ Add the refined RASCAL polynomial solution. Parameters ---------- fit_coeff: list Set the baseline of the least square fit. If no fits outform this set of polynomial coefficients, this will be used as the best fit. matched_peaks: list List of matched peaks matched_atlas: list List of matched atlas lines rms: float The root-mean-squared of the fit residual: list The residual of each fitted peak peak_utilisation: float The fraction of the input peaks used in the fit atlas_utilisation: float The fraction of the input atlas used in the fit """ # add assertion here self.fit_coeff_refine = fit_coeff self.matched_peaks_refine = matched_peaks self.matched_atlas_refine = matched_atlas self.rms_refine = rms self.residual_refine = residual self.peak_utilisation_refine = peak_utilisation self.atlas_utilisation_refine = atlas_utilisation self.add_fit_output_final( fit_coeff, matched_peaks, matched_atlas, rms, residual, peak_utilisation, atlas_utilisation, )
[docs] def remove_fit_output_refine(self): """ Remove the refined RASCAL polynomial solution. """ self.fit_coeff_refine = None self.matched_peaks_refine = None self.matched_atlas_refine = None self.rms_refine = None self.residual_refine = None self.peak_utilisation_refine = None self.atlas_utilisation_refine = None
[docs] def add_wavelength(self, wave: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the wavelength of each effective pixel. Parameters ---------- wave: list or 1d-array The wavelength values at each effective pixel. """ self.wave = wave # Note that the native pixels have varing bin size. self.wave_bin = np.nanmedian(np.array(np.ediff1d(wave))) self.wave_start = np.min(wave) self.wave_end = np.max(wave)
[docs] def remove_wavelength(self): """ Remove the wavelength of each effective pixel. """ self.wave = None
[docs] def add_wavelength_resampled( self, wave_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray] ): """ Add the wavelength of the resampled spectrum which has an evenly distributed wavelength spacing. Parameters ---------- wave: list or 1d-array The resampled wavelength values. """ # We assume that the resampled spectrum has fixed bin size self.wave_bin = np.nanmedian(np.array(np.ediff1d(wave_resampled))) self.wave_start = np.min(wave_resampled) self.wave_end = np.max(wave_resampled) self.wave_resampled = wave_resampled
[docs] def remove_wavelength_resampled(self): """ Add the resampled wavelength. """ self.wave_bin = None self.wave_start = None self.wave_end = None self.wave_resampled = None
[docs] def add_count_resampled( self, count_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray], count_err_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray], count_sky_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the photoelectron counts of the resampled spectrum which has an evenly distributed wavelength spacing. Parameters ---------- count_resampled: list or 1d-array The resampled photoelectron count. count_err_resampled: list or 1d-array The uncertainty of the resampled photoelectron count. count_sky_resampled: list or 1d-array The background sky level of the resampled photoelectron count. """ self.count_resampled = count_resampled self.count_err_resampled = count_err_resampled self.count_sky_resampled = count_sky_resampled
[docs] def remove_count_resampled(self): """ Remove the photoelectron counts of the resampled spectrum. """ self.count_resampled = None self.count_err_resampled = None self.count_sky_resampled = None
[docs] def add_standard_star(self, library: str, target: str): """ Add the name of the standard star and its source. Parameters ---------- library: str The name of the colelction of standard stars. target: str The name of the standard star. """ self.library = library = target
[docs] def remove_standard_star(self): """ Remove the name of the standard star and its source. """ self.library = None = None
[docs] def add_smoothing(self, smooth: bool, **kwargs: dict): """ Add the SG smoothing parameters for computing the sensitivity curve. Parameters ---------- smooth: bool Indicate if smoothing was applied. kwargs: dict Other keyword arguments passed to the lowess smoothing function """ self.smooth = smooth self.lowess_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def remove_smoothing(self): """ Remove the smoothing parameters for computing the sensitivity curve. """ self.smooth = None self.slength = None self.sorder = None
[docs] def add_sensitivity_func(self, sensitivity_func: Callable): """ Add the callable function of the sensitivity curve. Parameters ---------- sensitivity_func: callable function The sensitivity curve as a function of wavelength. """ self.sensitivity_func = sensitivity_func
[docs] def remove_sensitivity_func(self): """ Remove the sensitivity curve function. """ self.sensitivity_func = None
[docs] def add_sensitivity(self, sensitivity: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the sensitivity values for each pixel (the list from dividing the literature standard by the photoelectron count). Parameters ---------- sensitivity: list or 1-d array The sensitivity at the effective pixel. """ self.sensitivity = sensitivity
[docs] def remove_sensitivity(self): """ Remove the sensitivity values. """ self.sensitivity = None
[docs] def add_sensitivity_resampled( self, sensitivity_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray] ): """ Add the sensitivity after the spectrum is resampled. Parameters ---------- sensitivity: list or 1-d array The sensitivity in the reasmpled space. """ self.sensitivity_resampled = sensitivity_resampled
[docs] def remove_sensitivity_resampled(self): """ Remove the sensitivity after the spectrum is resampled. """ self.sensitivity_resampled = None
[docs] def add_literature_standard( self, wave_literature: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_literature: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the literature wavelength and flux values of the standard star used for calibration. Parameters ---------- wave_literature: list or 1-d array The wavelength values of the literature standard used. flux_literature: list or 1-d array The flux values of the literature standard used. """ self.wave_literature = wave_literature self.flux_literature = flux_literature
[docs] def remove_literature_standard(self): """ Remove the literature wavelength and flux values of the standard star used for calibration """ self.wave_literature = None self.flux_literature = None
[docs] def add_count_continuum(self, count_continuum: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the continuum count value (should be the same size as count). Parameters ---------- count_continuum: list or 1-d array The photoelectron count of the continuum. """ self.count_continuum = count_continuum
[docs] def remove_count_continuum(self): """ Remove the continuum count values. """ self.count_continuum = None
[docs] def add_count_resampled_continuum( self, count_resampled_continuum: Union[list, np.ndarray] ): """ Add the continuum count_resampled value (should be the same size as count_resampled). Parameters ---------- count_resampled_continuum: list or 1-d array The photoelectron count of the continuum at the resampled wavelength. """ self.count_resampled_continuum = count_resampled_continuum
[docs] def remove_count_resampled_continuum(self): """ Remove the continuum count_resampled values. """ self.count_resampled_continuum = None
[docs] def add_flux_continuum(self, flux_continuum: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the continuum flux value (should be the same size as flux). Parameters ---------- flux_continuum: list or 1-d array The flux of the continuum. """ self.flux_continuum = flux_continuum
[docs] def remove_flux_continuum(self): """ Remove the continuum flux values. """ self.flux_continuum = None
[docs] def add_telluric_func(self, telluric_func: Callable): """ Add the Telluric interpolated function. Parameters ---------- telluric: Callable function A callable function to interpolate the telluric features [0, 1] """ self.telluric_func = telluric_func
[docs] def remove_telluric_func(self): """ Remove the Telluric interpolated function. """ self.telluric_func = None
[docs] def add_telluric_profile(self, telluric_profile: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the Telluric profile - relative intensity at each pixel. Parameters ---------- telluric_profile: list or numpy.ndarray The relative intensity of the telluric absorption strength [0, 1] """ self.telluric_profile = telluric_profile
[docs] def remove_telluric_profile(self): """ Remove the Telluric profile. """ self.telluric_profile = None
[docs] def add_telluric_factor(self, telluric_factor: float): """ Add the Telluric factor. Parameters ---------- telluric_factor: float The multiplier to the telluric profile that minimises the sum of the deviation of corrected spectrum from the continuum spectrum. """ self.telluric_factor = telluric_factor
[docs] def remove_telluric_factor(self): """ Remove the Telluric factor. """ self.telluric_factor = None
[docs] def add_telluric_nudge_factor(self, telluric_nudge_factor: float): """ Add the Telluric nudge factor. Parameters ---------- telluric_nudge_factor: float The multiplier to the telluric profile that minimises the sum of the deviation of corrected spectrum from the continuum spectrum. """ self.telluric_nudge_factor = telluric_nudge_factor
[docs] def remove_telluric_nudge_factor(self): """ Remove the Telluric nudge factor. """ self.telluric_nudge_factor = None
[docs] def add_flux( self, flux: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_err: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_sky: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the flux and the associated uncertainty and sky background in the raw pixel sampling. Parameters ---------- flux: list or numpy.ndarray The flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_err: list or numpy.ndarray The uncertainty in flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_sky: list or numpy.ndarray The flux of the background sky at each extracted column of pixels. """ self.flux = flux self.flux_err = flux_err self.flux_sky = flux_sky
[docs] def remove_flux(self): """ Remove the flux, uncertainty of flux, and background sky flux. """ self.flux = None self.flux_err = None self.flux_sky = None
[docs] def add_atm_ext(self, atm_ext: Union[list, np.ndarray]): """ Add the atmospheric extinction correction factor in the native wavelengths. Parameters ---------- atm_ext: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux at each extracted column of pixels. """ self.atm_ext = atm_ext
[docs] def remove_atm_ext(self): """ Remove the atmospheric extinction correction factor in the native wavelengthss. """ self.atm_ext = None
[docs] def add_flux_atm_ext_corrected( self, flux: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_err: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_sky: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the atmospheric extinction corrected flux and the associated uncertainty and sky background in the raw pixel sampling. Parameters ---------- flux: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_err: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected uncertainty in flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_sky: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux of the background sky at each extracted column of pixels. """ self.flux_atm_ext_corrected = flux self.flux_err_atm_ext_corrected = flux_err self.flux_sky_atm_ext_corrected = flux_sky
[docs] def remove_flux_atm_ext_corrected(self): """ Remove the atmospheric absorption corrected flux, uncertainty of flux, and background sky flux in the raw pixel sampling. """ self.flux_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_err_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_sky_atm_ext_corrected = None
[docs] def add_flux_telluric_corrected( self, flux: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_err: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_sky: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the telluric flux and the associated uncertainty and sky background in the raw pixel sampling. Parameters ---------- flux: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_err: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected uncertainty in flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_sky: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux of the background sky at each extracted column of pixels. """ self.flux_telluric_corrected = flux self.flux_err_telluric_corrected = flux_err self.flux_sky_telluric_corrected = flux_sky
[docs] def remove_flux_telluric_corrected(self): """ Remove the telluric corrected flux, uncertainty of flux, and background sky flux in the raw pixel sampling. """ self.flux_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_err_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_sky_telluric_corrected = None
[docs] def add_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected( self, flux: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_err: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_sky: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the atmospheric extinction and telluric corrected flux and the associated uncertainty and sky background in the raw pixel sampling. Parameters ---------- flux: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_err: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected uncertainty in flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_sky: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux of the background sky at each extracted column of pixels. """ self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = flux self.flux_err_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = flux_err self.flux_sky_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = flux_sky
[docs] def remove_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected(self): """ Remove the atmospheric absorption and telluric corrected flux, uncertainty of flux, and background sky flux in the raw pixel sampling. """ self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_err_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_sky_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None
[docs] def add_flux_resampled( self, flux_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_err_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_sky_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the flux and the associated uncertainty and sky background of the resampled spectrum. Parameters ---------- flux: list or numpy.ndarray The flux at the resampled wavelenth. flux_err: list or numpy.ndarray The uncertainty in flux at the resampled wavelenth. flux_sky: list or numpy.ndarray The flux of the background sky at the resampled wavelenth. """ self.flux_resampled = flux_resampled self.flux_err_resampled = flux_err_resampled self.flux_sky_resampled = flux_sky_resampled
[docs] def remove_flux_resampled(self): """ Remove the flux, uncertainty of flux, and background sky flux of the resampled spectrum. """ self.flux_resampled = None self.flux_err_resampled = None self.flux_sky_resampled = None
[docs] def add_atm_ext_resampled( self, atm_ext_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray] ): """ Add the atmospheric extinction correction factor in the resampled wavelengths. Parameters ---------- atm_ext_resampled: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux at the resampled wavelengths. """ self.atm_ext_resampled = atm_ext_resampled
[docs] def remove_atm_ext_resampled(self): """ Remove the atmospheric extinction correction factor in the resampled wavelengths. """ self.atm_ext_resampled = None
[docs] def add_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected( self, flux: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_err: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_sky: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the flux and the associated uncertainty and sky background of the resampled spectrumg. Parameters ---------- flux: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_err: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected uncertainty in flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_sky: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux of the background sky at each extracted column of pixels. """ self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected = flux self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_corrected = flux_err self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_corrected = flux_sky
[docs] def remove_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected(self): """ Remove the atmospheric absorption corrected flux, uncertainty of flux, and background sky flux of the resampled spectrum. """ self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_corrected = None self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_corrected = None
[docs] def add_telluric_profile_resampled( self, telluric_profile_resampled: Union[list, np.ndarray] ): """ Add the telluric absorption profile in the resampled wavelengths. Parameters ---------- telluric_profile_resampled: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption corrected flux at each extracted column of pixels. """ self.telluric_profile_resampled = telluric_profile_resampled
[docs] def remove_telluric_profile_resampled(self): """ Remove the telluric absorption profile in the resampled wavelengthss. """ self.telluric_profile_resampled = None
[docs] def add_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected( self, flux: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_err: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_sky: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the flux and the associated uncertainty and sky background of the resampled spectrum. Parameters ---------- flux: list or numpy.ndarray The telluric corrected flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_err: list or numpy.ndarray The telluric corrected uncertainty in flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_sky: list or numpy.ndarray The telluric corrected flux of the background sky at each extracted column of pixels. """ self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected = flux self.flux_err_resampled_telluric_corrected = flux_err self.flux_sky_resampled_telluric_corrected = flux_sky
[docs] def remove_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected(self): """ Remove the atmospheric absorption corrected flux, uncertainty of flux, and background sky flux of the resampled spectrum. """ self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_err_resampled_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_sky_resampled_telluric_corrected = None
[docs] def add_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected( self, flux: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_err: Union[list, np.ndarray], flux_sky: Union[list, np.ndarray], ): """ Add the flux and the associated uncertainty and sky background of the resampled spectrum. Parameters ---------- flux: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption and telluric corrected flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_err: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption and telluric corrected uncertainty in flux at each extracted column of pixels. flux_sky: list or numpy.ndarray The atmospheric absorption and telluric corrected flux of the background sky at each extracted column of pixels. """ self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = flux self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = flux_err self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = flux_sky
[docs] def remove_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected(self): """ Remove the atmospheric absorption and telluric corrected flux, uncertainty of flux, and background sky flux of the resampled spectrum. """ self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected = None
def _modify_imagehdu_data( self, hdulist: list, idx: int, method: str, *args: str ): """ Wrapper function to modify the data of an ImageHDU object. """ method_to_call = getattr(hdulist[idx].data, method) method_to_call(*args) def _modify_imagehdu_header( self, hdulist: list, idx: int, method: str, *args: str ): """ Wrapper function to modify the header of an ImageHDU object. e.g. method = 'set' args = 'BUNIT', 'Angstroms' method_to_call(*args) becomes hdu[idx].header.set('BUNIT', 'Angstroms') """ method_to_call = getattr(hdulist[idx].header, method) method_to_call(*args)
[docs] def modify_trace_header(self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+---------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+---------------------+ | 0 | Trace (pixel) | | 1 | Trace width (pixel) | +-----+---------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header(self.trace_hdulist, idx, method, *args)
[docs] def modify_count_header(self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+---------------------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+---------------------------------+ | 0 | Photoelectron count | | 1 | Photoelectron count uncertainty | | 2 | Photoelectron count (sky) | +-----+---------------------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header(self.count_hdulist, idx, method, *args)
[docs] def modify_weight_map_header(self, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+----------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+----------+ | 0 | Variance | +-----+----------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header(self.weight_map_hdulist, 0, method, *args)
[docs] def modify_arc_spec_header(self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+-------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+-------------------+ | 0 | Arc spectrum | +-----+-------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header(self.arc_spec_hdulist, idx, method, *args)
[docs] def modify_arc_lines_header(self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+-------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+-------------------+ | 0 | Peaks (pixel) | | 1 | Peaks (sub-pixel) | +-----+-------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.arc_lines_hdulist, idx, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_wavecal_header(self, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None wavelength fits only has one ImageHDU so the idx is always 0 +-----+-----------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+-----------------------+ | 0 | Best fit coefficients | +-----+-----------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header(self.wavecal_hdulist, 0, method, *args)
[docs] def modify_wavelength_header(self, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None wavelength fits only has one ImageHDU so the idx is always 0 +-----+------------------------------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------------------------------+ | 0 | Wavelength value at each extracted pixel | +-----+------------------------------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header(self.wavelength_hdulist, 0, method, *args)
[docs] def modify_wavelength_resampled_header(self, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None wavelength fits only has one ImageHDU so the idx is always 0 +-----+---------------------------------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+---------------------------------------------+ | 0 | Wavelength value at each resampled position | +-----+---------------------------------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.wavelength_resampled_hdulist, 0, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_count_resampled_header(self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+---------------------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+---------------------------------+ | 0 | Photoelectron count | | 1 | Photoelectron count uncertainty | | 2 | Photoelectron count (sky) | +-----+---------------------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.count_resampled_hdulist, idx, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_sensitivity_header(self, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+-------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+-------------+ | 0 | Sensitivity | +-----+-------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.sensitivity_hdulist, 0, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_flux_header(self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------+ | 0 | Flux | | 1 | Flux uncertainty | | 2 | Flux (sky) | +-----+------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header(self.flux_hdulist, idx, method, *args)
[docs] def modify_atm_ext_header(self, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------------+ | 0 | Atmospheric Extinction | +-----+------------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header(self.atm_ext_hdulist, 0, method, *args)
[docs] def modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str ): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------+ | 0 | Flux | | 1 | Flux uncertainty | | 2 | Flux (sky) | +-----+------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist, idx, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_telluric_profile_header(self, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+-----------------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+-----------------------------+ | 0 | Telluric Absorption Profile | +-----+-----------------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.telluric_profile_hdulist, 0, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str ): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------+ | 0 | Flux | | 1 | Flux uncertainty | | 2 | Flux (sky) | +-----+------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist, idx, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str ): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------+ | 0 | Flux | | 1 | Flux uncertainty | | 2 | Flux (sky) | +-----+------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist, idx, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_sensitivity_resampled_header(self, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+-----------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+-----------------------+ | 0 | Sensitivity_resampled | +-----+-----------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.sensitivity_resampled_hdulist, 0, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_flux_resampled_header(self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------+ | 0 | Flux | | 1 | Flux Uncertainty | | 2 | Flux Sky | +-----+------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.flux_resampled_hdulist, idx, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_atm_ext_resampled_header(self, method: str, *args: str): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------------+ | 0 | Atmospheric Extinction | +-----+------------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.atm_ext_resampled_hdulist, 0, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str ): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------+ | 0 | Flux | | 1 | Flux uncertainty | | 2 | Flux (sky) | +-----+------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist, idx, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_telluric_profile_resampled_header( self, method: str, *args: str ): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+-----------------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+-----------------------------+ | 0 | Telluric Absorption Profile | +-----+-----------------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.telluric_profile_resampled_hdulist, 0, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str ): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------+ | 0 | Flux | | 1 | Flux uncertainty | | 2 | Flux (sky) | +-----+------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist, idx, method, *args )
[docs] def modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( self, idx: int, method: str, *args: str ): """ for method 'set', it takes keyword, value=None, comment=None, before=None, after=None +-----+------------------+ | HDU | Data | +-----+------------------+ | 0 | Flux | | 1 | Flux uncertainty | | 2 | Flux (sky) | +-----+------------------+ """ self._modify_imagehdu_header( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist, idx, method, *args, )
[docs] def create_trace_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the trace. """ try: # Use the header of the spectrum if self.spectrum_header is not None: trace_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.trace, header=self.spectrum_header ) trace_sigma_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.trace_sigma, header=self.spectrum_header ) else: trace_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.trace) trace_sigma_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.trace_sigma) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.trace_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.trace_hdulist += [trace_ImageHDU] self.trace_hdulist += [trace_sigma_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["trace"]] # Add the trace self.modify_trace_header(0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_trace_header(0, "set", "LABEL", "Trace") self.modify_trace_header(0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1) self.modify_trace_header(0, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_trace_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_trace_header(0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel (Dispersion)") self.modify_trace_header(0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_trace_header(0, "set", "BUNIT", "Pixel (Spatial)") # Add the trace_sigma self.modify_trace_header(1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1]) self.modify_trace_header(1, "set", "LABEL", "Trace width") self.modify_trace_header(1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1) self.modify_trace_header(1, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_trace_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_trace_header(1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel (Dispersion)") self.modify_trace_header(1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Number of Pixels") self.modify_trace_header(1, "set", "BUNIT", "Pixel (Spatial)") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("trace ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.trace_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_count_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the extracted spectrum in photoelectron counts. """ try: # Use the header of the spectrum if self.spectrum_header is not None: count_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.count, header=self.spectrum_header ) count_err_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.count_err, header=self.spectrum_header ) count_sky_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.count_sky, header=self.spectrum_header ) else: count_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.count) count_err_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.count_err) count_sky_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.count_sky) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.count_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.count_hdulist += [count_ImageHDU] self.count_hdulist += [count_err_ImageHDU] self.count_hdulist += [count_sky_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["count"]] # Add the count self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "WIDTHDN", self.widthdn) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "WIDTHUP", self.widthup) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "SEPDN", self.sepdn) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "SEPUP", self.sepup) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "SKYDN", self.skywidthdn) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "SKYUP", self.skywidthup) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "XTYPE", self.extraction_type) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "LABEL", "Electron count") self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_count_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "CTYPE1", " Pixel (Dispersion)") self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "BUNIT", "electron") self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "XPOSURE", self.exptime) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "GAIN", self.gain) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "RNOISE", self.readnoise) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "SEEING", self.seeing) self.modify_count_header(0, "set", "AIRMASS", self.airmass) # Add the uncertainty count self.modify_count_header(1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1]) self.modify_count_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", "Electron count (Uncertainty)" ) self.modify_count_header(1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1) self.modify_count_header(1, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_count_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_count_header(1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel (Dispersion)") self.modify_count_header(1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_count_header(1, "set", "BUNIT", "electron") # Add the sky count self.modify_count_header(2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2]) self.modify_count_header(2, "set", "LABEL", "Electron count (Sky)") self.modify_count_header(2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1) self.modify_count_header(2, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_count_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_count_header(2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel (Dispersion)") self.modify_count_header(2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_count_header(2, "set", "BUNIT", "electron") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("count ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.count_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_weight_map_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the extraction profile weight function. """ try: # Use the header of the spectrum if self.spectrum_header is not None: weight_map_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.var, header=self.spectrum_header ) else: weight_map_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.var) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.weight_map_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.weight_map_hdulist += [weight_map_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["weight_map"]] # Add the extraction weights self.modify_weight_map_header("set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_weight_map_header( "set", "LABEL", "Optimal extraction profile" ) if self.var is not None: self.modify_weight_map_header("set", "CRVAL1", len(self.var)) self.modify_weight_map_header("set", "CRPIX1", 1) self.modify_weight_map_header("set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_weight_map_header( "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel (Spatial)" ) self.modify_weight_map_header("set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_weight_map_header("set", "BUNIT", "weights") else: self.modify_weight_map_header( "set", "COMMENT", "Extraction Profile is not available." ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("A weight map ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.weight_map_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_count_resampled_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the extracted spectrum in photoelectron count at the resampled wavelengths. """ try: # Use the header of the spectrum if self.spectrum_header is not None: count_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.count_resampled, header=self.spectrum_header ) count_err_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.count_err_resampled, header=self.spectrum_header ) count_sky_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.count_sky_resampled, header=self.spectrum_header ) else: count_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.count_resampled) count_err_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.count_err_resampled ) count_sky_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.count_sky_resampled ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.count_resampled_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.count_resampled_hdulist += [count_resampled_ImageHDU] self.count_resampled_hdulist += [count_err_resampled_ImageHDU] self.count_resampled_hdulist += [count_sky_resampled_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["count_resampled"]] # Add the resampled count self.modify_count_resampled_header( 0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0] ) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Resampled electron count" ) self.modify_count_resampled_header(0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 0, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_count_resampled_header(0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms") self.modify_count_resampled_header(0, "set", "BUNIT", "electron") self.modify_count_resampled_header(0, "set", "BUNIT", "electron") self.modify_count_resampled_header( 0, "set", "XPOSURE", self.exptime ) self.modify_count_resampled_header(0, "set", "GAIN", self.gain) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 0, "set", "RNOISE", self.readnoise ) self.modify_count_resampled_header(0, "set", "SEEING", self.seeing) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 0, "set", "AIRMASS", self.airmass ) # Add the resampled uncertainty count self.modify_count_resampled_header( 1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1] ) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", "Resampled electron count (Uncertainty)" ) self.modify_count_resampled_header(1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 1, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_count_resampled_header(1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms") self.modify_count_resampled_header(1, "set", "BUNIT", "electron") # Add the resampled sky count self.modify_count_resampled_header( 2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2] ) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 2, "set", "LABEL", "Resampled electron count (Sky)" ) self.modify_count_resampled_header(2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 2, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_count_resampled_header( 2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_count_resampled_header(2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms") self.modify_count_resampled_header(2, "set", "BUNIT", "electron") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("count_resampled ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.count_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_arc_spec_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the spectrum of the arc lamp. """ try: # Use the header of the arc if self.arc_header is not None: arc_spec_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.arc_spec, header=self.arc_header ) else: arc_spec_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.arc_spec) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.arc_spec_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.arc_spec_hdulist += [arc_spec_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["arc_spec"]] # Add the arc spectrum self.modify_arc_spec_header(0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_arc_spec_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Electron count (Arc)" ) self.modify_arc_spec_header(0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1) self.modify_arc_spec_header(0, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_arc_spec_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_arc_spec_header( 0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel (Dispersion)" ) self.modify_arc_spec_header(0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_arc_spec_header(0, "set", "BUNIT", "electron") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("arc_spec ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.arc_spec_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_arc_lines_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the spectrum of the arc lamp. """ try: # Use the header of the arc if self.arc_header is not None: peaks_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.peaks, header=self.arc_header ) peaks_refined_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.peaks_refined, header=self.arc_header ) else: peaks_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.peaks) peaks_refined_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.peaks_refined) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.arc_lines_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.arc_lines_hdulist += [peaks_ImageHDU] self.arc_lines_hdulist += [peaks_refined_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["arc_lines"]] # Add the peaks in native pixel value self.modify_arc_lines_header(0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_arc_lines_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Peaks (Detector pixel)" ) self.modify_arc_lines_header(0, "set", "BUNIT", "Pixel") # Add the peaks in effective pixel value self.modify_arc_lines_header(1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1]) self.modify_arc_lines_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", "Peaks (Effective pixel)" ) self.modify_arc_lines_header(1, "set", "BUNIT", "Pixel") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("arc_lines ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.arc_lines_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_wavecal_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the polynomial coeffcients of the pixel-wavelength mapping function. """ try: # Use the header of the arc if self.arc_header is not None: wavecal_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.fit_coeff, header=self.arc_header ) else: wavecal_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.fit_coeff) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.wavecal_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.wavecal_hdulist += [wavecal_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["wavecal_coefficients"]] # Add the wavelength calibration header info self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "FTYPE", self.fit_type) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "FDEG", self.fit_deg) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "FFRMS", self.rms) self.modify_wavecal_header( "set", "ATLWMIN", self.min_atlas_wavelength ) self.modify_wavecal_header( "set", "ATLWMAX", self.max_atlas_wavelength ) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "NSLOPES", self.num_slopes) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "RNGTOL", self.range_tolerance) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "FITTOL", self.fit_tolerance) self.modify_wavecal_header( "set", "CANTHRE", self.candidate_tolerance ) self.modify_wavecal_header( "set", "LINTHRE", self.linearity_tolerance ) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "RANTHRE", self.ransac_tolerance) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "NUMCAN", self.num_candidates) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "XBINS", self.xbins) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "YBINS", self.ybins) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "BRUTE", self.brute_force) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "SAMSIZE", self.sample_size) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "TOPN", self.top_n) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "MAXTRY", self.max_tries) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "INCOEFF", self.intput_coeff) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "LINEAR", self.linear) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "W8ED", self.weighted) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "FILTER", self.filter_close) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "PUSAGE", self.peak_utilisation) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_wavecal_header( "set", "LABEL", "Wavelength calibration coefficients" ) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start) self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength") self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms") self.modify_wavecal_header("set", "BUNIT", "electron") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("wavecal ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.wavecal_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_wavelength_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the wavelength at each of the native pixel. """ try: # Put the data in an ImageHDU # Use the header of the arc if self.arc_header is not None: wavelength_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.wave, header=self.arc_header ) else: wavelength_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.wave) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with the ImageHDU self.wavelength_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.wavelength_hdulist += [wavelength_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["wavelength"]] # Add the calibrated wavelength self.modify_wavelength_header("set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_wavelength_header( "set", "LABEL", "Pixel-wavelength mapping" ) self.modify_wavelength_header("set", "CRPIX1", 1) self.modify_wavelength_header("set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_wavelength_header( "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_wavelength_header( "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel (Dispersion)" ) self.modify_wavelength_header("set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_wavelength_header("set", "BUNIT", "Angstroms") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("wavelength ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.wavelength_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_wavelength_resampled_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the wavelength at each resampled position. """ try: # Put the data in an ImageHDU # Use the header of the arc if self.arc_header is not None: wavelength_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.wave_resampled, header=self.arc_header ) else: wavelength_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.wave_resampled ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with the ImageHDU self.wavelength_resampled_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.wavelength_resampled_hdulist += [ wavelength_resampled_ImageHDU ] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["wavelength_resampled"]] # Add the calibrated wavelength self.modify_wavelength_resampled_header( "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0] ) self.modify_wavelength_resampled_header( "set", "LABEL", "Wavelength at resampled position" ) self.modify_wavelength_resampled_header("set", "CRPIX1", 1) self.modify_wavelength_resampled_header("set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_wavelength_resampled_header( "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_wavelength_resampled_header( "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel (Dispersion)" ) self.modify_wavelength_resampled_header("set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_wavelength_resampled_header( "set", "BUNIT", "Angstroms" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning( "wavelength_resampled ImageHDU cannot be created." ) self.wavelength_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_sensitivity_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the sensitivity at each of the native pixel. """ try: # Put the data in ImageHDUs # Use the header of the standard if self.standard_header is not None: sensitivity_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.sensitivity, header=self.standard_header ) else: sensitivity_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.sensitivity) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.sensitivity_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.sensitivity_hdulist += [sensitivity_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["sensitivity"]] self.modify_sensitivity_header("set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_sensitivity_header("set", "LABEL", "Sensitivity") self.modify_sensitivity_header("set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_sensitivity_header("set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_sensitivity_header( "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_sensitivity_header("set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel") self.modify_sensitivity_header("set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_sensitivity_header( "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)/Count" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("sensitivity ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.sensitivity_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_flux_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the flux calibrated spectrum at each native pixel. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data in ImageHDUs flux_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.flux, header=header) flux_err_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.flux_err, header=header) flux_sky_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.flux_sky, header=header) else: flux_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.flux) flux_err_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.flux_err) flux_sky_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.flux_sky) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.flux_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.flux_hdulist += [flux_ImageHDU] self.flux_hdulist += [flux_err_ImageHDU] self.flux_hdulist += [flux_sky_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["flux"]] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "LABEL", "Flux") self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_flux_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel") self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_flux_header( 0, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "XPOSURE", self.exptime) self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "GAIN", self.gain) self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "RNOISE", self.readnoise) self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "SEEING", self.seeing) self.modify_flux_header(0, "set", "AIRMASS", self.airmass) self.modify_flux_header(1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1]) self.modify_flux_header(1, "set", "LABEL", "Flux (Uncertainty)") self.modify_flux_header(1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_flux_header(1, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_flux_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_header(1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel") self.modify_flux_header(1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_flux_header( 1, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_header(2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2]) self.modify_flux_header(2, "set", "LABEL", "Flux (Sky)") self.modify_flux_header(2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_flux_header(2, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_flux_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_header(2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel") self.modify_flux_header(2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_flux_header( 2, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("flux ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.flux_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_atm_ext_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the atmospheric extinction corrected flux calibrated spectrum at the resampled wavelength. """ try: header = None if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data and header in ImageHDUs atm_ext_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.atm_ext, header=header) else: # Put the data in ImageHDUs atm_ext_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.atm_ext) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.atm_ext_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.atm_ext_hdulist += [atm_ext_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["atm_ext"]] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_atm_ext_header("set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_atm_ext_header( "set", "LABEL", "Atmopheric extinction correction factor" ) self.modify_atm_ext_header("set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_atm_ext_header("set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin) self.modify_atm_ext_header("set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start) self.modify_atm_ext_header("set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength") self.modify_atm_ext_header("set", "CUNIT1", " ") self.modify_atm_ext_header("set", "BUNIT", " ") except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning("atm_ext ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.atm_ext_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_flux_atm_ext_corrected_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the atmospheric extinction corrected flux calibrated spectrum at each native pixel. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data in ImageHDUs flux_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_atm_ext_corrected, header=header ) flux_err_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_atm_ext_corrected, header=header ) flux_sky_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_atm_ext_corrected, header=header ) else: flux_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_atm_ext_corrected ) flux_err_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_atm_ext_corrected ) flux_sky_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_atm_ext_corrected ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_err_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_sky_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU ] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["flux_atm_ext_corrected"]] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0] ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Flux atmospheric extinction corrected" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header(0, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1], ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", "Flux atmospheric extinction corrected (Uncertainty)", ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header(1, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2], ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "LABEL", "Flux atmospheric extinction corrected (Sky)", ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header(2, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning( "flux_atm_ext_corrected ImageHDU cannot be created." ) self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_telluric_profile_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the Telluric absorption profile at resampled wavelength. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data and header in ImageHDUs telluric_profile_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.telluric_profile, header=header ) else: # Put the data in ImageHDUs telluric_profile_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.telluric_profile ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.telluric_profile_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.telluric_profile_hdulist += [telluric_profile_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["telluric_profile"]] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_telluric_profile_header("set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0]) self.modify_telluric_profile_header( "set", "LABEL", "Telluric absorption profile" ) self.modify_telluric_profile_header("set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_telluric_profile_header("set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin) self.modify_telluric_profile_header( "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_telluric_profile_header("set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength") self.modify_telluric_profile_header("set", "CUNIT1", "") self.modify_telluric_profile_header("set", "BUNIT", "") except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning("telluric_profile ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.telluric_profile_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_flux_telluric_corrected_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the telluric corrected flux calibrated spectrum at each native pixel. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data in ImageHDUs flux_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_telluric_corrected, header=header ) flux_err_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_telluric_corrected, header=header ) flux_sky_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_telluric_corrected, header=header ) else: flux_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_telluric_corrected ) flux_err_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_telluric_corrected ) flux_sky_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_telluric_corrected ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_err_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_sky_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] hdu_names = self.ext_name[ self.hdu_order["flux_telluric_corrected"] ] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0] ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Flux telluric corrected" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header(0, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1] ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", "Flux telluric correct (Uncertainty)" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header(1, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2] ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "LABEL", "Flux telluric corrected (Sky)" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header(2, "set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning( "flux_telluric_corrected ImageHDU cannot be created." ) self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the atmospheric extinction corrected flux calibrated spectrum at each native pixel. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data in ImageHDUs flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected, header=header ) flux_err_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_atm_ext_telluric_corrected, header=header ) flux_sky_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_atm_ext_telluric_corrected, header=header ) else: flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected ) flux_err_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_atm_ext_telluric_corrected ) flux_sky_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_atm_ext_telluric_corrected ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_err_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_sky_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] hdu_names = self.ext_name[ self.hdu_order["flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected"] ] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0], ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Flux atmospheric extinction telluric corrected", ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CDELT1", 1 ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "XPOSURE", self.exptime ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "GAIN", self.gain ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "RNOISE", self.readnoise ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "SEEING", self.seeing ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "AIRMASS", self.airmass ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1], ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", "Flux atmospheric extinction telluric corrected (Uncertainty)", ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CDELT1", 1 ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2], ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "LABEL", "Flux atmospheric extinction telluric corrected (Sky)", ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CDELT1", 1 ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel" ) self.modify_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning( "flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected ImageHDU cannot be created." ) self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_sensitivity_resampled_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the sensitivity at the resampled wavelength. """ try: # Put the data in ImageHDUs sensitivity_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.sensitivity_resampled ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.sensitivity_resampled_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.sensitivity_resampled_hdulist += [ sensitivity_resampled_ImageHDU ] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["sensitivity_resampled"]] self.modify_sensitivity_resampled_header( "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0] ) self.modify_sensitivity_resampled_header( "set", "LABEL", "Sensitivity" ) self.modify_sensitivity_resampled_header("set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_sensitivity_resampled_header("set", "CDELT1", 1) self.modify_sensitivity_resampled_header( "set", "CRVAL1", self.effective_pixel[0] ) self.modify_sensitivity_resampled_header("set", "CTYPE1", "Pixel") self.modify_sensitivity_resampled_header("set", "CUNIT1", "Pixel") self.modify_sensitivity_resampled_header( "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)/Count" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("sensitivity ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.sensitivity_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_flux_resampled_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the flux calibrated spectrum at the resampled wavelength. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data in ImageHDUs flux_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_resampled, header=header ) flux_err_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_resampled, header=header ) flux_sky_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_resampled, header=header ) else: # Put the data in ImageHDUs flux_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU(self.flux_resampled) flux_err_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_resampled ) flux_sky_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_resampled ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.flux_resampled_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.flux_resampled_hdulist += [flux_resampled_ImageHDU] self.flux_resampled_hdulist += [flux_err_resampled_ImageHDU] self.flux_resampled_hdulist += [flux_sky_resampled_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["flux_resampled"]] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0] ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header(0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 0, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header(0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength") self.modify_flux_resampled_header(0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms") self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 0, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 0, "set", "XPOSURE", self.exptime ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header(0, "set", "GAIN", self.gain) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 0, "set", "RNOISE", self.readnoise ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header(0, "set", "SEEING", self.seeing) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 0, "set", "AIRMASS", self.airmass ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1] ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled (Uncertainty)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header(1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 1, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header(1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength") self.modify_flux_resampled_header(1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms") self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 1, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2] ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 2, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled (Sky)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header(2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 2, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_header(2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength") self.modify_flux_resampled_header(2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms") self.modify_flux_resampled_header( 2, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.error("flux_resampled ImageHDU cannot be created.") self.flux_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_atm_ext_resampled_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the atmospheric extinction corrected flux calibrated spectrum at the resampled wavelength. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data and header in ImageHDUs atm_ext_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.atm_ext_resampled, header=header ) else: # Put the data in ImageHDUs atm_ext_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.atm_ext_resampled ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.atm_ext_resampled_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.atm_ext_resampled_hdulist += [atm_ext_resampled_ImageHDU] hdu_names = self.ext_name[self.hdu_order["atm_ext_resampled"]] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_atm_ext_resampled_header( "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0] ) self.modify_atm_ext_resampled_header( "set", "LABEL", "Atmopheric extinction correction factor" ) self.modify_atm_ext_resampled_header("set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00) self.modify_atm_ext_resampled_header( "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_atm_ext_resampled_header( "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_atm_ext_resampled_header("set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength") self.modify_atm_ext_resampled_header("set", "CUNIT1", "") self.modify_atm_ext_resampled_header("set", "BUNIT", "") except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning( "atm_ext_resampled ImageHDU cannot be created." ) self.atm_ext_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the atmospheric extinction corrected flux calibrated spectrum at the resampled wavelength. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data and header in ImageHDUs flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected, header=header ) flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_corrected, header=header ) flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_corrected, header=header ) else: # Put the data in ImageHDUs flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected ) flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_corrected ) flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_corrected ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_ImageHDU ] hdu_names = self.ext_name[ self.hdu_order["flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected"] ] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0], ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled atmospheric extinction corrected", ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "XPOSURE", self.exptime ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "GAIN", self.gain ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "RNOISE", self.readnoise ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "SEEING", self.seeing ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 0, "set", "AIRMASS", self.airmass ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1], ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled atmospheric extinction corrected (Uncertainty)", ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 1, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2], ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled atmospheric extinction corrected (Sky)", ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_header( 2, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning( "flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected ImageHDU cannot be created." ) self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_telluric_profile_resampled_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the Telluric absorption profile at resampled wavelength. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data and header in ImageHDUs telluric_profile_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.telluric_profile_resampled, header=header ) else: # Put the data in ImageHDUs telluric_profile_resampled_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.telluric_profile_resampled ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.telluric_profile_resampled_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.telluric_profile_resampled_hdulist += [ telluric_profile_resampled_ImageHDU ] hdu_names = self.ext_name[ self.hdu_order["telluric_profile_resampled"] ] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_telluric_profile_resampled_header( "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0] ) self.modify_telluric_profile_resampled_header( "set", "LABEL", "Telluric absorption profile" ) self.modify_telluric_profile_resampled_header( "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_telluric_profile_resampled_header( "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_telluric_profile_resampled_header( "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_telluric_profile_resampled_header( "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_telluric_profile_resampled_header("set", "CUNIT1", "") self.modify_telluric_profile_resampled_header("set", "BUNIT", "") except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning( "telluric_profile_resampled ImageHDU cannot be created." ) self.telluric_profile_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the atmospheric extinction corrected flux calibrated spectrum at the resampled wavelength. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data and header in ImageHDUs flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected, header=header ) flux_err_resampled_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_resampled_telluric_corrected, header=header ) flux_sky_resampled_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_resampled_telluric_corrected, header=header ) else: # Put the data in ImageHDUs flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected ) flux_err_resampled_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_resampled_telluric_corrected ) flux_sky_resampled_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_resampled_telluric_corrected ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist = fits.HDUList() self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_err_resampled_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_sky_resampled_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] hdu_names = self.ext_name[ self.hdu_order["flux_resampled_telluric_corrected"] ] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0] ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled telluric corrected" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "XPOSURE", self.exptime ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "GAIN", self.gain ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "RNOISE", self.readnoise ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "SEEING", self.seeing ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "AIRMASS", self.airmass ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1], ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled telluric corrected (Uncertainty)", ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2] ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled telluric corrected (Sky)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning( "flux_resampled_telluric_corrected ImageHDU cannot be created." ) self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_fits(self): """ Create an ImageHDU for the atmospheric extinction corrected flux calibrated spectrum at the resampled wavelength. """ try: header = None # Use the header of the standard if self.spectrum_header is not None: header = self.spectrum_header if header is not None: # Put the data and header in ImageHDUs flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = ( fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected, header=header, ) ) flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = ( fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected, header=header, ) ) flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = ( fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected, header=header, ) ) else: # Put the data in ImageHDUs flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = ( fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected ) ) flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = ( fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected ) ) flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU = ( fits.ImageHDU( self.flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected ) ) # Create an empty HDU list and populate with ImageHDUs self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist = ( fits.HDUList() ) self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_err_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist += [ flux_sky_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_ImageHDU ] hdu_names = self.ext_name[ self.hdu_order["flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected"] ] # Note that wave_start is the centre of the starting bin self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[0], ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "LABEL", "Flux resampled atmospheric extinction telluric corrected", ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "XPOSURE", self.exptime ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "GAIN", self.gain ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "RNOISE", self.readnoise ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "SEEING", self.seeing ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 0, "set", "AIRMASS", self.airmass ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[1], ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "LABEL", ( "Flux resampled atmospheric extinction telluric corrected" " (Uncertainty)" ), ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 1, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "EXTNAME", hdu_names[2], ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "LABEL", ( "Flux resampled atmospheric extinction telluric corrected" " (Sky)" ), ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRPIX1", 1.00e00 ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CDELT1", self.wave_bin ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CRVAL1", self.wave_start ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CTYPE1", "Wavelength" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "CUNIT1", "Angstroms" ) self.modify_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_header( 2, "set", "BUNIT", "erg/(s*cm**2*Angstrom)" ) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(str(e)) # Set it to None if the above failed self.logger.warning( "flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected ImageHDU cannot " "be created." ) self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_trace_fits(self): """ Remove the trace FITS HDUList. """ self.trace_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_count_fits(self): """ Remove the count FITS HDUList. """ self.count_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_count_resampled_fits(self): """ Remove the count_resampled FITS HDUList. """ self.count_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_arc_spec_fits(self): """ Remove the arc_spec FITS HDUList. """ self.arc_spec_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_wavecal_fits(self): """ Remove the wavecal FITS HDUList. """ self.wavecal_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_wavelength_fits(self): """ Remove the wavelength FITS HDUList. """ self.wavelength_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_weight_map_fits(self): """ Remove the weight_map FITS HDUList. """ self.weight_map_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_flux_fits(self): """ Remove the flux FITS HDUList. """ self.flux_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_atm_ext_fits(self): """ Remove the atm_ext FITS HDUList. """ self.atm_ext_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_flux_atm_ext_corrected_fits(self): """ Remove the flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected FITS HDUList. """ self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_telluric_profile_fits(self): """ Remove the telluric_profile FITS HDUList. """ self.telluric_profile_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_flux_telluric_corrected_fits(self): """ Remove the flux_resampled_telluric_corrected FITS HDUList. """ self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_fits(self): """ Remove the flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected FITS HDUList. """ self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_wavelength_resampled_fits(self): """ Remove the resampled wavelength FITS HDUList. """ self.wavelength_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_sensitivity_resampled_fits(self): """ Remove the sensitivity_resampled FITS HDUList. """ self.sensitivity_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_flux_resampled_fits(self): """ Remove the flux_resampled FITS HDUList. """ self.flux_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_atm_ext_resampled_fits(self): """ Remove the atm_ext_resampled FITS HDUList. """ self.atm_ext_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_fits(self): """ Remove the flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected FITS HDUList. """ self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_telluric_profile_resampled_fits(self): """ Remove the telluric_profile_resampled FITS HDUList. """ self.telluric_profile_resampled_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_fits(self): """ Remove the flux_resampled_telluric_corrected FITS HDUList. """ self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def remove_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_fits(self): """ Remove the flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected FITS HDUList. """ self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist = None
[docs] def create_fits( self, output: str = "*", recreate: bool = True, empty_primary_hdu: bool = True, return_hdu_list: bool = False, ): """ Create a HDU list, with a choice of any combination of the data, see below the 'output' parameters for details. Parameters ---------- output: String Type of data to be saved, the order is fixed (in the order of the following description), but the options are flexible. The input strings are delimited by "+": trace: 2 HDUs Trace, and trace width (pixel) count: 3 HDUs Count, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) weight_map: 1 HDU Weight (pixel) arc_spec: 1 HDU 1D arc spectrum arc_lines: 2 HDUs arc line position (pixel), and arc line effective position (pixel) wavecal_coefficients: 1 HDU Polynomial coefficients for wavelength calibration wavelength: 1 HDU Wavelength of each pixel wavelength_resampled: 1 HDU Wavelength of each resampled position count_resampled: 3 HDUs Resampled Count, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) sensitivity: 1 HDU Sensitivity (pixel) flux: 3 HDUs Flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) atm_ext: 1 HDU Atmospheric extinction correction factor flux_atm_ext_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) telluric_profile: 1 HDU Telluric absorption profile flux_telluric_corrected: 3 HDUs Telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction and telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) sensitivity_resampled: 1 HDU Sensitivity (wavelength) flux_resampled: 4 HDUs Flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) atm_ext_resampled: 1 HDU Atmospheric extinction correction factor flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) telluric_profile_resampled: 1 HDU Telluric absorption profile flux_resampled_telluic_corrected: 3 HDUs Telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction and telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) recreate: boolean (Default: False) Set to True to overwrite the FITS data and header. empty_primary_hdu: boolean (Default: True) Set to True to leave the Primary HDU blank. return_hdu_list: boolean (Default: False) Set to True to return the HDU List. """ if output == "*": output = ( "trace+count+weight_map+arc_spec+arc_lines+" "wavecal_coefficients+wavelength+wavelength_resampled+" "count_resampled+sensitivity+flux+atm_ext+" "flux_atm_ext_corrected+telluric_profile+" "flux_telluric_corrected+flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected+" "sensitivity_resampled+flux_resampled+atm_ext_resampled+" "flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected+" "telluric_profile_resampled+" "flux_resampled_telluic_corrected+" "flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected" )"{output} is read.") output_split = output.split("+")"HDUs of {output_split} are to be created.") # If to recreate the FITS, set all contents to False if recreate: for k, v in self.hdu_content.items(): self.hdu_content[k] = False"HDUList is cleared.") # If the requested list of HDUs is already good to go if set([k for k, v in self.hdu_content.items() if v]) == set( output_split ):"HDUList is ready to go.") # If there is an empty primary HDU, but requested without if self.empty_primary_hdu & (not empty_primary_hdu): self.hdu_output.pop(0) self.empty_primary_hdu = False # If there is not an empty primary HDU, but requested one elif (not self.empty_primary_hdu) & empty_primary_hdu: self.hdu_output.insert(0, fits.PrimaryHDU()) self.empty_primary_hdu = True # Otherwise, the self.hdu_output does not need to be modified else: pass # If the requested list is different or empty, (re)create the list else: self.hdu_output = None"Populating the HDUList now.") # Empty list for appending HDU lists hdu_output = fits.HDUList() # If leaving the primary HDU empty if empty_primary_hdu: hdu_output.append(fits.PrimaryHDU()) # Join the list(s) if "trace" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["trace"]:"Creating trace HDU now.") self.create_trace_fits()"Created trace HDU.") if (self.trace_hdulist is not None) and ( self.trace is not None ): hdu_output += self.trace_hdulist self.hdu_content["trace"] = True if "count" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["count"]:"Creating count HDU now.") self.create_count_fits()"Created trace HDU.") if (self.count_hdulist is not None) and ( self.count is not None ): hdu_output += self.count_hdulist self.hdu_content["count"] = True if "weight_map" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["weight_map"]:"Creating weight_map HDU now.") self.create_weight_map_fits()"Created weight_map HDU.") if (self.weight_map_hdulist is not None) and ( self.var is not None ): hdu_output += self.weight_map_hdulist self.hdu_content["weight_map"] = True if "arc_spec" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["arc_spec"]:"Creating arc_spec HDU now.") self.create_arc_spec_fits()"Created arc_spec HDU.") if (self.arc_spec_hdulist is not None) and ( self.arc_spec is not None ): hdu_output += self.arc_spec_hdulist self.hdu_content["arc_spec"] = True if "arc_lines" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["arc_lines"]:"Creating arc_lines HDU now.") self.create_arc_lines_fits()"Created HDU.") if self.arc_lines_hdulist is not None: hdu_output += self.arc_lines_hdulist self.hdu_content["arc_lines"] = True if "wavecal_coefficients" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["wavecal_coefficients"]:"Creat wavecal_coefficients HDU now.") self.create_wavecal_fits()"Creat wavecal_coefficients HDU.") if (self.wavecal_hdulist is not None) and ( self.fit_coeff is not None ): hdu_output += self.wavecal_hdulist self.hdu_content["wavecal_coefficients"] = True if "wavelength" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["wavelength"]:"Creating wavelength HDU now.") self.create_wavelength_fits()"Created wavelength HDU.") if (self.wavelength_hdulist is not None) and ( self.wave is not None ): hdu_output += self.wavelength_hdulist self.hdu_content["wavelength"] = True if "wavelength_resampled" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["wavelength_resampled"]:"Creating wavelength_resampled HDU now.") self.create_wavelength_resampled_fits()"Created wavelength_resampled HDU.") if (self.wavelength_resampled_hdulist is not None) and ( self.wave_resampled is not None ): hdu_output += self.wavelength_resampled_hdulist self.hdu_content["wavelength_resampled"] = True if "count_resampled" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["count_resampled"]:"Creating count_resampled HDU now.") self.create_count_resampled_fits()"Created count_resampled HDU.") if (self.count_resampled_hdulist is not None) and ( self.count_resampled is not None ): hdu_output += self.count_resampled_hdulist self.hdu_content["count_resampled"] = True if "sensitivity" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["sensitivity"]:"Creating sensitivity HDU now.") self.create_sensitivity_fits()"Created sensitivity HDU.") if (self.sensitivity_hdulist is not None) and ( self.sensitivity is not None ): hdu_output += self.sensitivity_hdulist self.hdu_content["sensitivity"] = True if "flux" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["flux"]:"Creating flux HDU now.") self.create_flux_fits()"Created flux HDU.") if (self.flux_hdulist is not None) and (self.flux is not None): hdu_output += self.flux_hdulist self.hdu_content["flux"] = True if "atm_ext" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["atm_ext"]:"Creating atm_ext HDU now.") self.create_atm_ext_fits()"Created atm_ext HDU.") if (self.atm_ext_hdulist is not None) and ( self.atm_ext is not None ): hdu_output += self.atm_ext_hdulist self.hdu_content["atm_ext"] = True if "flux_atm_ext_corrected" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["flux_atm_ext_corrected"]: "Creating flux_atm_ext_corrected HDU now." ) self.create_flux_atm_ext_corrected_fits()"Created flux_atm_ext_corrected HDU.") if (self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist is not None) and ( self.flux_atm_ext_corrected is not None ): hdu_output += self.flux_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist self.hdu_content["flux_atm_ext_corrected"] = True if "telluric_profile" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["telluric_profile"]:"Creating telluric_profile HDU now.") self.create_telluric_profile_fits()"Created telluric_profile HDU.") if (self.telluric_profile_hdulist is not None) and ( self.telluric_profile is not None ): hdu_output += self.telluric_profile_hdulist self.hdu_content["telluric_profile"] = True if "flux_telluric_corrected" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["flux_telluric_corrected"]: "Creating flux_telluric_corrected HDU now." ) self.create_flux_telluric_corrected_fits()"Created flux_telluric_corrected HDU.") if (self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist is not None) and ( self.flux_telluric_corrected is not None ): hdu_output += self.flux_telluric_corrected_hdulist self.hdu_content["flux_telluric_corrected"] = True if "flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected"]: "Creating flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected HDU now." ) self.create_flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_fits() "Created flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected HDU." ) if ( self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist is not None ) and (self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected is not None): hdu_output += self.flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist self.hdu_content["flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected"] = True if "sensitivity_resampled" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["sensitivity_resampled"]:"Creating sensitivity_resampled HDU now.") self.create_sensitivity_resampled_fits()"Created sensitivity_resampled HDU.") if (self.sensitivity_resampled_hdulist is not None) and ( self.sensitivity_resampled is not None ): hdu_output += self.sensitivity_resampled_hdulist self.hdu_content["sensitivity_resampled"] = True if "flux_resampled" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["flux_resampled"]:"Creating flux_resampled HDU now.") self.create_flux_resampled_fits()"Created flux_resampled HDU.") if (self.flux_resampled_hdulist is not None) and ( self.flux_resampled is not None ): hdu_output += self.flux_resampled_hdulist self.hdu_content["flux_resampled"] = True if "atm_ext_resampled" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["atm_ext_resampled"]:"Creating atm_ext_resampled HDU now.") self.create_atm_ext_resampled_fits()"Created atm_ext_resampled HDU.") if (self.atm_ext_resampled_hdulist is not None) and ( self.atm_ext_resampled is not None ): hdu_output += self.atm_ext_resampled_hdulist self.hdu_content["atm_ext_resampled"] = True if "flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected"]: "Creating flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected HDU now." ) self.create_flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_fits() "Created flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected HDU." ) if ( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist is not None ) and (self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected is not None): hdu_output += self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected_hdulist self.hdu_content["flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected"] = True if "telluric_profile_resampled" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["telluric_profile_resampled"]: "Creating telluric_profile_resampled HDU now." ) self.create_telluric_profile_resampled_fits()"Created telluric_profile_resampled HDU.") if (self.telluric_profile_resampled_hdulist is not None) and ( self.telluric_profile_resampled is not None ): hdu_output += self.telluric_profile_resampled_hdulist self.hdu_content["telluric_profile_resampled"] = True if "flux_resampled_telluric_corrected" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content["flux_resampled_telluric_corrected"]: "Creating flux_resampled_telluric_corrected HDU now." ) self.create_flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_fits() "Created flux_resampled_telluric_corrected HDU." ) if ( self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist is not None ) and (self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected is not None): hdu_output += ( self.flux_resampled_telluric_corrected_hdulist ) self.hdu_content[ "flux_resampled_telluric_corrected" ] = True if "flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected" in output_split: if not self.hdu_content[ "flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected" ]: "Creating flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected HDU" " now." ) self.create_flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_fits() "Created flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected HDU." ) if ( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist is not None ) and ( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected is not None ): hdu_output += ( self.flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected_hdulist ) self.hdu_content[ "flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected" ] = True # If the primary HDU is not chosen to be empty if empty_primary_hdu: hdu_output.update_extend() self.empty_primary_hdu = True else: # Convert the first HDU to PrimaryHDU hdu_output[0] = fits.PrimaryHDU( hdu_output[0].data, hdu_output[0].header ) hdu_output.update_extend() self.empty_primary_hdu = False self.hdu_output = hdu_output if return_hdu_list: return self.hdu_output
[docs] def save_fits( self, output: str, filename: str, overwrite: bool = False, recreate: bool = True, empty_primary_hdu: bool = True, create_folder: bool = False, ): """ Save the reduced data to disk, with a choice of any combination of the data, see below the 'output' parameters for details. Parameters ---------- output: String Type of data to be saved, the order is fixed (in the order of the following description), but the options are flexible. The input strings are delimited by "+", trace: 2 HDUs Trace, and trace width (pixel) count: 3 HDUs Count, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) weight_map: 1 HDU Weight (pixel) arc_spec: 1 HDU 1D arc spectrum arc_lines: 2 HDUs Arc line position (pixel), and arc line effective position (pixel) wavecal: 1 HDU Polynomial coefficients for wavelength calibration wavelength: 1 HDU Wavelength of each pixel wavelength_resampled: 1 HDU Wavelength of each resampled position count_resampled: 3 HDUs Resampled Count, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) sensitivity: 1 HDU Sensitivity (pixel) flux: 3 HDUs Flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) atm_ext: 1 HDU Atmospheric extinction correction factor flux_atm_ext_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) telluric_profile: 1 HDU Telluric absorption profile flux_telluric_corrected: 3 HDUs Telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction and telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) sensitivity_resampled: 1 HDU Sensitivity (wavelength) flux_resampled: 4 HDUs Flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) atm_ext_resampled: 1 HDU Atmospheric extinction correction factor flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) telluric_profile_resampled: 1 HDU Telluric absorption profile flux_resampled_telluic_corrected: 3 HDUs Telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction and telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) filename: str Filename for the output, all of them will share the same name but will have different extension. overwrite: boolean Default is False. recreate: boolean (Default: False) Set to True to overwrite the FITS data and header. empty_primary_hdu: boolean (Default: True) Set to True to leave the Primary HDU blank (Default: True) create_folder: boolean (Default: False) Create folder if not exist. Use with caution. """ self.create_fits( output, recreate=recreate, empty_primary_hdu=empty_primary_hdu ) # create the director if not exist if create_folder: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) # Save file to disk if os.path.splitext(filename)[-1].lower() in [".fits", ".fit", ".fts"]: self.hdu_output.writeto( filename, overwrite=overwrite, output_verify="fix+ignore" ) else: self.hdu_output.writeto( filename + ".fits", overwrite=overwrite, output_verify="fix+ignore", )
[docs] def save_csv( self, output: str, filename: str, overwrite: bool = False, recreate: bool = True, create_folder: bool = False, ): """ Save the reduced data to disk, with a choice of any combination of the 5 sets of data, see below the 'output' parameters for details. Parameters ---------- output: String Type of data to be saved, the order is fixed (in the order of the following description), but the options are flexible. The input strings are delimited by "+", trace: 2 HDUs Trace, and trace width (pixel) count: 3 HDUs Count, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) weight_map: 1 HDU Weight (pixel) arc_spec: 1 HDU 1D arc spectrum arc_lines: 2 HDUs Arc line position (pixel), and arc line effective position (pixel) wavecal: 1 HDU Polynomial coefficients for wavelength calibration wavelength: 1 HDU Wavelength of each pixel wavelength_resampled: 1 HDU Wavelength of each resampled position count_resampled: 3 HDUs Resampled Count, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) sensitivity: 1 HDU Sensitivity (pixel) flux: 3 HDUs Flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) atm_ext: 1 HDU Atmospheric extinction correction factor flux_atm_ext_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) telluric_profile: 1 HDU Telluric absorption profile flux_telluric_corrected: 3 HDUs Telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) flux_atm_ext_telluric_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction and telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (pixel) sensitivity_resampled: 1 HDU Sensitivity (wavelength) flux_resampled: 4 HDUs Flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) atm_ext_resampled: 1 HDU Atmospheric extinction correction factor flux_resampled_atm_ext_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) telluric_profile_resampled: 1 HDU Telluric absorption profile flux_resampled_telluic_corrected: 3 HDUs Telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) flux_resampled_atm_ext_telluric_corrected: 3 HDUs Atmospheric extinction and telluric corrected flux, uncertainty, and sky (wavelength) filename: String Disk location to be written to. Default is at where the process/subprocess is execuated. overwrite: boolean Default is False. recreate: boolean (Default: False) Set to True to overwrite the FITS data and header. create_folder: boolean (Default: False) Create folder if not exist. Use with caution. """ self.create_fits(output, recreate=recreate, empty_primary_hdu=False) # create the director if not exist if create_folder: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) output_split = output.split("+") start = 0 for output_type in self.hdu_order.keys(): if (output_type in output_split) & self.hdu_content[output_type]:"Exporting {output_type} to CSV.") end = start + self.n_hdu[output_type]"The HDU index is from {start} to {end - 1}.") if output_type != "arc_lines": output_data = np.column_stack( [ for hdu in self.hdu_output[start:end]] ) if overwrite or ( not os.path.exists( filename + "_" + output_type + ".csv" ) ): np.savetxt( filename + "_" + output_type + ".csv", output_data, delimiter=",", header=self.header[output_type], ) else: self.logger.warning( filename + f"_{output_type}.csv cannot be saved to disk. " + "Please check the path and/or set overwrite to " + "True." ) else: output_data_arc_peaks = self.hdu_output[start].data output_data_arc_peaks_refined = self.hdu_output[ start + 1 ].data if overwrite or ( not os.path.exists(filename + "_arc_peaks.csv") ): np.savetxt( f"{filename}_arc_peaks.csv", output_data_arc_peaks, delimiter=",", header=self.header[output_type], ) else: self.logger.warning( f"{filename}_arc_peaks.csv cannot be saved to " + "disk. Please check the path and/or set " + "overwrite to True." ) if overwrite or ( not os.path.exists(filename + "_arc_peaks_refined.csv") ): np.savetxt( filename + "_arc_peaks_refined.csv", output_data_arc_peaks_refined, delimiter=",", header=self.header[output_type], ) else: self.logger.warning( f"{filename}_arc_peaks_refined.csv cannot be " + "saved to disk. Please check the path and/or " + "set overwrite to True." ) start = end"Exported {output_type} to CSV successfully.")